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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Well, I've been working on my class project, but that's working off a one pound skein. New yarn doesn't count until it comes into the house right? :blushAnyway, this is what I've got:

WTD 0/YTD -76


Now, here's a question; if I cut up plastic bags for plarn or cut fabric into strips to crochet, does that count, and if so, for how much? Got some plastic bag projects and a fabric rug, I need to work on.

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+18 Goldiepel GOLD MEDAL!

+12 pineknott SILVER MEDAL!

+10 basjordan BRONZE MEDAL!


+9 Legalwoman 17

+9 TexasSugar

+6 dilyca2006

+6 lhapsaapsolady

+5 Charlie in Georgia

+5 dragonpuck

+5 Ellie 13

+4 a stitchintime

+4 aphelia

+4 CLLinda

+4 Ladykats

+4 WendySue

+4 zantia6


+3 walker 1021

+2 Jain

+2 jura2908

+2 karishema

+2 Tia

+1 crocheting4mygirls

+1 goofy


0 CraftyWitch

0 mar3185

0 Marzee


-1 DesertCrocheter

-1 fc1123

-8 gbabesmom

-8 KellyA

-10 NeedleArts

-16 darski


-49 appylover SHOOT THE MOON!

Welcome to our new stashbusters: Goldiepel, Charlie in Georgia, and zanthia6:welcome:hi:hug

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Update: My mother bought me the 2 skeins I needed last night. The baby afghan is a commission for a gift for her coworker, so she paid for all of the yarn. But now I am back to 0!

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I think I'm meant to be the bridesmaid and never the bride in this game. I got close to the Shoot the Moon but Beth beats me. Now I get close to the top metals and looks who is up there again. ;)


Congrats to all the winners! I'm excited to be as close to the top of the list as I have been.


I was talking to a friend last night and she has asked me to make an afghan for her future SIL. Guess that means I'm buying more yarn soon. HeHe.

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I've been out of town but I didn't use much yarn. I got 1 ball used up but my Mom bought me 5 skeins at a garage sale so my score starting this week is WTD -9

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I didn't post on friday or saturday as DH and I went down to Atlantic City for the weekend. He has his second treatment of Chemo this coming Friday, and he was/ is nervous about it.

So yesterday, I needed buttons to finish the dress and I am almost finished with the edge on the blanket of the Baby Girl layette. So DD and I went over to AC Moore to look for a couple of Pink Buttons. There is a small section by the yarn, this is bad because the yarn is distracting to me. I do love to pet the yarn So I am standing there searching for the right button and the Store Manager ( a Guy) is trying to help this lady find Red Heart Coffee yarn. Normally most of it is on the main isle but they keep some RH on the back corner wall. I know that the Coffee, Warm Brown and Cafe are back there. And they are looking for Coffee, He starts telling her that there isn't any left on the shelf and he is going to call another store to locate some for her. So I turn to him and asked him if he had checked the back corner shelf because I had seen Coffee Yarn earlier that week, and sure enough it was there. So then another lady comes up to me and asks if I know where is TLC Amore, then another to asked advise on Baby weight yarn. So I directed them to where they keep it, and I glance over to the Manager and see him with his mouth slightly open and just looking at me. So I smiled at him and walked away with 4 new skeins of this chunky pink and magenta yarn I found that was getting discontinued and a homespun white to match. Oh and I sat the buttons I picked out down somewhere and in helping the customers so by the time I put everything on the counter, I noticed they where missing. I look back and the long was very long. Oh well there is always tomorrow. Maybe I will look online for some really cute buttons. At any rate I am at -10 but +4 for the yarn I used over the weekend, so I am starting this week WTD of -6. Oh here is a picture of the layette as I have it so far, Need to finish the edge on Blanket and need to make the jacket.


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busy over the week-end knitting squares for another group, l skein +2,

2 small balls for saltinges for another +2, for a total of +4, off to a good start and still knitting those squares.

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Oh, beautiful, Tracey!


I am not starting off the week well for stashbusting, Mom asked me to go to Joann's to get her some Pounds of Love, because they're on sale this week, and so somehow a skein jumped into my basket and came home with me! -2 and counting, and it's only Monday...



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I'm apparently attempting to shoot the moon two weeks in a row. Does that get me a special award? Or do I get a dunce cap.


I went a little hog wild over the weekend..drat the going out of business sale. I was checking for knitting needles and ended up with 13 more skeins of yarn. Then I realized that I didn't buy enough of the ribbon yarn I needed for the shawls I'm making. So back to the dollar store I went. 9 more balls later I was really in trouble...


I did give 4 skeins away as a gift with a pattern I wrote, and used up 3 skeins over the weekend, so currently I have at -30 WTD for the new week...akk it's only Monday!!


(edited to correct my numbers...bought 9 skeins at dollar store, not 19...whew...I thought that seemed high.)

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That is beautiful Tracey!


My grandmother gave me 3 skeins she found at a thrift store yesterday but I forgot them at her house. So I'm not going to count them yet, haha! They aren't in my stash right!! I started the Amsterdam Coat a couple of days ago so hopefully I will have enough time to crochet this week, that will get me several points by the time it's done. I'm making it with Red Heart Multi in Earth & Sky - it's a really cool brown and blue. I'm hoping I can wash it and soften it up but I loved the color so much I had to use it even though it is Red Heart.

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Tracey, it's beautiful!


Jain, let me know how you like working on the amsterdam coat. I want to make one, but it seems a bit advanced for me. I think it is the most beautiful pattern I've seen! And that yarn is lovely, too. If you use conditioner on it then wash it, it will soften a lot.


I used another skein on my shawl. +2 for my WTD, -19 for my YTD.

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Beth, have you ever made a Doris Chan clothing design before? A lot of her top down construction starts out about the same way. You make a U shaped piece (the neck) and increase at four corners to shape the shoulders. I'm only on row 7 but it seems very simple so far. If you know how to do foundation single crochet you should be good. So far it's all shells made with double crochet and chaining.


The thing about Doris Chan patterns is you just have to do exactly what it says even if it doesn't look like it would be right. At first it will look really odd but when you get to the join under the arms you will say "Oh! That's what I was doing!" and it will all make sense. I am completely addicted to her patterns now, I love them. This will be my fourth Doris Chan jacket! You should give it a try, it would be fun to be working on the same thing!


Edit: Here's a picture of it so far: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3403/3608787170_0323831808_b.jpg

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