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It's a blizzard outside!!!

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My boss called this morning about 6:45 am and told me not to go to work because the western side of Iowa is in a blizzard warning. By 11:00 am, everything is completely white and my DH just came in from town and said he couldn't see anything (even the road). So guess what I'll be doing most of today (besides being on the 'Ville).....I'll be crocheting until I have to go back to work. :hook

What a fun way to pass the time. :devil

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Your having a blizzard....:snow !!!! You should feel the heat:hot

we're having here in Puerto Rico..oh mannnn!:lol



Were getting blizzard conditions here too in southern ontario canada and Irikel I would trade places with you in a heart beat :lol please send some :sun my way :hook

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Where in Iowa are you at? I am in the Ames/Des Moines area. I stayed home because of the blizzard as well. I just pray the power stays on. We were without power for about an hour last night and then without cable/internet for an hour later last night. I'm glad it wasn't out long. There are some people that I work with that still don't have power from the last storm.They are either staying in hotels or with friends.

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I want a boss that calls me and tells me its okay to stay home!!!! Oh no, I have to go to work, come blizzard, or high water..lol..the price one pays for working in health care, here in Iowa where I live, the POLICE will even take you to work an pick you up if you are an "essential" worker, such as nurse, doctor, fireman, police....lucky dog hu? So we are getting the ice storm at the moment and it is to move into the blizzard after this bout, in a couple hours.....off I go to get ready for work, yippie...:(

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It's cloudy and just spitting snow here (southeast of KCMO). We had hail last night as storms producing tornadoes went by. Thankfully, no damage and just strong winds today.

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Pretty much everything else in town is slowing down/shutting down. There are only 5 left in my office. going home soon though.

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In Denver we had our blizzard just before Christmas - I made a sweater and hat for my grandbaby, while the town was shut down. What's on your hook?

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So Irikel isn't alone, but I do feel somewhat bad, but we are hot and humid:hot . We are or may get some rain, but maybe not. I swear they could tape our weather reports and just show them, instead of doing them live.

Feel for you girls and hopefully this storm will be gone soon and spring will be on the way.

Take care, keep warm and keep those hooks moving.:hook

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I'm in SWMN and pretty much the whole town is shut down. They closed all the state highways now. I'm so glad I am currently a stay at home mom! O, and that we have a snowblower to clean out all the snow from the driveway!

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I'm here in the cities, MN and we still can not go home. Every ten minutes the radio says the roads are basically undriveable. Nothing like putting all our lives at stake here at work. Hope all the rest of you here in MN are safe and sound. Happy crocheting. I'm jealous



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Just rain and cool here in KY. I'll be keeping all of you in blizzard conditions in my thoughts and prayers though. Be safe! and happy crocheting while you are stuck inside.

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:2snow Blizzard in Iowa?!!!! :snow Yup, that's what it is out there alright! Man, don't you just love Iowa weather. If you don't, just wait, it will change. :rain


I'm in north central Iowa (Ft. Dodge), and we are being hit pretty good! It was down to a skeleton crew at work by 11 AM. Now I'm safe and home and watching people try to drive in this stuff and get stuck. :eek


I guess I'd best just "pack it in" and ride it out... haha.. until tomorrow. I think I'm in section of the state that's supposed to get upwards of 12 inches of snow. :help <- pretend that's snow and not water! :hook


Bright side: "If March comes in like a lion, then it supposed to go out like a lamb." At least that's what I learned in elementary school! :yes

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No snow here. We are having rain with the chance of severe storms later this evening and night. Hopefully they will pass us by, but by the looks of the weather radar, not much chance of it missing us.


For everyone experiencing bad weather, stay safe and enjoy your crocheting or whatever else you are doing to pass the time.

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No snow here. We are having rain with the chance of severe storms later this evening and night. Hopefully they will pass us by, but by the looks of the weather radar, not much chance of it missing us.



:rain We had thunderstorms in northern Ohio this morning. The lightening was spiderwebbing across the sky on my way in to school. We have flood watches and warnings because of the rain and the pack ice on some of the rivers. So is this the lion? Come on Spring!:flower

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Right now, here in Central Ohio, it's 51F, windy, and rainy. According to Forecast Fox at the bottom of my browser, we're supposed to get a mix of snow and rain tomorrow, changing to snow when the temp drops in the evening. Then, Saturday and Sunday, more snow. Yuck! I just want to get out and take some walks, but, Man! I hate having to take dd to the mall just for a walk, when I can't let her out to play in the playspace due to the older kids running around and knocking her over!


Oh well. At least it will give me a chance to continue working on organizing my stash, and get cracking on the tablecloths I'm making for Christmas gifts this year.

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Mother Nature just DUMPED about 15 inches of snow on Omaha (at least that's what one of the weatherguy's is claiming)


If you go to my blog http://iamtotallyobsessedwithyarn.blogspot.com you can see a couple of pictures of the snow that I posted there.


My dad's car is trapped sideways in the driveway. (hey, at least he made it home!) My aunt lives in the same neighborhood and is probably not going to make it home until the snowplows that the association pays for goes thru our neighborhood and does the driveways. My aunt's driveway has a 5 foot drift in it. Her next door neighbor has an even bigger drift in her driveway.


So I had to crawl thru the snow to get across the street to my aunt's house this afternoon and rescue my aunt's pug Pudge and bring her over here for the evening. Because of that, I'm now confirming my allergy to dogs that I've suspected I have. (a lot of my allergies cleared up when my big dog Tiny died last March) At least Pudge is quiet and doesnt cause too much angst and drama (unlike my TinyMonsters did...he was a big drama queen)


We're supposed to get MORE snow tomorrow (someone needs to tell Mother Nature that this is not funny at all!) At least we dont live in Iowa...it's apparently getting beat to heck by today's storm.

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Here in Cleveland, we have had cold and rain all day. We are on the warm side of this massive storm and will be getting flooding rain tonight and tomorrow. Some of our local rivers have ice jams in them and they are being watched as with this rain, they could cause bad flooding. We are supposed to have some snow over the weekend, but I don't think too much.


I love a good snow storm, although not blizzard conditions unless everyone can be home and safe.


WOW! A boss that calls and tells you to stay home. That is a really special boss.

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