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Cats and Yarn

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Do you have cats that love yarn as much as you do? :cat:yarn


I can sit down on my couch and pull out my crochet hook and I look up and our female cat is sitting there with one paw on my skein of yarn! Needless to say, I hadn't seen her do anything but sleep and stretch in the sunshine for the last 5 hours, but somehow from the other room, she heard me get out my hook and open my yarn bag! She's my little yarn shadow. If I glance away, I find a trail of yarn leading through the house and find her under the diningroom table with that 'look' of oh, you want to play with me! Our male cat, her brother, would rather play with a toy, but nooooooooooo, not her! :yarn


Sometimes it's a losing battle :2nonoand I end up putting it away. Other times, she'll just play 'I'm touching your yarn' for a few minutes and then curl up on the couch beside me. It doesn't matter if I give her, her own ball of yarn to play with, she would rather take mine! But, I must admit in all honesty, it is very cute! :yes

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I loved your story! We have three cats, and if I'm crocheting small parts, like for toys, if I'm not careful Hank will take them and put them in his water dish. This is where all of his toys end up eventually, and of course, anything of mine is his :-)


Usually I laugh, but mostly I try to head him off before my work gets soaked! Beth

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Both my cats love yarn, whether it is in skein form or the finished product. My male loves to jump in my lap while I am crocheting and promptly lie down on my project, and my female likes to chase the yarn or lie beside me while I crochet. Both of them love to flex on afghans too. I think yarn and cats just sort of go together.

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years ago ,we had a cat that as soon as she heard the sewing machine going,she had to sit on my lap,not much done sewing wise with her there.I had to close her out of the room if I wanted to get stuff done,I could turn a deaf ear to her pleas to be let in,but my hubby would feel pity for her and open the door,she never bothered with the yarn.

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My dog brought me a skein of fun fur earlier today. He was shaking it and wanted me to play with him. Of course I took it away and gave him a toy! I'm still not sure where he found it! :lol :dog


My cats don't come running when I get the yarn out, but the dog LOVES banana, and if I try to sneak a banana, he comes dashing into the room. As soon as I start tearing a banana off the bunch, he's right there begging for banana. I try to be as quiet as I can, but he hears me from across the house! Silly dog!

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I have 3 cats and they are all related...The mother cat Beana, she is the only one that likes the yarn. I wake up almost everyday and find 1 or 2 yarn cakes on my bedroom floor. She actually goes into my craft room and takes them off the shelf.....We call her the yarn snatcher :lol

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I have a dog who likes to play with my yarn! She hasn't completely tangled anything up, but she bats it around and chews on it! It's pretty cute, but then the yarn is all wet and slobbery! lol I'll have to get a picture sometime!

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Because of her (Jasmine) little paws always in my yarn, and since I leave my current wip in the living room where it is easy for me to pick it up and work on it, I put my yarn in a tote that I had my DH divide into nine dividers - for separate skein/ball colors. It has a lid that snaps down to lock so she can't get into it during the night, bless her little heart. Once my project gets too big to fit into one of the dividers, I fold it on top of the lid with the yarn ends tucked inside so she doesn't grab them.

After finding pieces of yarn in the litter box, I have always picked up even her ball of yarn at night so she won't swallow any and cause medical problems down the road.

With the male cat, Dominick, I can't leave any plastic out, like bags, package coverings, cellophane, you name it, he eats it!

The other stories are all so cute, too! :yes

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Sophie actually prefers the hooks. When I'm using a hook, she tries to grab it and chew on it. Sometimes I'll poke it up through a blanket and she'll go nuts. As a result, some of my hooks have teeth marks - and they aren't mine! :)

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With the male cat, Dominick, I can't leave any plastic out, like bags, package coverings, cellophane, you name it, he eats it!


My male cat is the same way. He's nicknamed "Chewy." He once chewed through a plastic cat food container. He also chews on picnic tables. :D

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I have four "boys" and they all love the yarn! My oldest one, Oscar is funny tho...when he gets on my lap he wants my undivided attention. If I happen to be crocheting (which I usually am) he will grab my hand in his 2 front paws and hold on for dear life! Let me tell you....he is strong! The others love when I drop yarn! Last night I was working on a scarf and the yarn fell off my lap to the floor. I didn't know my little guy Charlie was sitting right there so I just kept crocheting and all the sudden I get to this wet sloppy part of the yarn! I look down and there's Charlie looking all innocent! They crack me up!

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I have 2 kitties and I was always blaming the younger one when I would wake up and find yarn strewn all over the house. Recently I caught the older one in the act so I guess they both love it. I was packing up the balls in a tote bag over night to keep them out of sight but one of them found my hiding place and just went into the bag and got what she wanted. Eventually the yarn ends up going thru the water dish and in the litter box. The litter box is in the basement so the yarn goes from the living room, to the kitchen, to my office, down the stairs, and lands at the litter box. Yuck! Now I put them in a cabinet behind a door. Nobody has found my hiding place yet. :lol

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THe kitten got into my project bag a couple of nights ago and tangled everything up. he shouldn't have been able to get to it since I put it by my bed overnight and he's not allowed in my room at night. (He likes to climb into the baby's bed and wake her up) But mu older gorl cam in for snuggles and left the door open. Overall though the baby is more of a danger to the yarn because I usually have both close to me and she does pretty much the same thing as the cat.

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Squeaks used to chase the balls when they fell onto floor, but now that I have a winder, he doesn't bother the cakes on my desk. He doesn't go on furniture except for my dining room chair to nap in the sun and the foot of the bed to keep warm at night. He is a big boy and has no interest in anything up here.

But don't put anything on the floor, that is his territory and if it is on the floor he figures it is fair game and his.

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Pepper (kitty) loves it when she sees me sit down and pull a blanket over myself, with knitting needles or a hook in hand. She often will come over and want in my lap for cuddles. I think it's because I don't typically get up when I'm knitting or crocheting, so she gets lots of uninterrupted nap time that's warmer than not being in a lap!


I have to watch until she goes to sleep tho as I've gotten the occasional soggy yarn bit, or worse yet a new end! After she's asleep tho, the only problem she causes me is that she looks so peaceful that I'm hard pressed to get up to go use the facilities! :lol

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I get the biggest crack up out of our cat midnight you can buy all sorts of cat toys, cat nip etc she wont touch them wont have anything to do with them. Shes pretty laid back but if I work on my afghan she wants to play tug of war with the yarn. Its gotten worse hubby will tell her "moms crocheting go get it" and sure enough there she is. I never would of thought our most calm cat would be our biggest kid. Abigail on the other hand is a total spaz when it comes to toys, but has no interest in the yarn what so ever.


I've enjoyed reading the cat stories too funny!

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I've enjoyed reading this thread. We have 5 cats and only 'my' 2 girls(ie i belong to them) even bother my yarn. Callie likes to bat at the yarn between the skein and my project. Mudball, our youngest girl, will grab the yarn and run yanking my project from my hands or chews the yarn apart between the project and the skein.

And in all honesty Harmony(our 8 month old daughter) is worse than the cats ( I have pictures of her with yarn 'necklaces'). It took me two hours last night to untangle a mess she gleefully and droolingly made. :D

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my cat doesn't play with my yarn, but, he thinks any wips are his to lay on.... i have started keeping my projects in various sized zip lock bags since so much of my work is for preemies or ill babies.... can't take any chances of dander being in anything even tho i wash it really well first

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My cats are somewhat interested but would rather lay on my project. While crocheting at my friend's house I noticed her 2 Siamese were not that interested in my yarn but were chewing her's to pieces every chance they got. I was using acrylic and she was using wool! Who knew cats have a taste for real wool?


However, I often come home to a pile of yarn-barf done by one of the dogs!

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I kid you not....

I cannot leave yarn out at night!

you should see them when I break out the yarn ball winder :lol


:rofl :rofl Oh Erin that is hilarious! :lol


My cats have been given their own yarn to play with and they pretty much stay outta mine :yes

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my 5 :cats are always in the yarn they find it no matter where it is! I left my sewing machine out the other day while I went to buy thread and fabric for the curtians I was sewing for my sister;s new apt. When I got home one of the :cat's had pawed the thread I had on the machine and had it all over the house :eek I guess that was my punishment for leaving it unattended for 1/2 an hour!

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My 3 indoor cats are generally pretty good around my yarn. Mostly they like to nap on WIP's.


My indoor / outdoor cat is another matter. I found her this morning sleeping draped over a large trash bag that's filled with yarn. I noticed the bag is punctured all over. And there she was, all comfy, as if she had her own beanbag bed. And she looked so innocent, the way they always do.

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