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Yarn stash vs. yarn hoarding

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Is there really any difference? I've become kind of fiber-addicted lately, looking for yarn every time I go out shopping.

I've even come up with an idea for taking a day trip to Port Huron on my birthday so I can go shopping at Mary Maxim (25% off everything that day) and Hobby Lobby (since there isn't one near where I live).

At what point is it a problem? Sometimes I think people must think I'm crazy, not the least of all being my husband.


I guess my question is this.... how much is too much?



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never too much. :)


I suppose too much would be if you couldnt pay your bills or if Niecy Nash showed up at your house to talk to you about your yarn foolishness.. :lol

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I suppose too much would be if you couldnt pay your bills or if Niecy Nash showed up at your house to talk to you about your yarn foolishness.. :lol


:eek oh, I totally agree... :yes I think her showing up is a sure sign that you have a serious problem!!! :hook

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I'll probably never have enough yarn!! Or how about when you buy it & then don't want to use it because if you do then it will be gone. I find myself thinking I'll make this or that but then Oh MY it will be gone. I question this way of thinking sometimes!!:yes

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Yarn stash = yarn bought for projects that haven't been started yet, leftovers from other projects and yarn that's been given to you


Yarn addiction = buying yarn you probably will never use, just to have it, buying yarn just b/c it's a "good buy" or "on sale" (yeah, b/c yarn never goes on sale again - I have to tell myself that all the time), hoarding yarn - i.e. buying it, looking at it but never making anything out of it.


I try to only buy yarn I have a project for, or buy "staple" yarn, in basic colors, that can be adapted for many projects.


I will not buy yarn because it's:


on sale


I like the colors

I don't have anything in my basket and feel like I should buy *something*

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I am really bad about buying stuff because it's either

a)on sale


c)there is a possibility that some day I might use it

d) just because


D is my favorite and is a right example of why I have a closet full of yarn....which is right across the hall from the closet that is full of fabric. And these aren't small closets and neither are they the sum total of my stash.


I don't consider it a hoard, because I am just as likely to use the stuff in there as I am to go buy new stuff. Of course, when I use the stuff in my stash, I have to go out and buy something to replace what I've used. Hmm, there might be a term for this sort of compulsion. :)


*this behavior goes for not only yarn, but fabric, books, beads and plants. I be sick. They should lock me up....with my stash, lol.

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Hoarding? That term is only used by those who gravely misinterpret the value of crochet as an art form, a ministry, a stress reliever...I could go on. Hoarding you say? I prefer to think of it as doing my utmost to be prepared for any emergency crochet situation with the best possible supplies I can lay in...it's my duty and I take that yarn shopping seriously. My husband just walked by and said "bull pucky!":devil 20 years of training that man and I still get the backtalk!:no

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You can never have too much yarn IMO.

I buy yarn because I like the colors or it is pretty or it is on sale. I buy all my yarn knowing I will make a blanket with it some day. I have a huge stash of yarn and I am always buying more.

My dh says it is a cheap habit. :hook

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My husband just walked by and said "bull pucky!":devil 20 years of training that man and I still get the backtalk!:no


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I agree with what she said! :P

Hopefully most of my stuff is stash, not hoarding... I know there are a few things in my posession I have no idea what I'd ever do with it.....



Yarn stash = yarn bought for projects that haven't been started yet, leftovers from other projects and yarn that's been given to you


Yarn addiction = buying yarn you probably will never use, just to have it, buying yarn just b/c it's a "good buy" or "on sale" (yeah, b/c yarn never goes on sale again - I have to tell myself that all the time), hoarding yarn - i.e. buying it, looking at it but never making anything out of it.


I try to only buy yarn I have a project for, or buy "staple" yarn, in basic colors, that can be adapted for many projects.


I will not buy yarn because it's:


on sale


I like the colors

I don't have anything in my basket and feel like I should buy *something*

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There's no such thing as too much yarn, we eventually get around to using it.

Wise, wise words :nworthy


I also like that term (from Tiga) "staple" yarn. It is important to have the basic colors at all times...like sugar, flour...can't wait to use that on my husband.

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Um, no such thing as too much. NEVER! Well, maybe if you are served divorce papers because of the inability to stop buying yarn, but aside from that, I'd say hoarding is a perfectly acceptable behavior.


Now you do need to know this is coming from a woman who told her husband that if we ever build a house we must build one with a room specifically to hold my yarn.... so not sure how objective my opinion is. :rofl



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I can see it being hoarding if it's taking over the house...for example if you can't invite anyone inside your home because there is no where for them to sit except on top of your stash. :lol


Or if the bank send a letter that they are holding your yarn stash hostage until the mortgage pmt is made. :P


Otherwise, if you're still crocheting, yarn usually gets rotated out.


Edit: That said, I try to keep mine under 100 skeins/balls because there are 5 of us & the other 4 need places to keep their clothes. LOL! J/K...but I keep mine to my craft cabinet plus a 3 tray bin.

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I don't think you can have too much yarn. Unless, you can't pay your bills because you spent the money on yarn first. I don't think its a problem even if the yarn takes over the house as long as you (and your significant other, if you have one) doesn't care. My husband doesn't like it if I leave even one skein of yarn out. So I've become very creative at where I stash my yarn. I remember reading posts here at the 'ville about how some women stash their yarn in their kitchen cupboards.

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Now you do need to know this is coming from a woman who told her husband that if we ever build a house we must build one with a room specifically to hold my yarn


A seperate room for yarn???:drool

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Exactly - if the yarn NEVER gets turned into stuff - hoarding.

If it's gonna be something one day - stash.


And, the rate of outflow from stash versus inflow should be equal or greater, ideally. Lol...

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