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Spring Flower Garden Purse

fuzzy ferret

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Here is my version of the Flower Garden Purse from E-Patternscentral.com


This was for my swap partner Naida for The Crochet Club's Spring Swap.


This bag was very very easy to make and I just love it! The only thing I hated was the lining and thats only because I cant sew worth a lick.


Front side




Back Side



Inside View



Handle View





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That is so cute.


You know how I do my linings? I sew them with a zigzag stitch, so it's both functional and decorative and if I mess up a little, it doesn't show as much.


I'm actually a pretty good sewer, but my machine doesn't handle sewing over crochet very well, and I can't hand-stitch worth a plugged nickel (well, I can, but I don't have the patience for it).


Anyway....I love the purse and I think I might make one for myself. I've been toying with the idea and yours is just too cute!

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Oh MY!!!! That is sooooooooooooo wonderful! Spring has strung! I truely love that purse. I am going straight to e-central to purchase the pattern! Thanks so much for sharing!

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