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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I am working on a scrap project, finishing a bunch of skeins that I never rolled into balls. I used 6 skeins today. I used all the yarn I had earmarked for the project, so now I get to go stash-diving to try to find something else that will work.


WTD +14 YTD +28

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here's my score so far for the week...i made the last of the set of 3 dishcloths today and used up 1 skein (+2), then I went to the post office and had a box of 3 skeins I had traded for, so -6. So that leaves a -4...i adjusted my score. Hopefully, will get some more points maybe tomorrow and saturday before the final post...

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Have not been on much and there are many posts to catch up on and I don't think I am going to make it. Don't know what the crocheting will be the rest of the week cause I am very sick and don't even feel like picking up a hook. Now that is something to be shocked about!!!!



... wow, you must be under the weather to not want your :hook... I hope you get to feeling better!:hug

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Have not been on much and there are many posts to catch up on and I don't think I am going to make it. Don't know what the crocheting will be the rest of the week cause I am very sick and don't even feel like picking up a hook. Now that is something to be shocked about!!!!



I hope you feel better soon. Today bought no yarn have been working on a new stitch today called the seed stitch for crocheting it is fun so far though I must admit at first it was hard because it had an indent and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right it turned out I was so yeah for me I learned a new stitch :cheer so now I have to conquer making mittens. At least I didn't add to my stash and didn't subtract from it either so I'll probably have the same score again I guess we will have to see

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Today bought no yarn have been working on a new stitch today called the seed stitch for crocheting it is fun so far though I must admit at first it was hard because it had an indent and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right it turned out I was so yeah for me I learned a new stitch


Ooh, I have been looking at learning that stitch too. It looks really pretty. What are you making with it?

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I'm making a scarf with the pattern looked at the pattern on Crochet Central Pattern and googled in seed stitch in crochet and learned on you tube I searched for something new because I was getting tired of the same stitch for a scarf and really wanted something different

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Have not been on much and there are many posts to catch up on and I don't think I am going to make it. Don't know what the crocheting will be the rest of the week cause I am very sick and don't even feel like picking up a hook. Now that is something to be shocked about!!!!


Feel better soon!!! Your crochet hooks miss you!!!

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Hope you feel better soon dilyca. :hug


Finished one RH skein on a new ghan (+2). Then went out with my Mom yesterday and she insisted I take the yarn she had bought to make a baby ghan for my daughter. She broke her finger and hasn't been able to finish it. Of course I couldn't tell her no. So that's a -8, which bumps me back down to a +3.:( Going to try to get some serious crocheting in today and tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to add back some of those points. :hook

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I really hate it when I have nothing positive, or even, negative to report in WTD. Continued to work along on my VJGC afghan and made my very first dishcloth, a solid (granny) square, for my sister. Never used cotton before. It seems a bit stiff after always using some other kind of yarn (acrylic, mostly). I'll send it off to her (in Virginia) this afternoon.


I am asking her if it suits her. She likes them really small, 6-6 1/2", so it's going to be fun trying to adapt the patterns I've been finding to a much smaller size. I have plans, though, to work on practicing the sc and dc base chains/foundation rows using the tutorials on YouTube, so I can use them as the bases for making some using the cool sitches in my 365 stitches perpetual calendar. I used the "optical" stitch for the Christmas scarf. Really neat effect. But that one doesn't start with a sc or dc row, so I have to look at some of the others for a dishcloth.


I do tend to ramble on...


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -2




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -2


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I hope this message doesn't get lost, but tomorrow is just going to be crazy, packed with things I need to do, so I probably won't be online. I started the week at +2, then today had to buy a skein to finish off a blanket my mom ran out of yarn for and left behind when she went home again after her visit with me, so that means my score became


0, a big fat 0!

LOL Oh well, at least I controlled myself to just buying exactly what I needed and nothing else. What self control! Patty

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Evening everyone! I "gifted" six skeins of yarn today, so that gives me a +12 so far for the week. I'm getting ready to sit and do some crocheting so maybe I can get a few more points before Sunday morning. :hook

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I gave a partial skein of fun fur (leftover from my fluffly scarf I finished the other day) away today. I also returned 3 skeins of yarn to Michael's (finished my shawl and didn't use them) for a refund - Does this mean I can add 7 points to my WTD this week? Usually when I have left over yarn, I put it in my stash....this is like the first time I've returned it to the store! Also, I just had the partial skein in my yarn bag at club this morning and was moved to offer it to someone - this game is addicting!!!!

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Yes Jozzie, you get +7 for gifting and returns, too.


It's a good thing that I already had this in my stash or I would have have won "shoot the moon" award: my ex shipped my yarn to me. I'll have to move it out of the huge box it's in anyways, so I might as well count it as I go.

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I'm not going to be able to post my score any later than this, so here goes:


WTD: +7


(+33 YTD)


I did good!! I went looking for yarn yesterday, for a project my sister wants me to do for her.. But we didn't find any yarn we liked where we were. So I'll save that for later. ;)



AND a question: Let's say I have a lot of skeins where I've used a little of them, but never rolled them into balls. I still get +1 from them, right, not +2?? As long as the lable is off, it's +1, am I correct?? :) Thanks!

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