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Death of an I Hook--a euology

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Really! (Apologies to those of you who saw this death notice in the stashbusting CAL thread.) I was using a plastic Susan Bates I hook I had bought for plane travel this week because it was the first I hook I grabbed, when low and behold, last night, it snapped! I killed it!! I am a hook murderer. :(



Farewell, my little I hook. I know I bought you with no great affection; you were just a cheap hook to carry on a plane. I didn't think I'd care if you were confiscated and discarded by a security agent. But we have grown close in our travels over the past year, and I can truly say your demise has affected me more than I thought. Fly, be free, little hook. May you crochet and finish many delightful items in the great Yarn Store in the Sky. Your faithful crocheter, Patty

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Yes!! Send me yarn!!!!!

:lol Just kidding, of course. because then I'd have to lose the few stashbusting points I've accumulated.


Thank you all for your heartfelt sympathy. I hope you never experience the agony of having caused the demise of an innocent crochet hook. I hope it knows it gave its life for a greater good, a Project Linus blanket.


:2eek:blink:rip - is there any 'in lieu of flowers' ?
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As much as I hesitate to expose myself here since I don't know if my hook killing spree warrents have expired or not...I have also snapped crochet hooks...all plastic, one each from size F thru K....if you need a fellow hook-killer to share your pain with...I'm here for you....




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I too am guilty of this terrible crime. My victim was an F hook, a wooden walnut brittany hook. I was terribly upset.......but! wait! I emailed the manufacturer and got a new one for free, yes free. It was made from birch wood, but who am I to complain about a free hook?

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Oh dear....poor little hook....defenceless little thing.


Terribly sad isn't it? My sister bought me a whole set of vintage crochet hooks for christmas this year, and one was very long, but you could take it apart by unscrewing several joins. My little neice in her excitement to show me what a thoughtful gift they'd given, broke the hook by unscrewing in the wrong place. I know it was an accident, but I was devastated!


So....I can share your pain...no hook should have to die.....

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While it's so hard to remember in troubling times such as these, know that everything happens for a reason. Your I Hook is with it's maker now.....I hope that comforts you....:yes

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This thread is hilarious. So long, farewell, auf Weidersehen, good-bye, those hooks who have gone before. Their sacrifice will not soon be forgotten. :)

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May we have a moment of silence, for the poor unfortunate hook who was taken before it time.:rip

We stand here in sympathy of the crocheter and hope she can move on.:rose

This hook has gone to hook heaven and is now sitting on :c9 , waiting for it's next assignment.


:rofl I'm sorry, I can't do this with a straight face anymore.:rofl

This is to funny and thanks I needed this laugh.:hook

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