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2008 Stashbusting CAL Game (winners posted #1835)


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Finished my pounder on the Bottom Up Pineapple Shawl class = +2

Wound three partial skeins into balls = +3

Finished last skein of Project Linus Babyghan + 2

Bought two pounders in yellow (I needed a springlike color to brighten out gloomy, grey, rainy weather -- I want SPRING!) = -4

Total for the week = +3


Determined to really try to complete several WIP that were hidden for the Christmas visiting relatives. They just don't understand the bagsssssssssss of yarn around my recliner! Now to find the tote that I stashed it all in!

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Today I haven't been able to touch my yarn, but I DID manage to get in and out of AC Moore without spending money on yarn YAY for me... I exchanged 2 skeins for different colors - so thats technically a wash right??? PLEEZ correct me if I'm wrong. Had a change of plans after that unhappy knitting episode the other day:lol Picked up a Q hook for a WIM - very excited :yay:yay oh--got a nasty flat tire leaving the parking lot too, but at least I already had my yarn LOL

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Classes have started=no spare crocheting time, so no change to score. I am slowly working on my sister's afghan sqaures, but pounders take forever to use.

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a skein and a partial skein used... +3. AND.. I discovered I didn't need to buy yarn to finish my project...I just exchanged some skeins I already had for the right color.. woohoo.


I'm still patiently waiting on my ebay buyer to send me a MO... then I'll have more to add to my weekly score.. but not gonna count them until the money is here and the yarn out the door.

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I think I may be ending another week in the negatives. The project I bought cotton for definitely won't use all of it, plus I need to go to Michael's to get some of the yarn they ran out of, otherwise I'll forget completely. I think I may try a wonder ball-type deal with all my leftover cotton and either have a really awesome tea cosy or a super-cool washcloth. :)

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Got two partial skeins used up last night, +2

and I forsee them beging used up before the end of the week!


Positives here I come! :cheer


as long as there isn't a yarn aisle in sight :blush

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Had a lime sized ball of cotton just sitting there last night and I was just going to whip out another of my scrubbies and get it used up. Got is all stitched up and still have a golf ball sized ball. ACK! If I had NEEDED a certain amount I wouldn't have had enough, but since I am TRYING to use it up, I can't get it to go away.


In other news, my DS got into one of my other small balls and was playing with it. As a result it is so tangled up that I had to throw it away so I am counting that as +1.



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i'm with ya on that one no matter what I do I don't seem to finish anything


Ditto! Must be the "watched pot never boils" thing....when I WANT to use up yarn it just doesn't happen, but when I think I have enough to finish something I come up short. Go figure.



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:lol I feel so bad that I haven't even touched a hook all week. Been too tired or too distracted. Oh well, since I haven't gone shopping either, that'll mean a 0 for the week. I can handle that.
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Ditto! Must be the "watched pot never boils" thing....when I WANT to use up yarn it just doesn't happen, but when I think I have enough to finish something I come up short. Go figure.



I think that is what is going on here. Yarn is very sneaky. I constantly don't have enough to finish a project that I want for myself, but if I have a project that is focused on the stash busting part of it of course there is a megaton of it..

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I think that is what is going on here. Yarn is very sneaky. I constantly don't have enough to finish a project that I want for myself, but if I have a project that is focused on the stash busting part of it of course there is a megaton of it..


Oh good! You find this too.:yay Then I am not crazy :loco


Well I may be crazy but you can't prove it by this :rofl

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