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Does anyone do this?

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About a month ago I was waiting on someone at work and as I was handing him his change he handed me a crocheted little stocking with a mini candy cane in it. Just out of the blue, he handed it to me with a smile. Has anyone ever done anything like that? I was thinking of doing something like that "annonamously" since I get nervous easily, lol. Maybe leave alittle something in a restroom with a poem or something like that. I know my idea sounds a bit silly, but it is such a nice, thoughtful and sweet thing to do. And I enjoyed recieving what he gave me.

Any suggestions?

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:cheerI was in the Foodhall at our local mall and ahead of me was a young man who was getting a set meal which included a drink.

He asked if he could pay an extra dollar and have a different drink.

The person behind the counter said, that was fine so the young man started fishing about for the extra dollar but did not quite have enough.

I knew I had a $1 coin in my purse so I dug it out and handed it to him and said, "My shout"

He was reluctant to accept but I said that it made me feel like Oprah and he would spoil my good deed if he did not accept.

The look on his face was well worth $1.

I had seen him earlier with his young wife and beautiful baby and remembered the days when I did not have an extra dollar.


Forget being embarassed and go for it, you will feel so good you will want to do it again and again.


Remember the saying, "What goes around comes around" well it works for good things as well.


Have fun.


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When I was working in a local pharmacy a gentleman was buying a package of my favorite cookies and I made a comment about how good they are.. he opened the package right there and handed me a cookie. It really made my night.


Another time while I was working in an office, I had stopped at walmart on my way home to grab a few things, when I got out of the car I noticed an elderly lady waiting in the car parked next to mine. After I was done shopping and went back to my car she was still waiting in the car. It happened to be secretary appreciation week and our boss got us all flowers, I took the flowers from my front seat and tapped on her window. She reluctantly rolled it down and I handed her the bouquet, she wanted to give me money for them. I told her that her smile was my payment. I thought she was going to cry. I went home with a smile on my face too. That moment was worth way more than a bouquet of flowers.


So yeah, I agree with Aggie May... go for it! It will make you feel warm & cozy inside. ;)

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It's fun to do stuff like that. However, I wouldn't pick up anything that was in a bathroom...


I completely agree! I think maybe leaving it on a table in a restaurant.. or in the seat of a shopping cart at the store... something like that...

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i would totally do something like that people are always way to busy to have anyone be nice to them.


My son and i were in the mall the other day and he actually chased a man down the mall because he dropped five dollars on the ground . When he returned it to he man the look onhis face was enough.

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I think its very loving to make people feel they are worthy just because they are here on earth with us. I make sm. bears and just leave them where ever I am. Library, post office, grocery store etc.. I have a little poem that is put in with them in a baggie. I don't hang around to see who finds them. Try it! make little hearts, animals a million ideas. Just do it!

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I frequently will pay for the order of the car behind me in the drive thru at breakfast time. I figure it is a good way to make someones day start off correctly. The ladies at the drive thru are used to me by now and told me that one day when I started the chain they had 9 customers in a row do the same thing. That was so cool to know it passed on. My son's girlfriend has tried it also and says it is fun to see the expression on the drive thru person's face. :yay

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I think it is very nice:angel to "pay it forward" and do a kindness or a good deed for someone just because!

Why not use the coming holidays as a reason for handing out warm hats or scarves:wgrin to strangers (I'm thinking the needy or homeless people) Just give it to them with a smile and a "Happy holidays to you!"

Just recently I was at the American Embassy here in Morocco, and the marines (who guard it) were giving out candy canes:candycane to all the American kids (they do this EVERY holiday season)......my kids loved it..... there are rarely candy canes in Morocco. If anyone questions you just say that you are trying to spread around a little holiday cheer! Don't be afraid or embarassed to be nice!:)

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That would be nice, but i wouldn't leave it in a restroom, cause most people don't really like getting things from restrooms as they may seem unsanitary xD


EDIT: to the first poster lol

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What a delightful and inspiring thing to do. Maybe during the holidays give out little crocheted ornaments like these little bells or holly and berries (or this candy cane holder). Perhaps you could leave bookmarks at the library...


Thank you for bringing this up; what a nice way to spread kindness! :hug

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When I shop at Aldis during the holidays, I give my cart to someone in the parking lot so they don't have to fish out a quarter of their own. Even though you get the quarter back when you return the cart sometimes I know I just don't have a "hard" quarter in my purse to use. You'd be surprised at the look of surprise on people"s faces when I do this.

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sometimes "giving" can be as simple as holding the door for someone w/ their arms full (or not full, done that also). I started doing things like that after someone in front of me once nearly SLAMMED the door in my face (they saw me).


I have been working on little ornaments to give to my customers in a gift bag for the holidays (they'd just be happy w/ the g/c but i like to include the homemade gift to make it more "homey").


when I used to do on-site chair massages at a friends store before it closed, on occassions, I'd offer free massages to folks if I knew they were stressed and low on cash or sometimes just cuz i felt they really needed 1.


i've pd for homeless folks at fast food rests. when they were short. given change/cash to help cover the bill of person in front of me at grocery stores when short. given candy to kids (w/ parents permission of course). SHOOT! even given doggy treats to a dog in a car outside my office (again, w/ owners permission first).


Such little things can so affect another person and brighten their day. and when you give away w/ your heart, the love grows stronger (like a candle light, it doesnt get smaller when you share it but stronger and brighter).



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I actually had someone pay for my coffee at Starbucks once through the drive-thru because they felt they had cut me off on the freeway. I though that was very sweet of them, particularly since getting cut off in Houston is hardly an uncommon thing.


I always try to hold the door for people and I always ask the sales people how they are doing. It is amazing how asking such a simple question can really seem to make some people's days as well as always saying please and thank you. I guess a lot of people these days just don't care. I find that any little kindness is always appreciated.

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Yesterday we took a baby gift to an acquaintance. He was so shocked to even see us as he had been transferred 45 minutes away from our home. He didn't even want to wait until he got home to share the gift with his wife ... HE OPENED IT RIGHT THERE AND THEN, he got on the phone and called the office that we rent our cars from. He's paying for our next rental! We told him he didn't have to do that, but he said we didn't have to do what we had done. He added that no one had ever done anything like that for him nor his family.

My husband always opens and/or holds the door for ladies. If I'm out by myself I always hold them for elderly folks and mommies or daddies with little ones.

Helping the homeless is a cause with us.

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Our first year of marriage we were struggling so bad we never knew how we were going to make it one week to the next. I had, had six surgeries in that year alone and it totally nailed us. Well my dad had picked me up and said ok lets go, nothing new my parents always would get me out just to go so I didn't think anything of it. Dad to took me to his work place at the time, we walked in the door and there was at least 100 people in there with boxes and boxes of food when they told us it was for my family, I just bawled and boy did I bawl. It was such an amazing feeling knowing that people honestly cared and that there were good people out there. It was just so overwhelming but in a good way.


We both grew from that experience, and every chance we get we do the pay it forward kind of thing which is also an amazing feeling.


I say go for it!

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The weekend after my husband and I got married we were in a restaurant eating breakfast and a gentleman there paid for our meal. So now when we have friends who get married we try to take them out to breakfast and tell them the story in hopes that they will pass along the kind deed.

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I keep intending to tuck something little in my purse...have a few bookmarks that would fit. I've been inspired by this thread, and several others here, on similar topics. It is such a loving thing to do. Now...when I get off this forum, I'm going to quick tuck a little something in my purse for "next time" before I forget. (Last spring/summer I had a few tiny crocheted angels in my purse that I gave away (the "guardian angel pin", also found in the guardian angel square--that was on CPC last I checked) randomly and anonymously. Don't know why I stopped.

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Funny that this sort of thread was just started. A few days ago I seen this guitarist playing outside. I've seen him before. He's a nice man and plays beautiful music. He's usually outside one of the malls and he freezes his butt off.


So I went and bought yarn and I'm making him some fingerless gloves. Next time I see him I'm going to give them to him as a X-mas present to keep his hands warm.


Glad to see I am not the only one who will make and give a complete stranger gifts! :)



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When we first moved to a small place in PA, we were taking a break on our front porch when a young man from across the street walked over and introduced himself. He lived with his parents and as the conversation went on mentioned that it was his mother's birthday tomorrow, and since his step dad was unemployed they would not be partying at all. He asked if we would like to come over and meet them?

I agreed and made a cake with a small present and brought it over the next evening.

His mom and I have been best friends for 8 years now.

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I've been crocheting potholders as gifts for years. In fact some people remember me as the "potholder lady." I've given them to cashiers, waitresses, medical workers and anyone who could use a special thank you. This year I made 20 sets for the nurses and staff at the kidney dialysis center, where my huband spends three mornings a week, getting treatments. I always carry some in my crochet bag and give them to strangers who are curious about what I'm crocheting. I enjoying giving them out as much as they enjoy getting them ....... it works both ways!

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