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crochet by sight vs touch

So, how do you crochet?  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. So, how do you crochet?

    • I have to watch every stitch of the way
    • I nearly always go by touch once I know my pattern
    • A little of both, depending on the yarn and pattern

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I have always been in awe of people who can crochet while talking and keeping eye contact a good part of the time with someone or while watching TV. Myself, I have to watch what I'm doing, I just can't crochet "by touch".

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As I get older, I've discovered that I can't divide my attention like I used to. If the pattern's a fairly straight forward pattern (all sc's or dc's in a row type of thing) than yeah I can WATCH tv and crochet...I can carry on a conversation...but straight out by touch, nah...my head's down, and especially now that I'm tackling more difficult patterns, I have to pay more attention to the work at hand.


I listen to tv more than I watch it...I can do that...


And it's the same with trying to crochet around people other than my DH. I want to focus on the person I'm with if we're visiting...

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If the pattern is really easy with all the same stitch, I can do a lot of it by touch while watching tv or carrying on a conversation. The more difficult the pattern, though, I need to see where to place my hook into each stitch, but can then complete the stitch sometimes without looking. Now, if I have to count stitches, I usually will be looking the whole time. :hook

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well my eyesight is failing and i love to crochet so I am experimenting with not looking to see if i wil be able to crochet as my sight diminishes. So most of the time I try to "feel" the stitches with my hand but I do also have to look at intricate designs. hopefully the sight will be around for a good long time but as a diabetic I know my days are numbered so Until then I practice.

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I do both depending on the pattern. I have been known to just crochet by touch and not look down...I've had people look at me funny when I've been in the library waiting for my daughter at story time. A few people have even asked me how I can do it. I have no idea "how"...if it's an easy pattern, I can do it. Besides I've learned that I can get neck pain, if my head keeps down for a long time.:eek

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I said a little bit of both. If it is a pattern I have made over and over, then I don't need to look at all. If it is a pattern that has a lot of counting or one I have never done, then I have my nose in that pattern. :hook

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Once I get the hang of it it's pretty easy to not look for the most part. If it's something like singe crochet the whole way I get messed up sometimes, but if it's like a cluster or triple crochet it's easy for me to not look. I'm making a poncho right now that's a cluster of three triples in between spaces, so it's really easy for me not to look because I fan feel it out.

I guess I'm one of the 'talented' ones LOL My friend just asked me this yesterday at church! lol She was amazed too LOL


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I've actually practiced crocheting with my eyes closed. Did that for years.


Which really came in handy when I had my "little" vision problem in my left eye last year. When I wasnt challenging myself by learning how to knit (while half blind) I was crocheting a poncho, in dark purple yarn, with my lights in my room turned off (light was very annoying when I first got the vision problem)


My eye is almost all better now, so I have the lights on more often, but I no longer have to have lights blaring to crochet or knit. I can do more in dim light than I used to be able to.

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I have always been in awe of people who can crochet while talking and keeping eye contact a good part of the time with someone or while watching TV. Myself, I have to watch what I'm doing, I just can't crochet "by touch".


I don't watch TV when I crochet; I hear TV.

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I crochet mainly with thread and usually a filet pattern so have to really watch to make sure I am on pattern, but if I am doing something with yarn like a afghan that is allthe same pattern, I can crochet without watching what I am doing... So I voted for a little of both...

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it depends on what I'm doing and what yarn, the RR I'm making is the umm well I don't know what number one I've done but I've got the pattern so well memorized I go mostly by feel on it

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Just this weekend, I noticed that I was able to watch more football than just listen. I was doing lots of hdc's and dc's so I could do parts of each stitch without looking. I'm not confident enough yet to not look. I'd be very upset if I missed a loop and had to frog anything.

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Basic single or double crochet, I can do by touch, but patterns make me look at them most of the time. Knitting (I can only do one basic stitch so far) I have to look at all the time, which makes a crick in my neck. I love to download audiobooks free online and listen to them while I knit or crochet. :)

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A bit of both for me. It depends on the pattern: what types of stitches, how familiar I am with the pattern.


I can watch TV or talk to a friend and only look down every few stitches, if it's a simple pattern. If it's one that I have to keep a constant count on, no way. Thankfully, my friends are used to this - although I do hear "You're not going to get this movie if you're not watching it" sometimes. Ummm...I have ears too, ya know. :D

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Sometimes I try to stitch without looking, but I'm usually working on too many things at once to get comfortable enough to not look. I listen to the tv and keep up no problem, although I have gone through an entire show without knowing what a character looked like!

I can't crochet and carry on a conversation. If I was counting, I have to get to an even number (like a multiple of ten) and repeat the number in my head while I talk, then go back to work! (I never have a pen handy.)

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