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Daughter's First Project


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My darling 8yo daughter has caught the crochet bug!! I tried to teach her last year but she didn't get it. Two days ago, she grabbed my yarn and a hook, and went into another room saying she knew what to do. I found her close to tears with the yarn just wrapped around the hook ("I've watched you mom, and this is what you do..."). A few kleenexes and 20 minutes later and she was chaining up a storm. By the end of the evening, she had made two really long chains. The next morning, I had her make one more and we braided them into a headband. Then, when we were at Michaels, she requested her own hook. Look how proud she is!



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Awwwwwww, that's great! My 8 yr old learned to crochet last week too. She made a long, very long chain. then she figured out how to make a little blanket for a toy mouse. This past weekend she made something for her doll. It's great to see her so happy crocheting!! I can undertand how proud you are about your daughter crocheting. My 13 yr old just learned since christmas, and she's really good at it too. I feel like I've accomplished something, by passing the art on to the next generation!! Now my 13 yr old taught my dil how to crochet the other day!!


I like the idea of braiding the 3 chains, I just might have my daughter (8 yr old) do that. She'd love to make a headband. Thanks for the idea.


Is she making anything else yet? Watch out for your yarn stash!!lol...........................Lise

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i dont have a daughter so i never had to worry about anyone borrowing my clothes or shoes...but to get into my yarn stash, that would just be not any fun at all...but i have to admit i am just a wee bit jealous of you being able to pass on something that brings so much joy...

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What a beautiful headband, it looks lovely on her! :cheer I know she is going to have fun learning new stitches. What a great way for you two to share some special times and memories.

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Awh! That's a sweet story, Shawnee! My grandaughter is 5 and wants to learn. I told her I'd teach her to crochet when she's 6. I hope that's not too young for her to start. I guess I can at least show her the basics and how to hold the yarn and hook (the hardest part in my opinion) She'll be 6 in about a month :)

Mary Jane

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My nice will be 6 in April. Her mom has already started teaching her. I'm not sure if it was a stall tactic or not, but when they were getting ready to leave my house Sunday, my niece asked if she could crochet. She's getting good at chains. I'm sure before long we'll have her crocheting circles around us... (funny thing is, I didn't know until recently that her mom crochets.... I've known her 16 years and is my best friend... hehe... go figure!)

I'm glad your daughter is enjoying it. She'll have lots of fun with it. My gram taught me when I was around 7 or so. Played with it for a bit and then abandoned it until I was about 25 or so.

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She did great! What a beautiful daughter you have.She looks so happy holding her own hook like she can't wait to make something else. I wish the girls would get some interest in crocheting . Instead they can't wait till i make them something else . (which i love too. :D) The only kid i have that is interested in learning is my 10 yr old son. He's my crafty one so far. Loves origami (which i havent tried )

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So cute!!


You know...I learned to crochet when I was about 8, my mom taught me. I did it for a few months and quickly moved on to something else....but I picked it back up again last year (when I was 21) and now I'm completely addicted!! If she hadn't taught me I doubt I would have picked it back up!

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Thank you for so many nice comments. My little one is just eating them up!!! :applause


I learned how to crochet from mom at about this age, crocheted off and on in adulthood and picked it up with a passion again last year at age 40. It's very special to me now that my mom has passed away. My only regret is that at the time she died (almost 10 years ago now), I hadn't started crocheting again yet so gave away her stash but at least was smart enough to keep her hooks. "G" was her fav'.


Anyway, this daughter is my youngest and I'm so glad she wanted to learn and is enjoying herself. :bounce Her big sister teased her saying she's a mini-Mom now. Jealous, I'm sure ...:yes



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That is the sweetest thing!!! I teach kids crochet at JoAnns and I love it when they get so excited and what to learn to crochet. If you have a Joanns nearby, we are teaching crochet at kids camp this summer. She would love to make a cute purse!!!! Good job mom!!!!:cheer :cheer

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