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The LYS of your dreams...:-)

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Alright, folks! I keep seeing posts about LYSes and what you'd do if you were running that store. Well, here's my question for ya to get things rollin':


If you had your own Yarn shop,

...what would you call it?

...how would you have it set up?

...what kinds of fibers would you have available?

...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet?

...what other supplies would you stock?

...what kinds of classes would you offer?

...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"?


Here's your chance!! Let's hear it! I'll answer my own questions here in a little bit...I gotta get a little girl dressed for the day! :lol

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Let's see...if I had my own shop...


...what would you call it?


The Complete Yarn


...how would you have it set up?


Not sure.


...what kinds of fibers would you have available?


ALL kinds...not just the high end ones. I'm tired of either having to drive all the way to other towns to get cheaper yarns or shopping in my own backyard and having only expensive yarn available.


...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet?


Definitely multi-craft-friendly (and no snotty, squashing comments about crochet--I'd hire a bouncer to toss anyone out on their ear who breaks this rule :lol ).


...what other supplies would you stock?


The usual -- hooks, needles, gadgets, pattern books, etc.


...what kinds of classes would you offer?


Any type of yarn work...definitely BETTER crochet classes than are offered now in my area. It always seems that the knitting classes work on really cool stuff, while the crochet classes just teach the basics, or how to crochet a change purse, if you're lucky.


...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"? Friendly salespeople.

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i am still thinking of all the answers but i do know it would be all crafts, i don't want to single anyone out, i know how fustrating is not to be able to get what you want...

how about birthday parties for young and old as a way to draw people in????

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...what would you call it?

Crochet and more

...how would you have it set up?

Yarn, thread, hooks and knitting needles in the front.

Beads, sequins in the middle,

All other craft in the back

...what kinds of fibers would you have available?

I would try to have a mixture of all fibers for the different taste and pocketbook.


...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet?

I would try for mulit, but mostly crochet and knitting.

...what other supplies would you stock?

Patterns, patterns and more pattersn

beads, sequins, embelishments for all crafts, dolls, bears flowers


...what kinds of classes would you offer?

crocheting with all fibers and knitting also for all genders

classes for children


...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"?

I would try to make it a craft friendly store with people who are good at different crafts to help everyone with their paticular craft.:hook

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Awesome questions




What would I call it?

I don't know...something cute and catchy...spindle top? Tangled Knots? Yarns R Us?


Oh...I would set it up like the Barns and Noble of Yarn stores. Two rooms in the back for classes. Yarns along the wall. Notions By the register, Books in the middle with comfy chairs to sit in so you can look through the books or sit and chat while you crochet or knit or spin.


I would stock everything from the high end to the more economic yarns and I would not exclude any yarn craft. I don't think I would do sewing though.


I would offer all kinds of classes: Crochet, knit, spinning (drop and wheel)


I would also do demonstrations. LIke a felting dimemstration, tating. and Of course I would hae a coffee pot and a tea pot in there. LOL I would also try to make it family friendly. I have been in craft stores where if you come in with kids, they follow you around. LOL


There that is all I can think of right now.

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...what would you call it?

I have a couple rolling around in my head

1. The Hook and Needle

2. A Great Yarn


Or..."The Yellow House"


I know the perfect little house that is in the heart of our little downtown. Just a cottage that has been a gift store and minature house supplier for years called "The Yellow House". Yes it is painted a bright sunny yellow with white gingerbread trim. The gift store is going out of business not because of sales (it's a very popular place here) but because the widow who owns it is ready to retire after 37 years. She tried selling but found no buyers. Oh how I would have given my right arm (:think wait a min. I need that to crochet with) to be able to buy her out and then add Yarn.


...how would you have it set up?

Aside from the yarn I would make sure I had Comfy chairs so people would drop in and sit and decide on patterns and fibers or even sit and do a little work and chat. I would also serve coffee and tea. I would have a childerns play area with a tot table and chairs and little rocking chairs with books and BIG P and Q hooks with fat yarn for them to play with. (way to build future customer base ;) )


...what kinds of fibers would you have available?

Well since a small LYS really can't compete with big box store prices I would try to have a diversified product line to cater to a broad range of clients. So Cashmere to as cheap as I could afford to carry. (we have a LYS that does carry Red Heart but they have to charge almost double what the bigs stores charge because their buying discount is based on volume, so they don't sell much of it)


...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet?

Why would I become a Crochet Snob????? Of course I would try to have as many of the fiber arts as my little space would afford.


...what other supplies would you stock?

Notions that I have a hard time finding. Again can't compete with the big stores but I do find I have to search the internet to find "hard to come by items"


...what kinds of classes would you offer?

Crochet, knitting, needlepoint, that new punch piont rug making


...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"?


I think I would treat it as a gift store as well. Letting crafters make and display items for sell. So not only would I be a materials supplier but also a finished good supplier. I would deffinately allow business cards of crafters to be given out to the finished retail crowd.


Another thing I have thought about is to make it internet friendly. Allowing people who might not be comfortable purchasing over the internet to use me as a purchasing liaison (for a handeling fee of course)

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OOooh! I love this question! I've actually given this a lot of serious thought.


...what would you call it?

"The Wheelbarrow"

and I would have a little "tag line" under the name of the shop, saying "... where you can cart away all the craft supplies you want!"

The inspiration for that came from my last name - Barrow - and the fact that my great-aunt sent me a check as a wedding present with the name "Mr & Mrs Wheelbarrow" after I tried to explain what my new last name was (I told her "Barrow - you know, like 'Wheelbarrow,' only without the 'wheel.'):lol

...how would you have it set up?

A couch and/or comfy chairs in the very front of the store. Yarns and knitting and crochet supplies next. Cross-stitch, latch-hook, cardmaking, scrapbooking, plastic canvas, and quilting supplies in the middle and back. Gotta promote those fiber arts! :lol

...what kinds of fibers would you have available?

ALL kinds! Especially the "good but cheap" yarns from the U.S. I'd contact companies like Red Heart and Caron so that I could be an official supplier here in the UK.

...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet?

Definitely multi-craft friendly!!! :yes

...what other supplies would you stock?

Hooks and needles, patterns, kits, and stuff for the other crafts I mentioned above.

...what kinds of classes would you offer?

All kinds, as long as I could get someone to teach the other crafts. I could do the crochet classes myself, but I don't know enough about the other crafts to actually teach a class on them.

...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"?

Me and my fiber obsession/excitement! :lol Seriously, though, I would welcome all crafty people, regardless of what craft that is! With the comfy seats up front, people of all crafts would be welcome to have a seat and craft away. And if someone were to walk by and see people having fun, then they'd want to come in and have a look around. After all, they're going to want to see what kind of place will have people wanting to stay even after their purchases are made.


I'd probably have a coffee/tea/hot chocolate machine in there somewhere as well. After all, if you're going to sit and craft away, you're going to probably want something to drink, too, right? :D


Oh yeah - and one more thing. If someone were to come in and want something I didn't have, I would be willing to try and order it for them from somewhere. I'd have signs up saying, "If we don't have what you need, ask at the register. We'll do our best to get you what you need for your chosen craft."


Gotta give people "warm fuzzies" to make them want to come back again!

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Oh I like Poisonapple's idea: A Barns & Noble look a like. Comfy section in the middle with chairs, tables and books. Coffee anyone?

hmm....I have to think about this - answers I mean.

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If I open a store it wouldn't be just yarn, it'd have to accomondate all my fiber type hobbies since I'd be buying supplies out of my own place for stuff I can't get anywhere except out of town or off the net :-)


I'd need a workroom big enough for me to play in at all hours :-) With cable television :-) Idealy, I'd have my appartment in the back with a fenced in yard for my cats :-)


As far as comfortable chairs, I wouldn't get them too comfortable or you'll end up with people who camp out in your store all day and take up your time with chit-chat and never buy anything .


No stairs - I hate the one quilt shop because of all the narrow doors and stairs everywhere. Even when I am walking good and don't need a walker or wheel chair, I'm always worried about tripping or falling - some stairs are steep, some are really short, all are a hazzard because the place is so dark inside. I realize they grandfathered in and didn't have to update for ADA, but if you're not up to doing stairs, you can't enjoy browsing the fabrics. It wouldn't cost all that much to put in plywood ramps. And good lighting - I hate buying stuff in the dark like it's an adult book store or something. I've seen one elderly lady with a keychain flashlight trying to see what she's looking at.


If walmart still has yarn I'd go with similar but not the same since I can't beat their price. I'd carry some expensive stuff, but primarily low to mid range (this is not a wealthy area of the state). If I can't afford $100 for a knitting bag, I'm sure most of this town can't either :-)

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If you had your own Yarn shop,


...what would you call it? I'd probably call it "Erin's Yarn Stash" or something like that.


...how would you have it set up? Two levels, with a nice glassed-in elevator for handicap access (glassed in so that people couldnt use the elevator to shoplift)


...what kinds of fibers would you have available? The cheap stuff and the expensive stuff.


...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet? I'd be crochet and knitting friendly


...what other supplies would you stock? I'd also have stuff for the needlepointers, and quilters and seamstresses. I'd have a whole section dedicated to fabric and sewing and quilting patterns. I'd even try to offer sewing machines and sergers...and of course I'd have each craft have their own section of the store, with patterns and examples of different projects all over the place.


...what kinds of classes would you offer? All kinds, as long as I could get good teachers to teach the classes.


...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"? I dont think I'd have a coffee shop. I dont want to have to deal with people spilling their double mocha soy latte's all over my inventory. I might be willing to consider having a snack bar/play area for kids, but would not allow any food or liquids out of that area. (I'd probably have a nice glass wall so people can keep an eye on their kids, and it would hopefully keep the kids safe from anyone trying to sneak them out under their parents noses. Might even offer security tags for the kids to wear on their wrists so that if anyone tries to wander out or someone tries to take them out, an alarm will sound)

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I am not about to start a store.....

But I would love to find a friendly store that had nice chairs and a welcoming atmosphere - maybe even encourage a craft club (crocheters especially) meeting where people could work together and share their work... not necessarily for sale but I would not exclude that.


One of the nicest things about this forum is the ability to see what you all have created. But sometimes.... ok, often, I would love to see it in person, and sometimes even touch it...

Anyone know of a place like that near Baltimore, MD?

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...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"? I dont think I'd have a coffee shop. I dont want to have to deal with people spilling their double mocha soy latte's all over my inventory. I might be willing to consider having a snack bar/play area for kids, but would not allow any food or liquids out of that area. (I'd probably have a nice glass wall so people can keep an eye on their kids, and it would hopefully keep the kids safe from anyone trying to sneak them out under their parents noses. Might even offer security tags for the kids to wear on their wrists so that if anyone tries to wander out or someone tries to take them out, an alarm will sound)



this reminds me of when i visited my first lys last weekend and this car pulls in next to us and it was a mother and her 4 maybe 5 year old daughter and a smallish dog. the mother gets out of her car, leaves the car running with the daughter in it and goes the enterance to the store. when she gets to the door she looks back at the car and goes back and shuts the car off but leaves the keys in the car and proceeds into the store. now i was not there very long,but she left after i did. i just did not get it. i won't let my 7 year old alone in the car even if i just have to pay for gas, which i usually swipe the card, but to leave her in the car with the keys in it while i shop is just -------. you fill in the blanks!

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I would call my wool shop "the secret stasher wool shop". There would be colour co-ordinated wool bright nice colours crochet hooks all over and knitting needles in one corner to be got out if someone asked.

All crafters would be welcome but would gush more over people who crochet make them feel welcome. would dish out coffee and ask them what they were making.

There would be daily crochet meetings and one or two knitting ones. I would sit surrounded by wool smiling and understand the fellow stashers out there. I would have a wall of shame of peoples stashes and present prizes to the most colour co-ordinated stash once a month by giving out nice wool.

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If you had your own Yarn shop,

...what would you call it?

...how would you have it set up?

...what kinds of fibers would you have available?

...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet?

...what other supplies would you stock?

...what kinds of classes would you offer?

...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"?


"Spin a Good Yarn"


Probably most needlecraft (crochet, knit, yarns, embroidery). Not hook rugs. No scrapbooking.


Probably a little "local items" section where local crafters can sell their goods, and I'd take a commission.


Lots of the same yarns like Hobby Lobby plus a few of the more expensive silks or alpaca. Basically, enough variety that people can shop there for expensive items and cheap items. Embroidery floss. Patterns for knit, crochet, cross stitch.


Nice sitting area with a big rug and table. TV with the volume turned down real low. I know some people don't like TV, but I think those stores that are absolutely quiet are intimidating. I want it to be more homey and cozy and make people want to stay around.


I don't know that I'd do coffee, because I think the smell permeates yarn, but maybe some hot teas that are allowed in the sitting area, some snacks for people to purchase, hot chocolate.


A few classes on some nights. Like a knit class and a crochet class one time a week for people to work on a project. Not necessarily the same project, but one that they want to do and might want help on.


Obviously, it would help to go around and check out some other stores and see what you like and dislike about them. My main thing is it being super quiet. I hate that. Layout wise, I'd have lots of split bookshelves with yarn on them, a little book section (or maybe a little mini-library for the locals). Sitting section would be off to the side, away from the windows and away from the register. Close enough to the front to be seen, yet near enough to the back to be secluded.

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If you had your own Yarn shop,

...what would you call it?

I don't have a name yet.


...how would you have it set up?

With all the yarn in bins that you can see into and freely reach. The yarn would all be up front and along the wall. On one wall will be all the hooks and needles and notions for both crochet and knitting. There will be a seating area with a couch and chairs, as well as a room in the back with table and chair for classes. Some soothing music playing in the background, not enough to disrupt but enough to keep the place from total silence.


...what kinds of fibers would you have available?

All kinds and thread too. Most LYS have loads of lovely yarn but they never seem to have thread. I would also like to carry some of the less expensive yarns.


...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet?

Definitely crochet and knit.


...what other supplies would you stock?

I think I would add some beads and tote bags.


...what kinds of classes would you offer?

Both crochet and knitting. I want to learn to knit so I'll have someone to teach us all! The classes would be specific but I would also like to just have groups. One night a crochet group and another a knit group where the people can get together to help each other out with their projects.


...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"?

My dh wants to have a coffe & cookie bar. I don't know if that would work in the same shop. I don't want the yarn to pick up the scents of either the coffee or cookies and I don't want cookie crumbs and grease on the yarn not to mention coffee spills. I want people to be comfortable and relaxed and some refreshment would be good for those "set'n a spell".


Perfect would be to have an old house converted to the store that has a working fireplace. There again I would want that to be gas of some sort so you don't have all the smoke and mess of wood.


I would not offer a play area for toddlers. I would not mind having kids in the store but not for long durations. I want the store to be conducive to relaxation while crochet/knitting not listening to a 2 year old that should be home having a nap, or fighting over some toy!

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Oh my goodness, what a can of worms you've opened up!! I will have to think about all my answers, but something did pop into my head - I think I"d have to set it up like a certain type of store (please keep reading!!) - covered windows, so husbands can't see what's going on inside - black shopping bags, so they can't peek either - free shipping to you home, in an plain un-marked box, of course!! .... really someplace "we" can be a little freaky about yarn ..... "of course ma'am, you CAN roll around in that yarn!" .... "one skien of EVERY colour? sure! two?!?! even better."


Of course I'd have to have every conceivable gadget, and a hot-line to the my suppliers, actually a conveyor belt would be even better.


I also think I'd have to have a "charity discount", something like: If you bring in 10lbs of handcrafted goods for charity, you get a discount on another 10lbs of yarn/fabric/whatever.



Great thread!


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My husband and I have talked at length about this very thing...although, he is very much into building custom surf fishing rods and I want a yarn store. So I want to call it Hooks and Lines or Hook, Line and Sinker...It would be perfect because it would appeal to the crocheters or anyone that works with yarn and the surf fishers. (We live in a beach town)


I was also thinking about the coffee section...where they could sit and crochet or read crochet mags or fishing mags. I would love to be able to teach classes, and I know my husband would want to teach classes on rod building.


If only I could hit that lotto!



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Hey, Gardnr, you could teach the men how to make their own fishing nets out of nylon cording!! :lol


Let's see...I'm finally going to answer my own questions, now that my family issues have calmed down for a little while.


I'd call it The Yarn Bar--gourmet yarns to keep you bubbly


I would have a specialty coffee bar, that also offered types of teas and cocoa, and also include juices, perhaps smoothies. There'd be a spinning bar where there'd be rovings of different types of fibers available, and you could have your own custom yarn spun for you right there. There would be groupings of chairs in every area of the store, including a classroom area. There'd be pattern books available in all areas of the store, including a lending library. There would be windows in every wall, except the back, where there'd be a classroom or two.


I'd make all kinds of fibers available, from the acrylic to cashmere, silk to cotton. There would be the finest-spun threads to the chunkiest rope.


This would definitely be multi-craft friendly, with crocheting and knitting supplies to embroidery. Not much sewing, though. There would be fun and funky types of notions, including customized hooks, contact info to various suppliers, and some really cool stitch markers. There'd be even more, but I can't think of the rest.


Around here, the nearest spinning classes are two hours away, unless you count the ones where you ride a stationary bike :P. So, I'd find someone who'd be willing to teach spinning, there would be different levels of crochet, of course, including Irish lace and other fine work, knitting, perhaps some designing courses because nowadays, we depend on others to design for us. 100 years ago, the women had to design their own items, and rely on pictures to get a general idea of fashions. So, why not basic design? Perhaps some finishing classes, pattern reading/writing courses, etc.


I'd use the friendly atmosphere, the unique name, exclusive designs, plus guest designers and other folks to come in for special nights (hey, Jimbo, wanna do an in-person hook-whittlin' lesson? :manyheart) to draw folks in.


I'd have a special play area for the kids, like some of you have mentioned. Of course, there'd be bean bag chairs in the shapes of yarn balls, and a bunch of old-fashioned toys for the kiddos to play with.


I also like the idea of bringing in donations. I'm thinking of having a special donors' card where if you donate so many times, say 10, and you receive 10 punches, you receive a discount on your next yarn purchase. Maybe the wholesale price of yarn the next time you come in? Of course, it would have to be specific items, like 5 caps to the capitol or 1 blanket, 5 scarves, etc. for Project Linus, or so many squares per donation to Warm-Up America.



Man! If only I could have a windfall, I'd be soooo happy!!

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...what would you call it? Daily Fiber;)


...how would you have it set up? Shelves & cubbies lining the walls, grouped first by color, then by content



...what kinds of fibers would you have available? Every type known to man!:devil



...would you be mulit-craft-friendly, or just for crochet? I'd encourage all sorts



...what other supplies would you stock? Spinning, needle felting, hand dying, fabric.....on and on!:hook



...what kinds of classes would you offer? Beginners and intermediate crochet and knitting, spinning, felting, hand dying, specific techniques....on and on!:hook



...what other things would you have in your store that would "draw people in"?

Definitely comfy couches, washing machines for felting :D , kids area, with kiddy hooks and yarn, of course. I'd even rent space for ladies to hide their stash!:lol


Oh, the things I would do if I were a millionaire!

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A section off to the side with comfy chairs and side tables for classes, stitch groups, etc...also for people to come in and work during the day...but separate from the yarn and patterns and notions...so that I could have coffee/tea etc...seasonal--cider, lemonade...available. I'd stick with fiber arts, mainly crochet and knit...tons of the crochet things you can't find anywhere. I'd have a wall of fame in the cozy nook area, for people to show off their creations. I'd carry all sorts of fibres...thread on up...and a good selection of threads and other hard to finds. I'd avoid RH, b/c I wouldn't be able to compete...local stores have tons of it, and can give heavy discounts. But Plymouth yarns is competitive and won't sell to chains... Also a huge selection of wool...Any yarn I'd carry would have a wide selection (not like going to walmart and finding maybe five shades, if you're lucky). Definitely do special orders. and have notions/misc that aren't always obvious. Definitely want a wide selection of crochet books (and knit, but crochet are harder to find) and mags. Section for people to sell their stuff, some connections to local charities (project linus maybe...that sort of thing) Would want some music playing in the background...classical maybe.


Loving some of the ideas I keep reading on this thread, this is great! Okay, my tired brain is showing the effects of full time mommy...time to go crochet those baby sandals (need to be done by Thurs)

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I love this thread Tracy and my stores name is very similar to yours. (I've thought of this before)


If money were no object, my dream store would be called :


The Yarn Barn


The feel would be fun, eclectic, hip, but also very comfy.


As I sit here with my mug of Hot Green Tea with Pomegranite and Cranberry :ccompute I know I would have to include a Coffee and Tea area, maybe even light snacks for those coming in on their lunch hour, but I would keep it to the side with some nice chairs maybe even a patio area for nice day. My policy regarding spills on yarn would be: You stain it, You bought it :) .


A large book area would be in the center of the store. All types of craft books, mostly crochet and knitting, but everything else crafts under the sun. Nice, comfy, chairs and tables would be scattered around.


Beautiful yarns of all fibers and prices would be in clear bins up against the walls. With samples of the yarns crocheted or knitted into cool beanies or scarves or something hip to truly show off the fibers. Hooks and knitting needles (yes, I would have both) would be set up in their own displays. My yarns would be in big bins and have easy access.


I would have a special section of yarn and books just for the kiddies in a little corner. I could get my husband (an artist in his own) paint sun and clouds and a rainbow and have bean bags on the floor for the little fiber artists to browse books.


Of course, I would have a classroom in the back with classes offering bothe crochet and knitting. Weekly classes with samples of their work displayed in the front. A pretty table with a section of crafters selling their goods near the cash registers would also be included.


Soft music would be playing overhead...and....and...:loco :dreaming :drool :drool I must stop now...I'm getting light headed. Too much excitment....


It's nice to dream!

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