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Are you bi-crafty?

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I tried knitting a year ago and didn't do too bad, but it took way more concentration than crocheting. I started again this year and it's much better, although I can't do that much yet.

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I mainly crochet. I learned when I was 4 and my grandma taught me. I have a book in edits, but once that is through, I plan to get one of those "learn to knit" kits and try my hand at that. Don't know that I'll be much good at it, but I want to try nonetheless. I also do some embroidery and plastic canvas.

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I do both and several other needle arts as well (well I did for years but the old bod is fighting me on this now)


I learned crochet at around 6 (heading to 7) and learned to knit at 10. I find them equally easy to do and to explore :dreaming but crochet is much quicker.

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My sister taught me to knit when I was 12 and then when I was in my late 20's my friend and neighbor taught me to crochet. I like to crochet more than knit, it is easier to correct a mistake in crochet and I have to rip out and start over if I am knitting and make a mistake, That is why I got a knitting machine for those things I just have to knit.

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When I was a teenager (I'm 50 now) I tried knitting before I learned crocheting. I didn't quite get the hang of knitting but crocheting was easier for ME. Wish I knew how to do both. Hey, maybe that will be a plan for 2008!

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I crochet mostly, but once in a while will pick up knitting needles and try to make something. I have yet to finish a project though. I learned to knit about 15 years ago in an adult education class. The farthest I've gotten with a project was to finish the back and 3/4 of the front of a sweater. I was pretty proud of it too. It called for color changes in the pattern and it wasn't looking too shabby. Until my boys needed some yarn to tie to a stick to make a "fishin' pole". They cut the project loose on me! :2eek That was the end of the sweater for me! Boys are great! :lol

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I do both.

My grandma attempted to teach me to knit when I was young...didn't have the patience for it. Had her re-teach me in the beginning of 2006. Taught myself to crochet that summer.

Both are easy for me, crocheting just goes faster so I have a few more crocheted fo's than knit. Also if I need a quick gift I crochet it:hook

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I tried to learn to knit, but was unable to do it. My stitches are way too tight.

The material comes out stiff. So I gave up. It's just a waste of time for me to

spend time on something if I can't get the hang of it pretty quickly.

I do, however, have another hobby I love and that's tolepainting.

I paint on mostly wooden objects, but other surfaces as well.

I'm going to try some gourd painting, and jars.

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I guess I'm Bi-Crafty-Curious:lol I am learning to crochet, and dabble in loom knitting, and I want to pursue needle knitting one of these days. I tired earlier in the year, and didn't see much progress, so I stuck with the looms and worked harder at crochet...it's all good:crocheting

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Bi-Crafty!!! lol if you look that up in the dictionary you'll see my picture! I crochet, knit, cross stitch, embroidery, pottery, stained glass, oil paint, water color and acrylic paint, sew,and origami, you name it I've tried or or will lol

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I knit and crochet. Taught myself how to knit first, about 3 years ago or so. Then almost a year to the day I started knitting I decided to try my hand at crochet again and was successfully able to pick it up. It's like I had to learn one in order to learn the other. I'd say I do both fairly equally and enjoy them both greatly.


On a side note, I've been beading and making jewelry for years and I like to dabble in paper crafts, rubber stamping and embossing ... though slower learning than I'd like, because of everything else I do.


And I love to bake. Is anyone else a prolific crafter and baker as well?

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For the moment, I am strictly a crochet person, but I would like to change that sometime in the near future. I definitely want to learn how to knit, if for no other reason than to broaden my horizons a bit. I love crochet too much to ever abandon it for knitting, but I will admit that there are some knitting patterns that I would like to be able to do. Besides, if I learn how to knit, then I have yet ANOTHER reason to enlarge my stash! :lol



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I both knit and crochet. learning to knit one winter to probably keep me out of trouble as a child. I learned to crochet as an adult one night shift when it was quiet in a care home. I drove the person I worked with batty trying to figure crochet out. I got it after a few weeks and haven`t looked back.

I also sew and cross stitch. I knit toys rather strange things like knitted shrimps and knitted ferrets. But tend to stick to crocheting blankets. In my spare time i make ferret bedding for sancturies sewing them up on my machine.

It depends what mood I am in. I will be sat in my car this morning crocheting before work sat near a lake having some me time. OH JOY xx

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I learned how to knit as a child, but I don't knit. I'm extremely slow at it, and it would take me from now to the end of Eternity to make a sweater.


I learned how to crochet in my 20's and have been doing it ever since. I love to crochet.

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I have been both knitting and crocheting for a least 35 years.I taught myself how to crochet from a book.

Thread crochet is my favourite. Irish crochet is my number one.

I also enjoy Aran knitting.I always have a knitting and a crochet project going at the same time.

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I knit and crochet. I have been crocheting longer, since about 8 years old (I'm 44 now). I learned to knit after my mother died 7 years ago. I took all her supplies and took a class. I found knitting to be as easy as crocheting. Knit socks are much nicer than crocheted socks....in my opinion! I also dabble in cross stitch, and stained glass.

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I crochet, knit, quilt, sew, do cross stitch, needlework, felt kits with the sequins, tole-painting, plastic canvas and floral arranging.


I also do general crafts and home decorating.



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I've been crocheting forever and only knitting for a couple years now. I think the first one you learn is the easiest because that's the one you get "used" to... so learning the other one seems more complicated. At least that's the way it has been for me. Unfortunately I never seem to find the time to further my beginning knitting. I want to be proficient at both someday!

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I can knit, crochet, do plastic canvas, and cross stitch.


I learned plastic canvas and cross stitch YEARS ago, but don't do it very often at all.


I learned to knit (thanks to the internet) about 2 1/2 years ago and to crochet about 1 1/2 years ago (again, from the internet).


I enjoy doing both knit and crochet. There are certain things that I prefer to knit (dishcloths, socks, clothing) and other things I prefer to crochet (afghans, scarves, baby clothes). I don't love one more than the other, but crochet is easier on my hands.

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I started knitting at about age 10, back when the Earth was young. My mom insisted on teaching me to crochet when I was in high school. It took me a long time to catch on, but am I glad I stuck with it! I've knitted sweaters, scarves, of course, and slippers, but my first love is crochet. I prefer to knit with novelty yarns because it's easier to see the stitches.

I've made one doll-size quilt and one teddy bear. I've also done cross stitch, needlepoint, a little beading and a little painting and a little rubber stamping. Sounds like Multiple Crafting Personality Syndrome! (I refuse to call it a Disorder.)

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