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Pinning Things on Pinterest


Please share how you feel about pinning/sharing Crochetville photos  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Please share how you feel about pinning/sharing Crochetville photos

    • I would be okay with others pinning my photos on Pinterest.
    • I would NOT be okay with others pinning my photos on Pinterest.
    • I would like to be able to pin the photos of other Crochetville members on Pinterest.
    • I would be okay with others sharing links to my posts on Facebook. (short blurb links back here)
    • I would NOT be okay with others sharing links to my posts on Facebook. (short blurb links back here)
    • I would like to be able to share links to Crochetville posts on Facebook.

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Crochetville's current Terms of Use do not allow members to share photos posted by other Crochetville members on other social networking sites (Pinterest, Facebook, etc.).


We would like to see how our members feel about 1) having their own photos pinned/shared in other places and 2) having the ability to pin/share other photos posted here at Crochetville.


If we ever started a policy to allow pinning/sharing, we would give people plenty of advance notice. It would also only allow pinning/sharing of photos posted after a certain date, which would be announced well in advance of it taking place. Pinning/sharing permission would NOT be retroactive and would not apply to any photo posted before such a policy went into effect.


Rest assured, the policy is not in any danger of being changed right now. I just want to know what members think. Please answer the poll and feel free to post more details about your answers in the thread. If you're not sure how you feel yet, let us know that, too. We'll work out together whether allowing the pinning/sharing is a good thing for Crochetville members or not.

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I would prefer that people not copy an image from my post and put the image on pinterest or anywhere else. Also would rather not have things linked on facebook.


I do not mind if someone is posting on Ravelry or a similar site, and they link to a thread here. That way the reader has to come here to see it.


I guess i like to feel that what i put here is only here.


Eta: i have spent very little time looking at pinterest, so i dont know much about it. I did see a lot of things pinned from blogs, and the blogs gave no attribution of where the photo originated.

I do realize that once i post anything online, i really cannot control whether anyone else reposts it. Maybe soon i will have to change the way i view my "control" of my images.

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I agree with the previous two posters. While I realize my control over it is limited, I like that there is a guideline in place here. I would continue to post here if the guideline changed, but I would seriously reconsider whether I post pictures, etc.

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I would prefer that people not copy an image from my post and put the image on pinterest or anywhere else. Also would rather not have things linked on facebook.


I do not mind if someone is posting on Ravelry or a similar site, and they link to a thread here. That way the reader has to come here to see it.


I guess i like to feel that what i put here is only here.


Eta: i have spent very little time looking at pinterest, so i dont know much about it. I did see a lot of things pinned from blogs, and the blogs gave no attribution of where the photo originated.

I do realize that once i post anything online, i really cannot control whether anyone else reposts it. Maybe soon i will have to change the way i view my "control" of my images.


There are some sites like Morgue Files where no attribution is required. I post a link anyways. However, blogs are supposed to follow the copy write rules using any other photographs and are subject to copy write infringement rules, too. They can't just "take" photographs that are not public domain and post them and not be subject to enforcement. I know several bloggers who have united to force others to stop using their images when permission was not given. Sadly, it is a great deal of work keeping up with people who take images. Some know it is not legal, others are unaware of the laws they are breaking regarding taking images.

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I think if you are a designer, published or for free, you put that out there for people to use, so in that case it is ok, however, we post to Crochetville for that purpose. To communicate with other like minded individuals and although Crochetville is open to the public, things like Facebook and Pinterest are very public. Making our crochet photos of our kids/family etc. more open to others. I like Crochetville like it is, here. It makes this website special. When you put it on Ravelry/Facebook/Pinterest, it increases awareness of the site, but also takes away traffic from Crochetville. If people can stay logged on to their personal FB and not have to come here to see everything, then what makes Crochetville special? Not trying to uspet anyone, but I really like Crochetville here. That makes it special. :U

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I think if you are a designer, published or for free, you put that out there for people to use, so in that case it is ok, however, we post to Crochetville for that purpose. To communicate with other like minded individuals and although Crochetville is open to the public, things like Facebook and Pinterest are very public. Making our crochet photos of our kids/family etc. more open to others. I like Crochetville like it is, here. It makes this website special. When you put it on Ravelry/Facebook/Pinterest, it increases awareness of the site, but also takes away traffic from Crochetville. If people can stay logged on to their personal FB and not have to come here to see everything, then what makes Crochetville special? Not trying to uspet anyone, but I really like Crochetville here. That makes it special. :U


I think designers who publish their work on personal blogs or websites have the same issue. They do it to drive traffic to their site, not to have their work stolen for other purposes. Back links have always been an acceptable means of promotion. If people like an article, a pattern, a cartoon, etc. posting a link about it so others can find it drives traffic to the original site and encourages others to visit it. This has been done for a long time on message boards and other areas, the key being that you didn't violate the copy write and you did push people back to the original source to get the material.


Posting on a message board that you just found the perfect scarf pattern with a link to the scarf pattern provides the website or blog owner with the potential for immediate traffic. Most are happy with this situation and don't require permission for back links that only share the location of the freebie. Perhaps they gain new followers, people may buy products they have for sale, utilize their advertisers, etc. You shared a useful free pattern with your friends without violating the pattern owner's copy write because you didn't take the picture or the pattern. What crosses the line is when you start taking the picture to show what it looks like or the pattern to post it to your group without consent of the owner. That is when groups start having issues with copy write.


Some companies have created protections by forcing you to register to find the free patterns you find linked. There are several yarn companies that require registration in order to be able to find the direct links. They have decided to control access to their pattern libraries as is their right as owners of the material.

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What about an automatiq question when you upload a picture or a link?


Do you mean when uploading something to another site? That question would have to be generated by the other site; that's nothing we can do.


Unless I've misunderstood your suggestion. If I have, let me know. :)

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Amy I THINK what she was saying is that when we upload a pic here there is a question asked if it is ok to share it on FB or pinterest. I don't know if there is a way to let one happen for my picture and not for someone elses.


FB will never ever take the place of the 'ville for me I don't care who would post what there! You would miss almost all the other fun!

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Amy I THINK what she was saying is that when we upload a pic here there is a question asked if it is ok to share it on FB or pinterest. I don't know if there is a way to let one happen for my picture and not for someone elses.


FB will never ever take the place of the 'ville for me I don't care who would post what there! You would miss almost all the other fun!


As far as I know, adding a question like that here would require writing a hack to the vBulletin software. We'd have to figure out how to add the question itself, add the ability to answer it, and then tell the forum how and where to post that answer somewhere that would be noticeable by other members.


It's possible a hack like that already exists, but we really try to avoid adding hacks whenever possible.


I wonder if Pinterest has a tiny logo we could use as a smilie that people could insert into their posts when they say it's okay for others to pin their stuff. I may go check that out.

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If something is pinned you do get the link back to the pattern or whatever. You just click the pic you like and then click the big pic/link and you are taken to the original site for the pattern.


Most bloggers seem to like the increase in traffic they get from the attention at Pinterest.

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Let's see if this solution works for everyone:


I've added Pinterest and Facebook smilies (and they even appear at the top of the smilie list, with a description of their purpose when you hover over them with your cursor). :pinterest:facebook Members can add either or both of these in a post to indicate it may be pinned on Pinterest or shared on Facebook.


If you don't see that icon in a post, it shouldn't be shared.


Think that will work?

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If something is pinned you do get the link back to the pattern or whatever. You just click the pic you like and then click the big pic/link and you are taken to the original site for the pattern.


Most bloggers seem to like the increase in traffic they get from the attention at Pinterest.


Absolutely! And I would love the increased traffic that having Crochetville posts/photos pinned would bring us.


But since I don't own the copyright to what our members post here, I can't autocratically grant permission for everything posted here to be pinned. That's up to each individual member.


But now members have a very easy way to indicate which of their posts can be shared. Now that I've added the Pinterest :pinterest and Facebook :facebook icons as smilies, they can be added to any post that a member is happy to have shared/pinned.


Some members may be okay with some things being pinned/shared, but not other things they have posted. Now they can easily control how they give or do not give permission for individual posts to be shared/pinned.


Even better: if members wish, they can go back and add the smilies to any old posts as well.

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Absolutely! And I would love the increased traffic that having Crochetville posts/photos pinned would bring us.


But since I don't own the copyright to what our members post here, I can't autocratically grant permission for everything posted here to be pinned. That's up to each individual member.


But now members have a very easy way to indicate which of their posts can be shared. Now that I've added the Pinterest :pinterest and Facebook :facebook icons as smilies, they can be added to any post that a member is happy to have shared/pinned.


Some members may be okay with some things being pinned/shared, but not other things they have posted. Now they can easily control how they give or do not give permission for individual posts to be shared/pinned.


Even better: if members wish, they can go back and add the smilies to any old posts as well.



I think this is a great solution.The problem with pinterest, (even on pinterest there is info about it) people can pin just the photo, not the site or link it came from. Meaning they can use your image and not link back to you. That is up to each pinterest user to link the right thing, not everybody is that honest. Pinterest doeshave a copyright policy though. http://pinterest.com/about/copyright/


Bailey, this is what I meant about the right to pin or not. I personally do not feel comfortable allowing some of my photos (family) to be posted all over pinterest where anyone can use it. The photos with just crochet are fine, but since I crochet primarily toddler clothes, it's hard to show off the design with out wearing the dress/outfit, etc.

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I have a few different thoughts on this.


- I don't care if people pin pictures that are with patterns that are hosted here.


- I do care if people pin pictures of work that I've done that has nothing to do with my patterns ESPECIALLY if I have family members in the pictures.


- I use Facebook in a personal fashion. I do not have a business page posted. I know it's 'the thing to do right now' but it's not my thing. If I wanted to post my pictures on facebook - I would post them there. I really don't want others posting my personal pics there.


At the same time I realize that anyone can post a link with or without permission.


If it's from my blog - well - that's out there for everybody to see. Links I don't mind so much on facebook so long as it goes to a blog post. Links to my pics or my pics - I do.


From what I've seen on pinterest - even when you post a pic - if you click on the picture it takes you to the website where it came from.


Amy - I think it's great that you made the 2 new smilie things for Pinterest and Facebook. Is it also possible to make smilies that either have a big red X or the circle with the slanted line thru it over top of the smilies?


I'm really going to have to give some thought to what types of pictures I post. I made an adorable hat for my daughter but I don't want pictures of her floating all over the internet on sites I haven't posted it. Does this mean that I'm not going to take a pic of her wearing it now? I don't know.


I totally understand the difficulties of the position that Amy is in here and thank you for putting so much time and effort into

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You gals had me all confused when all this hoopla about Pinterest started the other day, to the point that I thought I was doing something wrong by 'repinning' a photo I liked to my boards. I have never been able to figure out what the exact difference is between 'repin' and 'like'... when to use either, so if I saw something I liked, I repinned it to my board and could find it quickly again later on.


Because of my confusion with all this discussion, I went in there the other night and actually unpinned everything, yup everything, because I thought I was doing something wrong.... oh well! I think my initial confusion was over the terms "Pin" and 'Repin'.


I always search for crochet things in Google 'Images'. If I search for 'crochet hat' in Google images or Pinterest, the result is similar, just that many more pics show up in Google. By clicking on the photo, it takes me back to the original site. When I first started using Pinterest as a search tool, It seemed the same as google, but on a smaller scale. The best part was that I could repin the pic to a board, thus easier to find again, rather than bookmark it or save it to my favorites(with no photo)


So, is it okay to just randomly repin everything I like, or is that stepping on toes? Should I just use the 'like' button instead?


I still like the huge selection of pics from my searches at Google Images, maybe I'll just stick with that!

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Hi ~ My response is right along the lines of what magiccrochetfan, papersmiles, and nicolep have stated. And thank you for all of your care and thoughtfulness in handling it.

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I like that you have found a solution that gives people the option to let people pin or like posts or not according to their wishes. That is respectful to both sides of the issue.

I as a designer love getting my work out there and seen. But I thoroughly understand others wanting their sharing to be limited to the close Crochetville family.

You have found a viable solution for all concerned and I applaud you for making sure everyones concerns have been addressed.

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I like that you have found a solution that gives people the option to let people pin or like posts or not according to their wishes. That is respectful to both sides of the issue.

I as a designer love getting my work out there and seen. But I thoroughly understand others wanting their sharing to be limited to the close Crochetville family.

You have found a viable solution for all concerned and I applaud you for making sure everyones concerns have been addressed.



As a new designer, I agree with you that getting my designs seen is a plus for business. I also understand those who don't want their pictures shared, especially if their kids are in the pictures. I think Amy came up with a solution that works for everyone. :)

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I need to go back and re-read, but if what I am hearing about Pininterest apparently trying the old Yahoo trick of claiming copyright over all postings (and have the pockets the to defend against the likes of you or me) then flat out, HECK No!!! to Pinterest.


You can probably guess what I would say about ANY design professional willing to give up their copyrights in such a situation. <G>


Enjoy The Making



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Really interesting snippets from Pinterest ToU:





So just by looking at the site, whether I have an account or not, I am agreeing to the ToU. wow!


Please note that your visual collections will be publicly viewable by all visitors to the Site and Application.


ok - there are no privacy settings.


You must register with Pinterest through your account with certain third party social networking services, including, but not limited to, Facebook and Twitter (collectively, "SNS"). When you register through your SNS account, you will be asked to login to the Services using your SNS account credentials. Creating an Account for the first time via a SNS will prompt you to merge your Pinterest and SNS accounts. By creating an Account via your account with an SNS, you are allowing Pinterest to access your SNS account information


Members also have the option to disable the connection between their Pinterest Account and SNS account at any time by accessing the SNS account and disconnecting access to the Services.

So - I have to sign up with my facebook account and give an unrelated site access to all my facebook stuff? Really? And I have to take an extra step to remove it?


Here's the good one - Member Content!


By making available any Member Content through the Site, Application or Services, you hereby grant to Cold Brew Labs a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, access, view, and otherwise exploit such Member Content only on, through or by means of the Site, Application or Services.


Cold Brew Labs does not claim any ownership rights in any such Member Content and nothing in these Terms will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to use and exploit any such Member Content.


They don't have to claim 'ownership' - they already claimed they can do anything at all that they want to with what people post there.


Thank you, wheat, for adding a different viewpoint.

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My thought on Pinterest is that, while it's interesting, it's also a fad. That said, I haven't posted anything to the web that I wouldn't mind having reposted, because I usually keep in mind that "once it's up, it's outta my control!" I understand the privacy issues that others are going through, and I sympathize :ghug

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