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Join the Crochet Olympics

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I'm about 1/2 way done with the skirt portion of the cutaway jacket...we are leaving for Munich tomorrow and will be back on Monday...however, knowing us, we will be checking email, so I'll probably be posting from the road so to speak. Am taking the cutaway with me (I have a feeling this puppy will be done by Saturday, if not sooner) and also one of the free patterns from Annie's Attic (the blue doily from earlier this week) and will work on that in the evenings (or when we're at some beer garden somewhere...)


Everyone's doing great...go everyone, go Team Wearables.

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Well, I finished my "unofficial" scarf and hat set today, and just in time it looks like, because the rest of the yarn for my official project--a toddler's sweater--got here a day ahead of schedule! I'm back to work on it and hopefully it will be completed tonight or (more likely) tomorrow.


Great work, everyone--looks like we're all making nice progress! Go Team Wearables!! :cheer

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Ok, I'm having such a hard time understanding the pattern the way it's written for the sleeves? Help!:(


For the sleeves you inc every sc row --on each end of the row...(not on the dc rows).


then after the required amt of increases per size...you will increase every 4 rows (which will be every other sc row). Then at the end there are no increases for x number of rows.


I hope that helps.

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My update... I've done 3 more rows on the HK Backpack. Ok, I admit it I've slowed down to a snails pace. I needed a break, I started working on some baby clothes for one of my daughter's teachers. She is due I think in April :think. Anyway the rows I did yesterday has finished the bag, now I am on to the flap. I hope to be done with that by Saturday morning if I am frog free. I am just not crocheting at my normal speed of medium-fast. I somehow have found myself in 10th gear and I'm not feeling so good about it :ohdear.


I am a very positive person :yay. I just need to warm up my engine a little :coffee(no coffee, I drink tea) and go to town on it :laughroll.


P.s. Dang its COOL here tonight:wbrr:wcold. I think my hands are trying to freeze to the keyboard as I type :wlol.



:cheerSending you all my best crochet wishies!:cheer (One of these days I am going to take a few pictures of what crochet wishies look like, so you all can enjoy them to the fullest.)


MamaHooks :devil

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Hi All! I added the countdown counter from AnnyPurls this evening. It's at the top of the site. The background of the counter changes from green to yellow to red. It's really cool! :)


I also added one new Yarn-lete.


In other news, I think I've decided on the random drawing for those who reach Gold Medal status and finish their objects - a gift certificate to KnitPicks and Adagio Teas. :devil


Also, Cris was wonderful and created some Gold, Silver and Bronze buttons for us - I'll post them mid next week along with their definitions. It's all self reporting - no CO police will check up on you - just your own self pride will hold you to accurate reporting.


As for personal crocheting - I haven't gotten much done today. I was doing my domestic goddess duties again this evening with the stepson, so there hasn't been anytime. Maybe I'll get some done as I speed through the tape of the men's figure skating. :hook

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I should be asleep...I've only had two hours of sleep...stayed up until 3:00 a.m. The skirt part of the cutaway jacket is done...the one sleeve is 3/4 done...just finish that and the other sleeve and the jacket is done...but I need to go back to sleep for another 4 hours at least and then get ready to go to Munich...


And great job City Girl and Colyak Crocheter on getting your projects done...


Mamahooks, keep on keeping on...


This experience has been so awesome and I've had a really nice time reading this thread...


Go Everyone, Go Team Wearables.

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Day 7 progress report. I have 75 rows done. 30 more to go. I barely made goal as I had to frog 2 rows. And those rows are really long now. Will post a link to a picture in the morning. Right now I am just exhausted and need my sleep. Will take a peek at everyone else's progress in the morning,


Night all, Go teams..................:D

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For the sleeves you inc every sc row --on each end of the row...(not on the dc rows).


then after the required amt of increases per size...you will increase every 4 rows (which will be every other sc row). Then at the end there are no increases for x number of rows.


I hope that helps.

It definitely helped, except I did the increase on every other row and had the number they said by 2 rows earlier. In other words mine didn't work up right.

I was able to reach 60 sc by row 12 instead of row 15, doing size medium. So then it would be that I would work up another 4 rows once so I could do another increase? Does that mean , do 4 rows of Dc and then one row of increased sc?

I'm so confused.


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I am up to round 16 on my doily now! I am almost done with the small version and then I continue on into the long version of the doily! It is really starting to take shape and look great! I might actually be able to pull this one off! :cheer


Tonight is my monthly craft night with several of my co-workers so I brough along both my doily and my bag (for the knit olympics) to work on! :hook

My goals for the weekend are to finish the doily up to round 25 and for the bag to finish knitting on one more skein of the yarn. I am almost to the knitting in the round just the knit stitch which will go a lot faster for me as I am still struggling with the purling with the continental method of knitting!

Have a great weekend everyone!!


:cheer :cheer Go Teams Go!!! :cheer :cheer

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So being a teacher, Friday's is test-day at work. I have a lot of down time to work on squares. Last week, when I brought my crochet to do while the kiddos were testing away, it created more of a distraction than I thought! All they wanted to do was watch me crochet, and try to figure out how to do it.


Who would have thought I have to go incognito with my crochet projects. ;)

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I got whisked off to Venice for 4 days so have neglected my project. I took it but just didn't get any time to do it!:blush

However I can take up my hook again this evening after work.:hook



Venice is nice! I don't blame you for not crocheting while there! :) Did you pick up any glasswork? Maybe some Venetian glass beads? ;):hook

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So being a teacher, Friday's is test-day at work. I have a lot of down time to work on squares. Last week, when I brought my crochet to do while the kiddos were testing away, it created more of a distraction than I thought! All they wanted to do was watch me crochet, and try to figure out how to do it.


Who would have thought I have to go incognito with my crochet projects. ;)


Cute! Maybe you could have a crafting day for them - not today, but another day. Teach them how to crochet. :hook

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Well, looks like I'm going to have a DNF in this event. I've tried to get co-ordinated to do my doily, something I've really been looking forward to doing, but hubby is going away next week on business, for the full week, so we've been running here and running there, getting things ready for him to go, you know how men are.......geesh.....:P .


I'm still going to try to do this, but getting it done before the Olympics is done is likely not going to happen.......bummer!


Everyone is doing so well though....congrats.......:clap

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Row 12? At row 12 there should only be 42 stitches for medium size. You only increase on sc rows --each end of the row so your total stitches will be 2 more every other row. I am doing a medium size also Are you increasing dc rows as well? The medium size pattern calls for 13 increases every other row on each end, after row 3. When you get to row 28 then you increase every 4 rows (which is every other sc row). By row 37 there are 62 stitches. Then you work straight rows for 6 more rows.. for a total of 43 rows ending with a dc row. It will look like this if you fold it in half.




You may want to count your rows & increases. Good luck with it ok?

It may help to take a scrap piece of paper & number rows 1-43. Write row 1 dc, row 2 sc & so on. Starting at row 2 are sc increases so you can mark each sc row with "inc" ...do that for row 2 & then 13 more times for medium. Then label sc rows 2 more times (every 4th row or every 2nd sc row). I hope I didn't confuse you more. But writing the rows down helps me when I get stumped.


I haven't finished my second sleeve yet. I got a virus so I haven't crocheted for two days! Ack! I have catch up to do.


It definitely helped, except I did the increase on every other row and had the number they said by 2 rows earlier. In other words mine didn't work up right.

I was able to reach 60 sc by row 12 instead of row 15, doing size medium. So then it would be that I would work up another 4 rows once so I could do another increase? Does that mean , do 4 rows of Dc and then one row of increased sc?

I'm so confused.


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I've uploaded my progress pics of the baby saque I'm working on. This is the first wearable I've made, so I wasn't sure how much of a challenge the saque would be, but I'm almost done and ready to move on to the bonnet and booties.


Here are my pics:


Days 1 and 2


Days 3 and 4


nothing on day 5 :(


Days 6 and 7


Go yarn-letes! Nine days left!



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I am so glad the weekend is almost here. I can't work on my Baby's Circle Afghan during the work week.. I get so caught up in it that I miss too much sleep.


I will try to post some pictures this weekend, but no promises.. as we're expecting a winter storm (with ICE) and that will likely mean that our power will get knocked out.


Gonna bring in firewood and get the weekly washing done TONIGHT.. before the storm hits.. just in case we lose power. I can crochet by candlelight.. but it's hard to wash clothes in the dark.. LOL.


Yeah Teams!!!



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I'm going to finish my sweater this weekend..Have 3/4 of a sleeve left and the neckline.


Not going to be a nice weekend (weatherwise) so I just need to run a few errands. Mail Center to ship this out to MNbike.jpg for my brothers grandsons first birthday( Done on time). Saved my allowances for shipping cost.:lol

Then to Big Lots for DH sunflower seeds ( big bag for 1.29)Then to yarn shop for some wool,and HEB for some food and home to stay for the rest of the weekend........

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Is there a central page where we can post our pics for the Crochet Olympics? I've been going through the thread, but there are a lot of pages. Is it just the Flickr page yarnharlot set up for the Knitting Olympics? I went there but didn't see any pics of crochet.





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