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Hook inheritance

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I know I've posted before in various threads about my Gram's ongoing adventures with her health. She's fading fast now. Last weekend she moved from her apartment into the health services wing where she lives. Mentaly, she's at peace, but her body just won't quit yet. (I'm not complaining about that, I want to keep her as long as possible, hopefully thorugh the holidays when my brother comes home for a visit...)

Anyhow, yesterday DH and I went down to MD to help my mom sort/clean out her apartment. It was an exhausting day and it doesn't feel like we got very far. (Mom says Gram is a squirrell... and I believe she's right!)


One of the things I brought home with me was a little red pouch filled with crochet hooks. I vividly remember the pouch from when I was a child and she would work on projects. I remember her teaching me how to chain, sc and dc. She promised me that it gets easier after the first row of sc, and she's right, it does.


Here is the wonderful treasure that she's given me, the tangable 'things' that go with a love of crafting and yarn work. (She did lots of needle point and macrame as well as crochet, she even knitted me an outfit once, and only once.)



I'm not sure what the green hook/needle is and I have no idea why only one knitting needle is here. (She probably lost the other one... as organized as we both are...) There are mostly boye, a few bates and a handful of "Hero" brand. I love the price on the unopened Bates hook... $0.69! There are even a few thread hooks. I never remember her working with thread, but I guess she did a few things at any rate. I will think of her every time I pick up one of these hooks or actualy, any time I make a single stitch. I'm really going to miss her!

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Isn't it great! My grandma used her copper bottomed pans for 50 years. I never remember her not having them ~ and she gave them to me. I've been using them for 12 years or so now. I love having them, and the memories.

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Thanks. I was pretty sure the green one was an afghan hook. I've never learned that one, so maybe now that I have a hook, I'll give it a try. There's even a plastic size 7, that elusive size to find! I have all of her hooks in the little red pouch and that's where they'll stay, except when in use. Mine have a case of their own.

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Something to treasure and to enjoy. Something to remember your Gram's by. Something to pass down to your son or daughter.

I still have the knitting needles my Mom used. My sister got her hooks. We both have something like this tha we treasure.:hug

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Isn't great to have such wonderful memories to hold on to. I also have one of my Yia Yia hooks(grandmother in Greek) and I cherish it:manyheart It's been well used even some of the coloring on the hook is off where pressure was put on the hook all of the years this hook has been used. It's a pink Susan Bates.


ps. I call Susan Bates "girls" hooks and of course I call the Boye hooks "Boy" hooks. I know, I know a little goofy humor only a Crocheter would understand!:hook:manyheart:hook

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I doubt Gram did broomstick lace, but then again, I didn't think she did thread either, and I've got thread hooks in the pouch. I'm thinking the knitting needle is half of the pair she had for her one and only ever knitting project, a dress for me as a baby.

I really am blessed to have had her for so long in my life and that she shared such creative things with me. (Mom's creative and a great photographer, but never did get into crochet...)

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Oh how sweet, you are so lucky to have tools with such meaning! And yes the hook/needle is an afghan hook! From the picture it looks like I have the same one, so if you figure out how to use it let me know! I must have bought it for something in the last 15 years, but darned if I know what for.

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What a wonderful gift. My sister asked for my Grandma's hooks and didn't even crochet at the time. I asked her for them and she told me no I couldn't have them she might learn how to some day. Well she is learning and I have helped her with it. I think I will ask her to trade me one of Grandma's hook for one of mine then she will have one of mine for sure. Your story makes me want to ask her again.

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Thanks everyone. Marlene, I hope you can convince your sister to trade you at least one of the hooks. Just having them means so much to me. (I'm lucky in the fact that Mom's an only child and doesn't crochet and I only have a brother who isn't very crafty...)

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