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Is Crocheting Contagious?

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When other people you know that also crochet see or know you're crocheting something, do they shortly thereafter decide that they're going to start crocheting again?


Ok, here's the thing. Mom taught me to crochet almost 17 years ago. I've always been the type to go in spurts. However, since I've joined Crochetville, I've been crocheting on a more steady basis.


Anyway, last weekend I showed mom the ripple I've been working on and she really liked it.


Last night I went over to mom's for dinner and she told me that she was crocheting again. I guess a couple of her friends have daughters that are pregnant, so mom's decided to make them baby blankets. Keep in mind that she hasn't really crocheted since probably around last July...and she used to be the one that would crochet on a more steady basis.


Is it possible I've given her the "crocheting addiction" again? lol.

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I prefer to think of it as inspiring others to rediscover their creativity. Because if is contagious, that makes us "infected" or "sick". Nope, not me. I don't have a problem. My yarn cravings are completely under control.:yes

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The exact same thing happened between me and my mom a few years ago. I remember her ALWAYS making something when I was a kid and even in college she'd do a 'ghan or two. but since I picked it back up a few years ago (after a LONG hiatus) and asked her to help me find a easy pattern for slippers for dd she's been doing all kinds of stuff AND got out her big'ole knitting machine...funny i remember going with her to pick it out when i was about 12 or so...memories LOL she made a few baby blankets for a local hospital then put it away...she promises its mine if i ever move to a place and have room or when she dies - whichever comes first. i hope it's the former

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Yes it is!!!! LOL


I can't tell you how many of my friends I've taught to crochet! I get so excited when they ask me. I mean, how could you not want to learn/pick up your hook again when you see all the fabulous stuff we can make?!

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Absolutely! My mom had given it up because she'd run out of people to crochet for, her arthritis bothered her, and she just got away from it. When she came out here 2 years ago to visit and saw me crocheting, she wanted to make something. I suggested a baby blanket for Project Linus, and now, two years later, she's made 107 blankets for them at last count!! :cheer And she's learning new things, like the round ripple and star afghan, and after insisting she couldn't read patterns, is trying to do that. So not only is she getting to crochet again (which she loves), but she feels connected to the community (a big plus for a retired senior), and she's exercising brain cells by learning new things (also a big plus for a retired senior).


Then at Christmas my sister made herself a scarf. It's lopsided (like my second scarf! :lol) and she says she's not ready to tackle a new hobby (she has probably thousands of dollars worth of scrapbooking stuff in her house--paper everywhere, fancy cutters, okay, maybe hundreds, not thousands...), but you never know... Patty

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:lol I recently found out that my best friend crochets and I never even knew! I'd made her daughter some scrunchies for Christmas and next time they came over her daughter was sporting this fabulous new purple scarf done in simple trebel crochet. (DD wanted something she could put her fingers through :shrug)

It's also all my friend at work's fault that I'm crocheting as much as I am... she's the one who turned me onto Project Linus and of course, I couldn't be satisfied just doing blankets.... :lol

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Well I don't actually know anybody else who already crocheted, but I know I've passed along the interest by people watching me crochet. My neighbor's youngest daughter wants to learn, and so does my own daughter (she'll be 10 tomorrow). :yes

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I catch people staring at me crochet in cafes, on the bus, etc. One day I was crocheting at a cafe window seat and a little girl pressed her nose up to the glass, riveted by the sight of me crocheting a hat with very pretty yarn. I can only hope I've passed the bug along. :hook

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Crochet is definately catching. My work colleague who is an avid knitter wanted to learn to crochet when she saw my stuff and has been avidly crocheting ever since. Crochet ia also an ice breaker! My DH loves watching horse racing and when we go I take my crochet as Im not overkeen on racing. Lots of people stop to chat and talk about my current WIP. Ive met people from the US, Australia, England, Scotland and Germany! Crochet forever!!!

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I'm with skysmom. Crochet is definitely addictive. My grandmother taught me when I was 9 or 10 and (1969) and I have been at it since.

I tried to teach my stepdaughter to crochet when she was 11 but she did not seem to be able to grasp it well enough to do anything other than chains. Her first chain measured about 65 feet long!! Her father and I still keep it.

She is 14 going on 15 now and has made scarves, placemats, & afghan squares. Her scarves have a tendency to get real long.

This summer the 2 of us will probably try some beaded crochet patterns. Although she is designing an i-pod cover at the moment, I think there may be some beaded i-pod covers in the future....



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:hookDefinitely YES! :yes My best friend taught me a little over a year ago and now here I am with hook in hand every chance I get plus now I'm here with all of you. Crochetville is addicting as well. Maybe we just keep on inspiring each other.:c9 Whatever it's called: contagious, addictive, or something else, I hope it stays with me!:manyheart
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I have to agree crochet is addictive.That everytime I am on my lunch break I will be crocheting on a blanket or stocking. And everyone in the break:yarn room will be watching me and I will be reading a book while I am crocheting and look up to being stared at. They have since come to me and ask me to teach them so now we all make different things and have had fun getting together at break everday.

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O yes, yes, it is catching. Two years ago I made a beaded drawstring bag for a colleague. On seeing that bag, SEVEN others, who hadn't touched a hook since their schooldays, and one who didn't even know how to, started crocheting, and are still enthusiastically hooking away.

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I caught the bug from my FIL's girlfriend. I had learned to knit a scarf with a kit and a dvd. Coincidentally, when we went to FL to visit 2 weeks later, I saw her crocheting a baby blanket for a co-worker. I knew then and there I had to learn to do it!:hook I came home, bought a hook, got instructions on the net, and haven't stopped since....and with all of the ideas I find here, I won't run out of things to make....my hands will fall off first!:eek:lol

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A similar thing happened to me! My mom (who taught me) had not crocheted in years and recently started up again and is teaching my sister. I was sending them a little something I crocheted almost every month and they both caught the bug! I just sent my mom the snb book (I did put contact paper on the cover so I wouldn't get in trouble...also put a little contact paper over that naked painting in there!) and she loves it! Definitely contagious! :hook

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I've been taking my projects to work to show some of the residents at the nursing home I work in that used to crochet and have gotten co-workers who used to crochet starting back and some wanting to learn.:cheer

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I wish my crocheting inspired my near family to try it out. My mom and sister watch me do it all the time and always say how they wish they knew how to do it, but they never take me up on offers for lessons!

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I think crocheting can be contagious. I think we have to remind people to slow down and crochet. We all live such fast paced lives that we need a way to relax.


It's a good thing to be contagious. Not like the flu or a cold!:lol


More people should catch the "Crocheting Bug"!:lol



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Oh, most definitely. That is how I started. My neighbor down the street told me she was working on a blanket for her son. She asked me if I was interested in learning. Sure...now I am hooked. I even got my mom to bring out her aphgans that she made when I was an infant. I noticed she bought a crochet book the other day...but she insists that she is too busy to start another craft. Crochet on!

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