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I'm banned from buying...

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Any more crochet stuff. Dh was on his high horse about my "Stuff growing" and that I can't buy any more crochet stuff; yarn, books, hooks, etc.


So I will just have to stop at least for a while. But, I do have quite a stash and probably enough to last until he lightens up on me.


But it's ok that he goes golfing, and camping. Actually, I like it when they go camping with the Boyscouts. I get a quiet house.:)



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Sorry to hear you are on a stash budget, but it sounds good that you have plenty of stash. Luckily, Mark never says a word about what I buy. He is one of those guys that is fascinated with everything I make. He even toted around a gallon sized bag of scrunchies at work and at the firehouse, football practice etc. and he sold the whole bag! I asked him how in the world he sold them at football practice? And he just said that high school boys have mom's and girlfriends and for a dollar they can get some brownie points! Works for me:D


Here's to hoping you'll be off your yarn diet soon!:hug

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haha, oh husbands....

my parents are the same way...my mom is the crafty type of person that when some new trendy thing comes out thats homemade she goes nutzo on product, ie she hasn't touched her beading in a while...cardmaking is WAY old...and her knitting is kinda been light lately even. I gave her my how to crochet book, so I know she went and got some hooks lol. Shes also started quilting now that she has some grandkids. ect ect. My husband just rolls his eyes when I wanna go into a craft store. Hope your stash lasts ya =)

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I too am on a yarn embargo... but it's not so bad, my stash was pretty out of control, so even though it's been a couple months, I'm still no where near the "need" to buy more, I just WANT to, :rofl


Stay strong,



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O.K. all of you who are not allowed to buy more :yarn and have a big stash, start by joining the Stash Busting CAL. Put your stash to work, don't just let it hang around. That should make everyone happy. Then you'll get to buy more stuff :devil.

Ellie 13

P.S. think of all the money you'll save :D.

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OMG! :rofl:rofl:haha:laughroll:haha:rofl:rofl:rofl

I just said the same thing!



LOL! Then tell him..."no, this is my knitting stuff, honey..."

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My DH is the same way. Although my stash has dwindled down to a small tote size,I havent bought any yarn for a while.But if I am working on something and I run out of yarn, he is always the one to say "Thats OK we'll just go get you more". He is very supportive, I think he just likes to give me a hard time. Must be a man thing,LOL.

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I am the one who is always saying "you have too much of x you need to get rid of it" or "you waste money on that crap don't buy anymore". He buys comic books, collectible cards, role playing books to name a few things. He never says a thing when I buy yarn, sometimes rolls his eyes if he says "what's that for?" and I say "not sure yet".


If he ever told me I couldn't buy more then I would turn and say "mine fits in the closet assigned to it, can you say the same?"


Now if he organized and thinned out his stuff...then he MIGHT get away with saying something.

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i am sorry to hear that you have been cut off...but i know exactly how you feel about the dh leaving home to camp. my dh is a scout master and every month i ask him "when did you say your camping trip is this month" i love the time alone. i really love when they leave for a week in the summer to go to camp.. hang in there and maybe he will forget in awhile..or you will just have to buy 1 at a time and just bring it in and put it up not to draw attention to it.

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I'm sorry you are on a yarn diet. Hopefully it passes quickly. I would start crocheting up a storm so you really run low then he'll have to let you get more.


Luckily my dh doesn't say anything about mine. We both try to keep our hobbies in moderation and as long as I'm not cluttering up the house he's not bothered by it. Right now I'm trying to dwindle my stash down because its gotten to the point of bugging me there is so much of it! Who knew that could happen huh?

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Well, personally, my DH can't tell me what to do, I don't tell him and he doesn't tell me. He has his hobbies, etc and I have mine, I have about 1/2 a bedroom full of yarn, thread, patterns and he has a garage... I really don't think it is fair (as long as you aren't putting yourselves in financial bind) for one person to curtail another.... Now if you don't have the money that is another story...JMHO

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My husband never says anything. (The only thing he has ever complained about is my books. I think he got tired of carrying boxes of them to the attic. With money tight, I have been using the library more and giving books to my daughter to sell at used book stores for me.) Of course, he knows that telling me I can't do something will make me do it out of spite. Unfortunately, I have put myself on a craft diet until our financial situation improves.

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I had JUST posted in another thread recently about my DH. If he ever tells me I can't buy more yarn, you all will know it. I'm sure I'll be the topic of a Dateline 'Story of the Week'.....the woman who strangled her DH with her yarn stash :lol

DH is one of those men who go gung-ho into a hobby, buys tons of stuff for it, then gets bored within a week or two. For example, around $1000 worth of pieces and parts and junk for his RC model airplane phase, which lasted maybe 2-3 weeks.

SO, the day he tells me I can't buy a couple skeins of yarn?! :tryme :tryme

It will NOT be pretty!!

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I had JUST posted in another thread recently about my DH. If he ever tells me I can't buy more yarn, you all will know it. I'm sure I'll be the topic of a Dateline 'Story of the Week'.....the woman who strangled her DH with her yarn stash :lol

DH is one of those men who go gung-ho into a hobby, buys tons of stuff for it, then gets bored within a week or two. For example, around $1000 worth of pieces and parts and junk for his RC model airplane phase, which lasted maybe 2-3 weeks.

SO, the day he tells me I can't buy a couple skeins of yarn?! :tryme :tryme

It will NOT be pretty!!


I share those feelings! Dh is a hunter and gun collector. So he better not start talking about my buying because it would take A LOT of yarn to equal the cost of some of his toys...$7000 four wheeler...couple skeins of yarn...hmm:hook

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