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The state of Amigurumi addiction

What is the state of the Amigurumi Addiction?  

92 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the state of the Amigurumi Addiction?

    • Yes, yes, yes! Keep 'em coming! I love every one of them
    • Well, I guess a few more wouldn't hurt
    • Please, been there; done that - time to move on
    • No, no, no! If I Never see another one it will be 50 years too soon

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I find myself wondering about what is happening with the amigurumi Freight Train experience. it seems to me that it has about reached a glut on the market but it is hard to say... some still seem to be loving every "new thing" that comes along. In the recent Crochet Heresy thread, some people said that they cannot stand the stuff.


Just curious and taking the pulse of the people on this one...

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I think some are adorable, some aren't. Just like with almost every project type I've seen. It may be the construction, color choice or figure choice that makes it or breaks it for me. Just like with any project. I'm pretty neutral, but can still appreciate a cute one. I have no tallent really for making them, so I don't plan on trying many more...

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I think most of them are cute, they make great gifts and are very easy to work up. Just like other projects some should stay personal or in your own mind. :lol

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I like most of them, as long as they fit a classic japanese pop culture look, but some of them, in my opinion are not cute at all. I won't mention any in particular in case the person who created them reads this.

But for me, the ones Mia does fits my image of the japanese 'kawaii' look.

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I'm kind of on the fence between liking them and disliking them. I haven't made any yet but I think they look like the kind of gift you can whip up in a hurry for just about anyone since they're so cute. The only thing that kind of bugs me about them is that they seem to be becoming the Pokemon of the crafting world.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I'm kind of on the fence between liking them and disliking them. I haven't made any yet but I think they look like the kind of gift you can whip up in a hurry for just about anyone since they're so cute. The only thing that kind of bugs me about them is that they seem to be becoming the Pokemon of the crafting world.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K


the benefit to it being crochet is there is no set price on stuff.. kwim since it's a basic spiral and sc you can create anything you want without a pattern. so in that respect I have to say I love it.

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I'm making a stack to go to a Scifi convention in spring... I'm making things to fit the theme of the con (Pirates) as well as the usual SF type themes.


Chuthulus, a Dagon or two, and some PiRATs (rats with pirate hats, and eye patches, earrings etc...)...


I'm still unpacking from my move so I don't have anything new to show yet.


Crafters MIGHT have had enough of them, but other audiences haven't discovered them yet....

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I never really thought much about it either way. I wasn't chomping at the bit to get into the craze, but I could see how people would get addicted.


Of course now that I've tried one of Mia's patterns, I am a goner for all of her patterns. I did the snowflake girl and she's just soo stinkin' cute!! I have a feeling I will be trying out all of her in the new year!!!!

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I voted, I guess a few more wouldn't hurt. I've seen a few cute amis...but Ithink my faves aren't truly amis at all (Big eyes, big head, Japanese style) but more like miniature stuffed things made with yarn. I saved a cute penguin to make eventually (Ithink a LB pattern, I forget off the top of my head) and I have a few mini teddy bear patterns I saved...one day I'll get caught up and whip them up. But that's about it. I'm not remotely addicted, though I've seen a few cute ones show up here on the ville.

just my :2c

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Nah...June. I don't think so. I don't like most crocheted stuffies (there are cute ones, I admit, but in general...not my thing), and I despise the sewing them together part. And yet, I've bought two of your patterns, and made two ferrets and two guinea pigs (I'll have to show them soon--they just need eyes), with one more ferret half finished. If someone like me buys your patterns...you will stay in business. :yes

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I voted a few more couldn't hurt. Basically, I'm not a fan of most of them, Mia's are adorable and a few others have been cute, but for the most part, not what I want to spend my time on.

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I voted, I guess a few more wouldn't hurt. I've seen a few cute amis...but Ithink my faves aren't truly amis at all (Big eyes, big head, Japanese style) but more like miniature stuffed things made with yarn. I saved a cute penguin to make eventually (Ithink a LB pattern, I forget off the top of my head) and I have a few mini teddy bear patterns I saved...one day I'll get caught up and whip them up. But that's about it. I'm not remotely addicted, though I've seen a few cute ones show up here on the ville.

just my :2c


I completely agree with you. The actual Japanese style amis I'm not all that crazy about. Maybe what I like isn't amigurumi at all, but just crocheted stuffed toys. The ones from June (PlanetJune) are just wonderful, as are the ones from Wibit (tree frog, meerkats, pomeranian, to name a few). Mia's are just adorable as well, her snowflake girl is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I don't think it's anything that I will ever get heavily into, but I have learned to never say never. The fact that we all like different things is what makes life so interesting though, and as long as someone enjoys making what they are making, that's really all that counts! :)



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I've often wondered when I see all the topic headings that we have here at the Ville why there is not one just for the Ami's. There are so many postings I think they deserve their own spot. Just my opinion of course. I have only ever made one and it did not turn out right,I might try again someday but I have too much on my plate right now. :D

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I'm tired of hearing the WORD amigurumi because many people have no idea what it means and crochet/knit a toy and then call it an amigurumi and that bugs me to death! In my opinion, not every toy/doll/animal is an ami! I have crocheted dolls and animals, but I have not crocheted an ami! Heck, I don't even know how to correctly SAY amigurumi!

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