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thrift store find

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a whole wopping $5!

i was walking thru my local thrift store and found this beauty! holy heck, they sure were wasteful in the 70's. this box is HUGE! talk about waste. it's almost 3 feet tall.


sure, it's ugly 70's colors, but i make pet shelter snuggle beds so this yarn will be perfect.


i just love everything about this! hahah :yay





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a friend of my mom and dad's made a ripple for me right after i got married (1977) that looked so similar to this. it came from a kit. and i remember him (yes, him, he learned how during WWII as part of physical therapy from an injury) saying that there wasn't really enough yarn. i wish i still had it because he has long since died. the colors aren't really that different from some of the fall colors that we have now.


i would have bought it too. way to go.

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i've been going to thrift stores for years to find cool vintage goodies and i hardly ever find yarn. and if i do, they have some rediculous pricing on it, i'm talking almost as high as a good sale price. sorry, i'm not buying old yarn when i can get the new stuff for the same price!


so when I saw $5 on this, i nearly fainted. hahahha!

i don't mind winding yarn. with a winder, it's really fast. and i do it watching TV.


i like the colors too. when i said "ugly" i meant "cool funky". i usually refer to 60's and 70's stuff as "ugly" but, for me, that's a good thing. hahah.

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