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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Right now I'm a very tired machine with a headache and sinus infection. :(




Ugh poor baby! My headache keeps coming back too, but no infection like you! Here: :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Hope that helps!

kuddles (mama)

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Love the tote Mary!!


Sue- Love the colors of the "new" tote you're working on- hugs for the sinus infection and headache!


Tammy- So sorry that DH got the pink eye. And please don't ever feel you can't come here and vent- we're friends here!!!


Just got in from a very long day- and I'm so close to finishing the SBT, but am really tired and as easy as the pattern is, I think I'll finish it tomorrow!!

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Oh my. 21!?!?!?! Your totes are old enough to drink now. :rofl







Right now I'm a very tired machine with a headache and sinus infection. :(




aww I'm sorry you are feeling punk... :hug:hug


I didn't work on a single tote today :lol Trying to get ready for a show this weekend and taking my travel trailer. I will bring projects with to work on in the evening. I worked on a hedgehog tonight. I just can't do that fun fur without another yarn in with it so I did double strand. It's turning out pretty cute! Now I have to find where I put the stuffin

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aww I'm sorry you are feeling punk... :hug:hug


I didn't work on a single tote today :lol Trying to get ready for a show this weekend and taking my travel trailer. I will bring projects with to work on in the evening. I worked on a hedgehog tonight. I just can't do that fun fur without another yarn in with it so I did double strand. It's turning out pretty cute! Now I have to find where I put the stuffin

:eek No tote???:eek Good luck with the show this weekend! Hope you found the stuffing for what sounds like a cute little hedgehog!!!

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Good morning everyone. I've been awake since before 4 AM. I am almost finished another tote. It's one I started years ago. and I don't really care for the way it turned out. Just need to weave in the ends and it will be done.

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good morning and :hug to all. ive been up since about 4 am and im HOPING today is a productive day... still working on SBT 3 and have yarn ready for SBT 4....waiting on another shipment for yarn for more SBT's. i may be spending part of my day going through coupons that need sorted as to wether im keeping them or sending them off to a few of my fellow couponers. gonna make a shopping list when hubby gets home and IF i can stay awake long enough tomorrow were goin g to do shopping day.

am i insane to have actuall have amde a list of SBT ideas? (think about that before you answer sue! :lol

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I dont think color wise they are not as pretty as all of you ladies here but I think they are pretty... You all know me and my magic yarn balls...


Well here they go...





Are you kidding?!? Those are awesome! They fit the 'stashbuster' idea beautifully. What a great way to use up smaller remnants. This breaks me out of the notion I MUST have two full skeins of a solid and variegated yarn...Time to play!:crocheting

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Love this one even more than the first.....love the colors!



Thanks! I've had that cotton yarn for awhile and finally decided to use it! :lol


Ugh poor baby! My headache keeps coming back too, but no infection like you! Here: :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Hope that helps!

kuddles (mama)


Thanks Mama. :hug


Those colors are so nice and cheerful. Great bag. Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks times 2.


:hug sorry your nose is giving you trouble!! :sick:sneeze


Stupid nose. :hug


Sue- Love the colors of the "new" tote you're working on- hugs for the sinus infection and headache!


Thanks and thanks. :hug


I like it and I just love the colors too.


Thanks! :)


Sorry to here your not feeling so good, hope you get better soon.


Thanks again.


aww I'm sorry you are feeling punk... :hug:hug


I didn't work on a single tote today :lol Trying to get ready for a show this weekend and taking my travel trailer. I will bring projects with to work on in the evening. I worked on a hedgehog tonight. I just can't do that fun fur without another yarn in with it so I did double strand. It's turning out pretty cute! Now I have to find where I put the stuffin


Thanks Mary. No tote??? You have a fever?? :lol



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Good morning to my fellow addicts! Sounds like many need :hug so there ya go!


My boss is out again today (to play with his new grandbaby) so ahhhhhhhhhh......


Everyone have a great day!


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Good Morning World!! Except for the fog, it's a beautiful Friday!


I didn't work on a single tote today :lol Trying to get ready for a show this weekend and taking my travel trailer. I will bring projects with to work on in the evening. I worked on a hedgehog tonight. I just can't do that fun fur without another yarn in with it so I did double strand. It's turning out pretty cute! Now I have to find where I put the stuffin

What show are you getting ready for? I must have missed something (once again). Aren't the hedgies cute? One more row left on mine before he can be stuffed. Once he is done, it will be back to the baby ghan and start tote #5


Good morning everyone. I've been awake since before 4 AM. I am almost finished another tote. It's one I started years ago. and I don't really care for the way it turned out. Just need to weave in the ends and it will be done.

Make sure you post a pic. I bet it isn't as bad as you think


good morning and :hug to all. ive been up since about 4 am and im HOPING today is a productive day... still working on SBT 3 and have yarn ready for SBT 4....waiting on another shipment for yarn for more SBT's. i may be spending part of my day going through coupons that need sorted as to wether im keeping them or sending them off to a few of my fellow couponers. gonna make a shopping list when hubby gets home and IF i can stay awake long enough tomorrow were goin g to do shopping day.

am i insane to have actuall have amde a list of SBT ideas? (think about that before you answer sue! :lol

Insane??? I think not!! No matter what Miss Sue may say.


Good morning to my fellow addicts! Sounds like many need :hug so there ya go!


My boss is out again today (to play with his new grandbaby) so ahhhhhhhhhh......


Everyone have a great day!


Thanks for the hugs - and here is one for you :hug


Sue - hope your nose is feeling better today. :hug

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸



thank you all for your love and prayers!!! :hug


Kuddles............ look what I finally got done.......

I'm so happy how it came out too!!!

I hope you're pleased with the results of your beautiful pattern. thanks again for letting me help test!










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Good Morning World!! Except for the fog, it's a beautiful Friday!


What show are you getting ready for? I must have missed something (once again). Aren't the hedgies cute? One more row left on mine before he can be stuffed. Once he is done, it will be back to the baby ghan and start tote #5




I raise and show rabbits :lol

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Good morning Ladies...also sending :hug:hug:hug all around, seems like everyone could use one. Trying to finish up the market bag, some confusion about row 24.


Got it now..... finishing up.....

sorry don't usually have trouble with patterns, but can't seem to work that one out in my mind today, lol:think hmmm..perhaps the sbt has corrupted my brain and I can't work any other pattern, lol. or maybe the fumes from the kitchen are clouding my mind (self cleaning the oven, the windows are open but the smell get to me anyway)

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸



thank you all for your love and prayers!!! :hug


Kuddles............ look what I finally got done.......

I'm so happy how it came out too!!!

I hope you're pleased with the results of your beautiful pattern. thanks again for letting me help test!










OH HONEY! That turned out gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOve love love it!

Thanks and a :hugfor doing that for me!


Now that the winner of my bag got her bag and pattern, soon I'll put out the pattern for everyone to have!


Wow, I just love your bag!


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Good day to all my friends.

Well I got up and already gave my 31 pounder pommeranian her bath of the month . whew that was a hazzle... I even got to trim fur from her hinny.


Today I want to finish off a SBT i started a few days ago with again another magic yarn ball..


Then I will try Kuddles tote pattern and then Sues market bag pattern.. that will give me a change from the SBT but I will be back to them..


Tam your tote came out beautiful I love that deep colors.. Awesome and so happy to see yiou smiling today...


Well I wish every one a Happy and blessed day..


OHHHHH : before I forget ,,,, Ladies dont forget to hop on over to the Totes/Purse Swap and Join some of us got enough totes made already that we can swap one out.

So lets go give Misty the hostess a run and chase in this swap...


We all know we can whip up one of Sues totes in a heart beat.



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good afternoon ladies! its been one of those mornings....clipped coupons and almost have them sorted...been up since 4 am...

but heres the thing...i have depression (its not something everybody knows) and ive been in such a dern funk lately. granted the totes have cheered me up but in th eevenings when hubby gets off work it seems like all i want to do is sleep. im on meds and thye help but i sometimes wonder if im ever gonna climb out of my funk!

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