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Get rid of your UFO's playing the WIP of Fortune game!


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No spinning the wheel for me this week. I'm busy working on a ghan for a christening in a couple weeks, as well as getting everything ready for my sisters wedding shower in a couple of weeks. I'll also be working way too much since it prep time for the big sale that starts next week. Way too much going on...

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I'll probaby be working on my graph ghan for most of the day so I can get all caught up. Then I'll spin over to the ripple. Hmmm...I might need to find some more WIPs My stack of cards is getting low. :yes

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Oh my goodness!! I just counted up my WIPs and I have 29. I cannot believe I have 29 projects, sitting around in bags, in different stages of completion. :eek


I even took a look at my WIMs to see if there was something I could add to make it a nice round 30. :lol I've gotten them all written down on index cards now I need to go hunt up the bags and get a grip on how far along I am with each of them.


29 WIPs...that could take awhile. I'll post my list once I get that information written down. :blush

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I just counted up my cards and unless I overlooked a project I'm down to 4 that I can actually work on. The rest is my friendship squares and the baby blanket that I'm waiting on the border for. Hmmm...Well I got a few ideas but I'll go ahead and wait till at least one more WIP is finished. I know I have at least one that's pretty close. And another that will be pretty close soon.

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I went to three yarn stores today. Last store is Joanne's which is south of San Francisco - a long drive for me! I found out that RHSS don't carry two colors that I use in a WIP. :eek So I decide to change plans on the WIP and select 6 new colors (TLC yarns). :yes It's for the diagonal blanket which is 50% done. It's part of my wheel list. It switches places with shadow knit potholder in the list.


Shadow knitting potholder will be my challenge this week. :) It's because I didn't start the 2nd at all. I will write up the notes while I knit it... An hour will be great.


Donna, you are my heroine. :nworthy

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Last night I did another row on the pet ghan and now today Im finishing off the footy pillow. That will be 2 projects finished in the last week and a half which is great. I counted my projects and I still have 7 wips to do and that doesnt include the Koala saltine ghan Im going to do for the games. I need to try and get a few more finished I think.

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Well, I got my progress assessed on my WIPs but it has flat wore me out. I have no energy left for typing out a list but since I've got my cards ready I'm going to go ahead and spin the wheel and commit to doing at least one row on my Redskins filet.

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I finished the body section of the cowl halter. I only have to do the neckband and edging on it. :D


I also spin over to xmas panel blanket. And I finished 2nd panel tonight! :applause All I have to do is a panel then sew three panels and do the border.


Tomorrow I spin to multi layer scarf. As things will be busy for few days, I will stick to halter and this scarf. Hopefully by Thursday, things will slow down enough for me to do the challenge.

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K - I'm going to use the test filet I'm doing as the one hour a day challenge here.

...although the last time I sat down for an entire hour straight I believe I was on a tranquilizer:lol


I need to focus on this (now on row 58 out of 113), so I'm going to try it....

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I finished my fireman bear for the June charity blitz. I set the goal of one so I finished it but I may try to do another one later in the month they weren't too bad. :D


I've got my row a day done too so now I'm going to spin and see what I get to work on next :lol

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I did my challenge yesterday on the graph. I spent about two hours on it without getting up. I watched all my mediums we were behind on while I did it.


Well I'm not a strong as I should be. I started another project. It's a secret one that I'll work on a little every day. I need to have it done by the beginning of July which is why I went ahead and started it.

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