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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Snowbear, I went thru the battery thing with Dh.  They just popped out the old pacemaker and popped in a new one.  NBD.


Lea, sorry to hear about your nephew, but I am sure you all will be good for the kid.  Hang in there.


 Not much going on here.  Getting ready to go to my chair and work on the next tote.  Think Hot Green, Purple and black and orange.  Not as bad as it sounds.  :rofl 


Big :ghug 's for everyone, whether you need them or not.

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Snowbear, I went thru the battery thing with Dh.  They just popped out the old pacemaker and popped in a new one.  NBD.


Lea, sorry to hear about your nephew, but I am sure you all will be good for the kid.  Hang in there.


 Not much going on here.  Getting ready to go to my chair and work on the next tote.  Think Hot Green, Purple and black and orange.  Not as bad as it sounds.  :rofl 


Big :ghug 's for everyone, whether you need them or not.

that will be outstanding,with all those fun Halloweeny colors,can't wait for the unveiling as time gets closer

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Snowbear, I went thru the battery thing with Dh.  They just popped out the old pacemaker and popped in a new one.  NBD.


Lea, sorry to hear about your nephew, but I am sure you all will be good for the kid.  Hang in there.


 Not much going on here.  Getting ready to go to my chair and work on the next tote.  Think Hot Green, Purple and black and orange.  Not as bad as it sounds.  :rofl 


Big :ghug 's for everyone, whether you need them or not.



That tote sounds gorgeous!! I can't wait to see it!!

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BGS, I did get the squares and could sworn I posted a thank you, but it could have gotten lost in all the posts.. None the less, Thank you! I've started trying tof igure out how I want her afghan to look. 


Just finished Razorback's set and posted that in the appropriate forum. I'm a HUGE Hogs fan, so that was pretty fun to make! I couldn't find a newborn pattern so I kind of just did my own thing & think it turned out perfect! 


Got another order from my neighbor for her niece due October 18th for a pumpkin set. Got that done this morning. My fingers have never been so busy before! I've done more crocheting in the last 2 weeks than I've ever done in this short amount of time!

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Oh that is goi g to be perfect. Mark five grey and one more pink off cause that is what I have to post out ok. Good job that is going to be very nice!!


Your email hot and hot and pink I got no idea what that even means LOL. What do you mean PIneknot please explain ????

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Ohh wait I get it. This auto correct always wants to fix Mary Jo to Mary Jordan too sorry lol did he think twice avout that. With me and iPad you never know wha t I. Going to get. . Sometimes I can't figure out what I meant when I typed it as it is so out of sync!!! Sorry and ignore my iPads intelligence and determination lol.

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I saw the post Jess mine and Brenda posted together and mine were stacked in two per pile. correct?..

. Don't know the post number but I saw it when you posted it. Just sayin lol.

No Katy you mailed yours way before mine. Mine probably arrived last Fri. which was about the time Jessica had her gallbladder attack. Mary Jo's and your squares are on page 71.
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Lea so neat you teach basket weaving (show pictures pretty please).Thats something I have wanted to learn but I tell myself I have too many unfinished craft projects and supplies already. I will never finish and use up what I have in this lifetime. Such a shame about your nephew. Glad you are there for him.


Jessica the razorback set is cute. Looks like you are coming along pretty well with Rosalie's afghan.


Its been another hot day. They say next week we will be grabbing jackets

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Ohh wait I get it. This auto correct always wants to fix Mary Jo to Mary Jordan too sorry lol did he think twice avout that. With me and iPad you never know wha t I. Going to get. . Sometimes I can't figure out what I meant when I typed it as it is so out of sync!!! Sorry and ignore my iPads intelligence and determination lol.

I'm glad to know its the ipad,on another board I go to,sometimes the posts are crazy funny with all the made up words.

when I talked about e mail pineknott,see he leaves off the e and so that make it pink nott,since I try and keep things simple to remember I used pineknott as a user name,my other board I'm Lin4u2day

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Ohh wait I get it. This auto correct always wants to fix Mary Jo to Mary Jordan too sorry lol did he think twice avout that. With me and iPad you never know wha t I. Going to get. . Sometimes I can't figure out what I meant when I typed it as it is so out of sync!!! Sorry and ignore my iPads intelligence and determination lol.


Try putting a - between Mary & Jo.  Like Mary-Jo. 


I just found out, that, that is the way it is on my birth certificate.  I needed to have that for when I got the new Drivers License.  You know the one where you need your Birth certificate, Marriage License, Divorce papers if you had one and your new marriage license and proof that you live where you live.  PAIN IN THE BUTT.


I get lots of mail for Mary, who ever that is. :rofl 


64 years I thought my name was Mary Jo to find out it is really Mary-Jo.


Well off to get everything ready for tomorrow, you know pills and such.  Hope everyone is doing ok.


Good Night everyone.

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bgs, pictures for sure!


  Speaking of auto correct, I was using a voice  message to my sont eh other talking about my grandson Wyatt, my grandson Ethan , and Chris's mom that the boys call Grammy Sue


   The message came out something like   I am going to take Why it and Eat them to see Creamy Stew...




 The basketweaving class went well except  one of the parents didn't tell me her 7 children all had various learning disabilities  I would have held a private class for her family because it was a challenge, a rewarding challenge, but good!


Dr appt went good this afternoon, dh and I had lunch out which was nice... heading to ds#4 and his wife's new apt tomorrow and then to tour a winery with them...


  That means a 2 hour trip of crochet to get there!!! YEAH!!

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Good Morning Bright and Sunny along with the old adage Hazy Hot and Humid.


Not much planned for today.  To many people on the road. 


I hope to get most of the tote done today.  I may change the green, as it stands out and smacks you right in the face.  Could be because I don't like neon colors.  We shall see.


Just wanted to pop In and say Hi.

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Mary Jo my neice loves that neon green and orange. I have made her enough things out of those colors they are starting to grow on me a bit. I would never say they were my favorite but they are bright and cheerful and are great for Halloween. I kind of feel like each color has its place and is usually very pretty in that place. I might not want to wear or paint the house orange but I love orange pumpkins and leaves.

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Good Morning Bright and Sunny along with the old adage Hazy Hot and Humid.


Not much planned for today. To many people on the road.


I hope to get most of the tote done today. I may change the green, as it stands out and smacks you right in the face. Could be because I don't like neon colors. We shall see.


Just wanted to pop In and say Hi.

I never really liked the bright greens, until I started selling for our company, and most of our shirts have lime green on them, so I have come to like it!!

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Good afternoon

I like the neon yellow and pink colors

kind of a blah day,worried about Bill's aunt in Canada,the one that comes down with her nephew twice a year,He let Bill know she was found unconcious on the 17th and has been hospitalized ever since,he is trying to get her in a nursing facility,but the waiting lists are so long,she is 91 and really can't be in a two level home by herself,other than that things are peachy :lol

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Hi all. Just finished breakfast and going to start cleaning before I have to go in to work at 5. I don't mind my job, it's alright and I'm glad that I have one, BUt , I absolutely hate the fact that I have to go to work. I see my coworkers more than my own family. Idk, guess I'm just having a cruddy day. :hug for all

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Hi all. How's your day going??


Oh ok Bgs I knew I saw mine posted and k ew too someone else's but wasn't quite sure whom.


Tampa yep have a good friend her name is Maryanne andI her birth papers it is Mary Ann two instead of both together. Sometimes just mj gos through pretty well!!



Glad mama is home SNowbear now new orders are to stay healthy!!


Raining here since about noon!!


so jello-like out lol.


Nothing much going on soooo I'll check in later!!

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