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Our House Part Two


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Hi Ladies. SIL just left with the boys, so I'm having a glass of wine. ;)   With Sue being here for 3 days and the boys for two, I'm officially tired.  They are really good, but they are typical noisy, non-stop kids!


DH is grilling a steak for us and then I will probably be in bed by 8. :lol   I will catch up tomorrow - the only thing we have to do is take Gracie for her 2nd post surgery check up.


Have a good evening, friends. :manyheart

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morning peeps! 


Looking forward to a visit from our friends again today, so no hook time. 


My newest request is a ghan for DS to use for patients on his chiro table to use when the office (connected to the WOW gym) is too cold. 

It's Red Heart :  Crochet Textured Throw.  Super easy and warm - I made one in a another color for his first office he set up.


Have a great day my friends

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Good morning.


I'm on call for work. It's hard to start anything much when I'm on call. Some people do, but I like to be able to get to work as soon as possible. I will probably start laundry and the finish the dishcloth I'm knitting. I want to sew a totebag for my oldest DDs birthday too. I have enough fabric to make about 20 of them!


Judy, it's great that your ds appreciates your crocheting skills.


Mary, fingers crossed that Gracie gets a good report at the doctors.


Have a great day, ladies.

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Good morning House!


CIndy-a new tote bag sounds wonderful!  My mom received a sewing machine for Christmas, she was so excited!  My sister and i helped her set it up and wind the bobbin.  It was so cute to see her sitting and sewing, she used to sew 30 years ago but has never gone back to it.


Judy-The new throw sounds warm and cozy.  I love snuggling up under an afghan.  


Joanne-your mini vacation has started, how fun!  Are you home relaxing and hooking/knitting?


Mary-hoping that Gracies appointment goes well and that you are able to rest today.


Hello Marisa and the rest of the house!


I am burnt out tired today, I just could not get myself out of bed.  Thankfully all of the cleaning is done, orders are packaged and I can have an easy day at the shop.  Today is also my DD's 16th birthday.  She is so excited!  Ds took the day off and is taking her to lunch and bought her a ton of gifts.  He really went all out.  We will all go out to dinner this evening and then on Saturday we are having a "game day" per her request.  Should be lots of fun.


Ordered the yarn that I needed for the scarves but in the meantime I can alwasy work on the Temperature afghan, i am a week behind.  Guess I should get moving, talk soon.  hugs and warmest of wishes!

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Good morning!

Yesterday I went and spent the day with DD and Jali. We went for a walk, out to lunch, to the maker space at the museum. It was a nice day. Today is my lazy day at home. Lol. I'm doing laundry, finishing up a knitted scarf and then will probably start a baby blanket for a co worker who is having a baby girl in March. I asked her what colors she would like and she said pink and yellow. I have a ton of pink in my stash so it will be mostly pink. Haven't decided on a pattern yet.


Enjoy your cpvisit with friends, Judy!


Hope all goes well woth Gracie, Mary


Cindy. Hope you don't get called in!!!! It if you do, wishing for an easy shift!


LeeAnn. Happy sweet 16 to your daughter!!!! A special milestone!!!!


Marlene wondering if you have made it to TX!


Marissa. I keep meaning to tell you, I love the posts you put on fb. Lots of good advice!!!!


Dh got me an iPad mini 4 for Christmas, but I have decided I really want the iPad pro. I will put in the difference and its on sale at best buy. Dh agreed that it was probably a better choice. My current mini is doing fine. I'm going to save up and get the keyboard for the iPad pro.


Laundry is ready to go in the dryer....have a good day everyone.

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Good morning. It's snowing lightly here and has been all night. Not a lot of accumulation, but it's all white and bright out there again.


I didn't get called in to work yesterday. I set out to sew that totebag for dd, but instead I made myself a purse organizer. My current purse is a largish one without a single pocket. (Not sure where my brain was when I bought that one!). I'm forever rummaging in it to find things. I haven't used it since I made the organizer, but it certainly seems like a good idea.


We were planning to open gifts with our kids tomorrow, but dd just called to say her youngest was up all night, throwing up. Apparently she was okay by breakfast time though, dd said she ate and got in a ruckus with her brothers which resulted in a broken plate. However, the other kids are probably in line to get it too. Guess we will see what tomorrow brings.


Joanne, DH had considered buying me an iPad Pro for Christmas this year, but my old iPad 2 still works well and so does my iPad mini, so I talked him out of it. I'd miss my iPads if they didn't work though.


LeeAnn, happy birthday to your dd. It's great that she wants a family game day. Many teens would want to do something with their friends, rather than hang out with family.


Laundry is ready for the dryer, so I'd best go attend to it. Have a great day!

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Hi peeps!


Yay for new electronics!!


LeeAnn...sweet 16! Your DD sounds like she's so sweet. You're blessed!


Joanne, I'm sure your DD's appreciate you a lot! And Grandma gets to see her grands without having to invite herself over...lol!


Hi to everyone else.


Laundry is going, and I made appointments for the fur kids for Jan 15 - Sparkie to have his sore checked to make sure it's completely healed, and Miss Lucy for an eval. She needs dental work : a broken tooth and the resulting gingivitis because she won't let me touch her mouth after the toothbrush hit an exposed nerve. Don't know how that works: she still eats acorns in the yard! I warned DH to take a deep breath with the surgery bill.....


Off I go - Later, gators.

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Hi House. :)


Once again, I've been mia and miss you all.  I am so ready to hibernate somewhere with my hook and yarn. ;)  Yesterday afternoon, DH started feeling really bad and I took him to the ER.  All because he forgot to take his meds in the a.m.  All is fine now, but obviously I have to watch every move he makes.  Gracie's appt. went well.  Today I stayed with the boys from 9 until about 4 while DD had appointments.   I will start over tomorrow - it has to be a better day!


Love you all - have a good night. :manyheart

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Good morning my friends!


Hi House. :)


Once again, I've been mia and miss you all.  I am so ready to hibernate somewhere with my hook and yarn. ;)  Yesterday afternoon, DH started feeling really bad and I took him to the ER.  All because he forgot to take his meds in the a.m.  All is fine now, but obviously I have to watch every move he makes.  Gracie's appt. went well.  Today I stayed with the boys from 9 until about 4 while DD had appointments.   I will start over tomorrow - it has to be a better day!


Love you all - have a good night. :manyheart


It WILL be a better day today!!  :hug

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Happy New Year my friends - we'll be asleep through it all - until some brain surgeon decides to either shoot off fireworks or make a racket :reyes


Have a great weekend!

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Good morning. Our kids and grandkids are coming for breakfast and presents. I imagine that the grandkids have been up for hours. We are having scrambled eggs, sausage, home made cinnamon rolls, muffins, fruit and orange juice. I'm not much of a breakfast eater, but I'm starting to get a little hungry.


Judy, we won't be up to see the New Year in either. At least not unless our neighborhood is really noisy.


Hapoy New Year everyone!

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Happy New Year's Eve, everyone. :)


Cindy ~ Oh boy!  More presents to open! :lol  I bet the kids will have a ball at your house today.  Your menu sounds delicious.


Judy ~ You know I agree about the fireworks...our fur babies suffer the most. Well, not Zoe - nothing fazes her!


Thank you for the kind words.♥  DH has two pill holders - a.m. and p.m.  I keep an updated list of all his meds in my purse and planner/calendar at all times which made the ER Dr. happy.  When we got home, he had skipped his meds from the night before and the next morning.  He's feeling fine now,  but I will be more diligent.  Of course, he insists he took those pills!


I'm almost through cleaning upstairs, changing sheets, etc.  Then I will start putting away Christmas things. :)


Have a good day, friends. :manyheart

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Happy New Year's Eve!


I wish you all health and happiness in 2017!


I had a fairly uneventful week, so not much to report today.


Cindy - We call them donuts too...and they are quite scary!  Glad you were alright...also glad to hear that your brother's house didn't burn!  I love that you set out to make a tote and instead made the purse organizer...totally something I would do, lol.


Judy - We didn't even start the downstairs yet, that'll be coming up in the spring I suppose.  My sister and I 'get' to design it, lol.  We finished their main living floor (it's a ranch house).


Marlene - I hope all is well and that you are able to deal with the mountain ptsd!  We often don't even realize how things effect us :hug


Mary - Steak and wine sound like a wonderful way to relax after the being with the kids!


LeeAnn - The shop looked great and I'm glad the family helped out!  Happy birthday to dd :birthday  I hope you all have fun with game night!


Joann - Thanks about the FB posts.  I'm just trying to keep the name visible and out there.  I'm actually able to schedule them ahead of time from the website I've been using, so I don't have to do it every day.  I just scheduled today through Monday Jan 9th and put on my calendar for the 10th that it's time to schedule again.  Although, I accidentally did 2 for today....I hit the 'share now' button instead of the 'set time' button. Oh well!


I hope you all have a wonderful evening and if you go out, please be safe!

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Happy New Years Eve my friends!


Cindy-your breakfast sounds delish!  oh my gosh, more presents?  how fun!  Your purse organizer is a great idea!  I switched purses as the same thing was happening to me, my keys would fall to the bottom and then I had to dig now I just put them in the side pocket.


Mary-glad that your dh is doing better.  You are very smart to organize all of his meds, I bet things can get tricky.  My mom sets and alarm on her cell phone for all of her meds, she has a difficult time keeping up with them all.  I am a horrible pill taker, I forget but if I had to I bet I would remember.


Joanne-you are going to have such a fun weekend!  Jali and Charlie and all of your grands are growing up so fast!  Pretty soon they will all be in school wow!


Judy-I too will be asleep tonight at midnight.  I have a difficult time staying up past 9 p.m.  the kiddos laugh at me as that is when they feel energized.


The .shop re-model is done, what a relief!  My dd is so happy to be 16, she is such a blessing.  We are having company over today to celebrate, better get my tush in gear and tidy up the house.  Happy New Year my friends, thank you for making 2016 fantastic!

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Hi again. Presents unwrapped, kids home for naps. It's amazing that what took me days to shop for and wrap, would be totally unwrapped in an hour or so! We made scrambled eggs in the oven and they were really good. It's a very easy way to make eggs for a crowd. We made 2 dozen eggs with barely any effort on our part.


Joanne, I got an iPad Air 2 for Christmas. I was totally amazed. DH told me that he bought me just one little gift, so I shouldn't get too carried away with his! I got him a fancy camera lens and some small things.

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Hi Ladies, we are at the clubhouse for a New Years Eve party so I connected to the internet. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I won't have internet until the 10th. I'll be back when I can.

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Happy 2017, my friends~


Cindy, I can only imagine the noise level at your house yesterday! Such fun when kids are around!



Happy New Year's Eve, everyone. :)


Cindy ~ Oh boy!  More presents to open! :lol  I bet the kids will have a ball at your house today.  Your menu sounds delicious.


Judy ~ You know I agree about the fireworks...our fur babies suffer the most. Well, not Zoe - nothing fazes her!


Thank you for the kind words.♥  DH has two pill holders - a.m. and p.m.  I keep an updated list of all his meds in my purse and planner/calendar at all times which made the ER Dr. happy.  When we got home, he had skipped his meds from the night before and the next morning.  He's feeling fine now,  but I will be more diligent.  Of course, he insists he took those pills! My hubby makes a small note on his desk calendar when he's taken his meds...but they DO hat being questioned about their memory on things, don't they?


I'm almost through cleaning upstairs, changing sheets, etc.  Then I will start putting away Christmas things. :) I put away our Christmas stuff yesterday - nice to have a neat house back!


Have a good day, friends. :manyheart


Have a great day, my friends!

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Happy New Year!  I hope everyone is having a good day. :)


Cindy ~ Such a fun time with your family.  When the boys were here this past week, Luke asked me if they got presents for New Year's, too. :lol  Please share how you did the eggs in the oven! 


Marlene ~ So good to see your post. :yes  Are you all settled in now?  Have a wonderful time!


Judy ~ Well, some of our neighbors decided to start fireworks about 7 last night!  Our next door neighbor called and said he had called the police...I was just getting ready to. Gracie was in full panic mode and we're under wild fire warnings.  Thankfully, the police were out patrolling last night and stopped most of the fireworks.


Marisa ~ Hi!  Your parents must be so happy to be near their girls! 


Hi to the rest of the House, too! :manyheart


Back to the desk for a while.  I've done my state sales tax forms for last year and need to set up the new calendars. :)

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Happy new year!!


I spent NYE with Jali so dd could ring in the new year with friends ! It was one of my Christmas presents to her. She was so appreciative and Jali was very good. He is 7 mos old now and very active, but such a happy boy.


I put all my Christmas decorations away today when I got home and then dh and I have watching football and I've been crocheting. I'm making a baby blanket for a co worker. Giants are on now, but took a little break to check in.


Hope that 2017 is good for all of us!!! Hugs !!

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Cindy ~ Thank you for the link!  What a super idea for a crowd...or even for two!


Joanne ~  It's so special that you spent Jali's first NYE with him.  :c9    I finished putting Christmas things away today, too.  The house always seems so boring without all the lights. ;)


Have a good evening, friends. ♥♥♥

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Cindy ~ Thank you for the link! What a super idea for a crowd...or even for two!


Joanne ~ It's so special that you spent Jali's first NYE with him. :c9 It WAS special spending his first NYE and his 7 th mos of life with him. Just like Charlie, he's getting a little personality, and he is just so lovable. I finished putting Christmas things away today, too. The house always seems so boring without all the lights. ;). I agree, but it also seems somehow cleaner.


Have a good evening, friends. ♥♥♥

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Hi House. :)   Our power was restored about an hour ago - severe storms came through around 3 a.m. Thankfully, no damage at our house.


DD and I have been texting and talking about the boy's schedule while she's in the hospital and at home afterwards.  They are only keeping her overnight (Wednesday) - which sure isn't very long!  I'm going to do some extra cooking today and tomorrow, so they will have some meals in the fridge and freezer. :)


Have a good Monday, friends. :manyheart

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