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Our House Part Two


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Laura ~ The texture and color of the sweater are wonderful. :hook


Marisa ~ Oh, I hope your back is okay! :hug


Hi to the rest of the House, too! :manyheart DH just got home, so I need to visit with him. :)

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Good evening everyone. I had a terrific day at work, And even better, it rained all day here!!!! (we really, really need the rain!) Its even cool outside. DD and family are camping and they are using our camper. Dsil just called to ask if there was a heater anywhere in it. (there is!) There is also a furnace, but we haven't ever used it, so we thought it best if they did not experiment with it.


Julie, hope that each day finds you a bit better.


Laura, congrats on being asked to write something about Katrina. I bet its because that blogger likes your style! Congrats on the scarf finish. I like the sweater you are making, neat looking stitch pattern and lovely color.


Val, hope you get your internet back soon. You do well with the blackberry though.


Tab, I believe you are the first person I've ever heard of getting flat tires on a stroller!


Marisa, Yay!!! for another new patient!!!


Judy, looking forward to seeing what new project you come up with. I am thinking of starting a baby blanket made from hexagons to use up some of the scraps I have leftover from other projects. Mine will be more traditional colors though! And if not hexagons, something else that is scrappy.


Mary, sounds like you are getting quite a ways on the fishghan. I like pesto too, but never thought of freezing it.


Marlene, did hubby's golf get rained out today? We had quite a bit of rain down here.


Joanne, hope your workday went well, and you got out on time today.


I did not sleep well last night and so I'm already dragging. Luckily I don't have a thing to do tonight except read or craft. Work again tomorrow. Good night everyone!

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HI all,


Didn't have to work late tonight- the programmer was out sick- and sent an email and said how about tomorrow after 6 or sometime on the weekend because she wanted to have it upgraded for Monday morning. I said no, I'll stay late Monday night and we'll do it then.


Judy- I forgot to tell you that I liked the peek-a-boo blanket you finished. I love that pattern of Cindy's too! May use that pattern for my co-workers' baby- just waiting to find out the sex of the baby in August


Cindy- We had much cooler temps- clouds all day- some spritzes. So much more pleasant than the 100 degree humid days. We could use more rain though. Glad you had a good day at work.


Laura- Love the start of the sweater- and your dinner the other night sounds perfect! We had cold cuts earlier in the week and salad and it was perfect for the hot night!


Tab- I also would do something like that with the tire- so you are not alone on that one!


Marisa- Maybe you'll get to do a little crocheting tonight since you are not going out!


Mary- Did you have a nice 'visit' with your DH?


Julie- Thinking of you.


Val- Hope you had a good day- what afghan of the 6 did you work on today?


Linda- Hope you are settling in nicely- miss you in 'our house'


Marlene- Thinking of you, too! Hope all is well.


Probably forgot someone but of course I didn't take any notes.


Good news! Oldest DD is coming down for Ryan's birthday party on Saturday! She decided to come even though she has plans to attend a concert Sunday night. So it will be a quick turn-around visit. She'll get in around 11-12 on Saturday and middle DD will meet her at the train station and they'll drive down to the party together. She hasn't decided if she is going to take the bus back home Saturday night and then sleep in on Sunday or stay here and leave really early Sunday. I'm just so happy that she is going to be here!!!


Have a good night everyone!

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Marisa, DS also loves those non-family referrals!

It sounds like you did too much exercise after being too sedentary. Gotta watch that!:hug:manyheart:hug


Cindy, have a good day tomorrow:hug


We actually have wonderfully comfortable weather outside now! So nice...we'll enjoy it for now. The humidity is coming back on Monday.

Have a great night everyone:manyheart

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Good morning and TGiF!!!!


Prayers going out for those affected by the shooting in a CO movie theatre at a screening of the movie Dark Knights---what is wrong with people???

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That COLO shooting...sick cretins in this world. Kids were hurt/shot, too!!:(


This is my afghan so far! 16 more squares so far left to go but I will make more to get it bigger.

That's beautiful...and like Joanne, I love the colors you're using.

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Morning ladies :coffee

Thank the Lord for the cooler weather today ! I was actually able to sleep well last night as the temps were lower. :c9


Marisa - How nice you live in walking distance to the stadium (and going to see the Styx concert...I saw them years ago in Chicago). I wonder if you have the same prob as my gf in Chicago...she lives close to Wrigley Field and they don't have on site parking there, just off site pay parking. The residents around there ended up getting the city to issue special parking permits for them so only people with those permits could park on those first few streets around the stadium during game time. Before they did that, she was in fear of moving her car as she would never get a parking place back close by..:eek She lives in a brownstone condo/townhouse that doesn't have any sort of indoor parking :(


Yes my wool gets a place in the Katrina snippet...next to the photographs of my children, it was my biggest loss. Believe it or not I was more upset over losing my stash than losing some of my clothes.. geez...I am such a wool addict :hook Only my bedroom was affected and from then on , I never kept my wool in my bedroom... weird eh? :think


Strawberry :strawberr:crocheting <<< how cool, you have emoticons for your whole name :D - I love your afghan and the colors...how pretty it is !! I admire your perseverance...I would do a few rows of squares and get bored and put it down for awhile :lol:lol


Joanne- you are so right about that shooting. Too much glorified violence and drugs etc in media, movies, tv etc these days...I think it messes with peoples minds. You never saw much of this when I was young, even though guns were just as available. People are just so messed up these days... had something like that happen last week in Scarborough..people had a block party, they kicked out one person getting rowdy, the person came back an hour later and started shooting. Injured some kids and adults and killed some young adults.... :sigh


Well thanks for the sweater compliments...I have completely finished the backside and am starting on the front. I am going to lightly block the back a bit to straighten up some of the stitches on the edge.


I am off...I have a date with the washer and my darling's work clothes (full of grease as usual). All I will say is thank God for stain stick :lol . Will start thinking about my Katrina snippet too...the girl said to me "now don't hold back and be afraid to say how it really was...because of course they did not tell us everything..." HA that is the understatement of the year.. but..I don't really want to get into that so much....that would be a whole other book:lol

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Morning housemates!


Strawberry - Beautiful ghan and. I love the colors too.


Laura - nice start on the sweather. Congrats on the blog request.


Marisa - take it easy with the back. Did you crochet since you stayed home last night?


Joanne - good fo you standing your ground and protecting your time off. I'mworking on the larger of the AAMU ghans. Hope today goes by fast for you!


Cindy - I like the keypad on the BB...not so good on touch. Have a good day at work.


Judy - glad you got some relief from the heat. We got a little here as well.


Mary - what are you up to today?


Julie, Marlene, Tab, and Linda - hope all is well!


Have a good day housemates!

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Hi, everyone. I'm still here and very slowly getting boxes unpacked. The exhaustion hit on Thursday and I spent 5 days doing very little beside eating and sleeping. Finally had some energy yesterday and moved enought boxes around to get at one of my display cases. It now has my crystal and good china washed and in it. Two boxes down and two more to go of the fragile stuff. I'm at the library at the moment but have to leave now for a doctor checkup. :hug


Linda! I was so happy to see your post today...already in withdrawal thinking we may not hear from you for a few days. :lol


Here is the first strip of the fish baby 'ghan. :hook

The strip is beautiful! :clap:clap:clap

Hello peeps! :)


I am SO very sorry about my drop out (I think it has been forever). I have been fighting fatigue and pain. I think the pain is due to my tubal, ick.....I made an appt. for next week.


Anywhoo, I finally finished crocheting borders on my friendship squares and finished the friendship ghan. YaY! The baby kinda stole it even before it was finished.....he kept staring and grabbing at it. (Picture below)


Other then that I have been burying myself in books, school, and baby love. I finished several books since being in here last. What else? :think Not much, I am a boring person.


Again I am SO sorry for being such a horrible friend....I really will try harder.


Elijah is almost 6 months and he is getting big too fast. Take care my friend. :hug


The pictures of Eli were taken July 5th during his first swim in the the big pool. :manyheart

Lovely 'ghan! :clap Eli is sooooo cute. I can't believe he's already 6 months old. Hope you are feeling better by now. :hug

Well, I'm impressed with my conservative doctor.:) Since the PT that DS used with me the other day had a good effect, this doc wants me to continue it for 2 to 3 weeks and see how it goes. No cortisone, yet, anyway, since the pain does dissipate after about a few hours.:D

Thinking of you and hope the PT helps. :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, as a few of you asked....I did crochet last night while catching up on Master Chef from earlier in the week. Steph and Bean went out for a bit, just because since he wasn't able to go with us they really haven't spent time together since last week :( Tonight they are going to the game, so I'll get more crochet time in with the tv and I'm going to make some croutons with last weeks bread before we have to throw it away :yes Can you tell I don't like to waste :think


This morning I went swimming although I really didn't feel up to it. But as I hit snooze for the 3rd time :eek I told myself I'll feel better if I get up and go.....so I got up and went.....and I'm glad now because I wouldn't have worked out today otherwise. I was supposed to have 2 patients just after 10, but she called and said her dh's flight gets in a bit later than she thought and asked when I'd be here until today. So if they don't make it in today, then they may come tomorrow....I gave her my cell # to catch me tomorrow if need be. It's the couple from Long Island in town with the twin daughters taking a ballet camp. They're have an appointment to look at a condo this afternoon :think So, I'm guessing the girls really, really like this school :think But, this is the last week of the camp. The mother stayed here with them while the father traveled back and forth on the weekends. I guess we'll see what happens after next week. But if they stay here.....I'll have some ongoing regular patients :clap And the mother took some cards out to the ballet studio too :yes


Tomorrow morning the pirates are having a run/walk for Epilepsy and I volunteered to help. They have me on the registration table from 7:30-9:30, so that won't be bad and I'm hoping to get out a few business cards while I'm there :devil


Mary - Glad to hear that DH is back home now safely. My back is feeling better, I think it was just alot of sitting even though I use a back support pillow in the car :shrug


Cindy - Thanks for the cheering :D I am now up to 38 patients on my list :clap:yay Glad to hear you're getting some much needed rain, we're on day 3 now and we needed it too :yes Have fun with your scrap ghan, but since you don't like to join I'm not so sure hexagons would be best for you :think Unless you do large hexagons so there's not many to join :think


Joanne - I'm so proud of you to tell them no for today or the weekend and that they have to wait until Monday :h5 How exciting that your oldest dd will make it in for Ryan's party tomorrow and of course, we'll be on the lookout for pics :devil I agree about the shooting! I don't understand people and I can't imagine what goes through someone's head to make them do such things :eek


Judy - You're right, I think after all the sitting and then a lot of standing at the party we hosted and then a lot more sitting :whew Who knew sitting was so exhausting :lol


Strawberry - I love your ghan, what pattern are you using? Sorry if you previously said it. Are the flowers sticking up off the ghan, or is that an illusion?


Laura - There are several lots around the ball park here since PNC Park for the Pirates and Heinz Field for the Steelers are next to each other. However, when you come up from there, our neighborhood is permit parking through the streets, but the more main roads are a free for all and they tend to fill up early :yes I've been to Wrigley Field once so I know exactly what you're talking about :yes I hope your date with the laundry is going well :lol Definitely understandable to be more upset about the wool than the clothes....When you have a piece of clothing, well, you have a piece of clothing....BUT, when you have some wool, you can make any piece of clothing you want :idea


Val - Hope you're having a great day and that your hook is smoking to fill orders :yes

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Hi, everyone. I'm still here and very slowly getting boxes unpacked. The exhaustion hit on Thursday and I spent 5 days doing very little beside eating and sleeping. Finally had some energy yesterday and moved enought boxes around to get at one of my display cases. It now has my crystal and good china washed and in it. Two boxes down and two more to go of the fragile stuff. I'm at the library at the moment but have to leave now for a doctor checkup. :hug


So glad you were able to check in with us :hug Glad to hear you got some much needed rest and are taking your time getting settled! I hope all goes well with your appointment :hug

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Joanne - how exciting to have all 3 of your girls with you at Ryan's party. I am so happy for you!


Linda - glad to hear alll is well with you.


Marisa - you've got soooo much energy. Hope you get lots of customers from passing out cards!

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Laura - There are several lots around the ball park here since PNC Park for the Pirates and Heinz Field for the Steelers are next to each other. However, when you come up from there, our neighborhood is permit parking through the streets, but the more main roads are a free for all and they tend to fill up early :yes I've been to Wrigley Field once so I know exactly what you're talking about :yes I hope your date with the laundry is going well :lol Definitely understandable to be more upset about the wool than the clothes....When you have a piece of clothing, well, you have a piece of clothing....BUT, when you have some wool, you can make any piece of clothing you want :idea


Laundry is laundry a big ugh :lol

You are so right about the wool though...clothes are clothes...wool is my creativity...my outlet...what I can design with


I thought about you passing out your cards today...I was reading a blog I follow about this girl who does craft type stuff and she just opened a small craft shop selling her items in her town. She said:

As I was passing out cards at a local farmers market for my store, it occurred to me...I never thought I would be doing this...having my own store and taking the risk to make it work. Imagine the things in life we would have missed, had we not followed our dreams ........."


Made me think of you passing out your cards......... :)


Well I'm about 1/3 of the way into the front of the sweater...after all I have to do something in between loading the washer and folding the dried clothes


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Hi House. Sorry I haven't checked in before now. Woke up with a really bad headache and my eyes watering like crazy - the dr. said to take antihistamines if those were the only symptoms. I've never had anything like this before! We shall see - or not see since I can hardly see my computer. :lol


Linda! It's wonderful to see your post! :manyheart


Strawberry ~ Your afghan is so very pretty! The flowers look like pansies, which are my favorite flower. :)


I'll check in a little later. :ghug

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Hi House. Sorry I haven't checked in before now. Woke up with a really bad headache and my eyes watering like crazy - the dr. said to take antihistamines if those were the only symptoms. I've never had anything like this before! We shall see - or not see since I can hardly see my computer. :lol


Linda! It's wonderful to see your post! :manyheart


Strawberry ~ Your afghan is so very pretty! The flowers look like pansies, which are my favorite flower. :)


I'll check in a little later. :ghug


Oh Mary...ugh...I totally sympathize with you being an allergy and sinus sufferer myself. Those headaches are awful and the itching doesn't make it any better. :sick Hope you feel better soon........

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Good morning and TGiF!!!!


Prayers going out for those affected by the shooting in a CO movie theatre at a screening of the movie Dark Knights---what is wrong with people???


Such a horrible thing to happen. I think of how excited those people probably were to be going to that movie, and now those that survived may never be able to enjoy a movie again.

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Cindy - Thanks for the cheering :D I am now up to 38 patients on my list :clap:yay Glad to hear you're getting some much needed rain, we're on day 3 now and we needed it too :yes Have fun with your scrap ghan, but since you don't like to join I'm not so sure hexagons would be best for you :think Unless you do large hexagons so there's not many to join :think



Well, I haven;t actually read the entire pattern yet, but the friend who gave it to me claims its join as you go. So we'll see.....

It would be a great stashbuster.

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Hi all,

Bet you didn't think you'd hear from me this early!! I left work at 2:30 and then went for a manicure and I'm home already and emptied the dishwasher and started dinner.


The weather here is rainy and cool--such a dramatic difference from earlier in the week! Crazy- just hope it clears up tomorrow afternoon!!!


Marisa- Congrats on 38 patients!! Have fun tomorrow and good thinking to hand out cards!! I'm glad you got some crocheting in last night and that you forced yourself to go swimming this morning! Good for you!


Linda- I'm so happy to see a post from you. Glad you are taking it slow settling in. I can only imagine how exhausted you must have been! Positive thoughts that you had agood MD appt today!


Laura- You are making great progress on the sweater!!!


Cindy- Have fun with the stashbuster afghan you are planning on making!


Judy- How's you hip today with the damp, cool weather?


Mary- Hope that the antihistamine helped!

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Hi again!


Marisa, I carry extra cards for DS so I can pass them out to people I know!;)


Laura, I used to make wearables. That was way back whgen DH worked very long hours, including some weekends, and I was bored out of my gourd. Plus I had better powers of concentration when I was younger.:lol


Linda, you did a lot - be careful! There's no rush...you have all the time in the world now.:hug


Hi House. Sorry I haven't checked in before now. Woke up with a really bad headache and my eyes watering like crazy - the dr. said to take antihistamines if those were the only symptoms. I've never had anything like this before! We shall see - or not see since I can hardly see my computer. :lol

Wow...did the antihistamines work??? I've had the runny eye and nose (one side only, tg) and nothing stops it for me...just time:P


Such a horrible thing to happen. I think of how excited those people probably were to be going to that movie, and now those that survived may never be able to enjoy a movie again.

They'll never want to go into a theater again for a very long time...if ever!:(

Hi all,

Bet you didn't think you'd hear from me this early!! I left work at 2:30 and then went for a manicure and I'm home already and emptied the dishwasher and started dinner.


The weather here is rainy and cool--such a dramatic difference from earlier in the week! Crazy- just hope it clears up tomorrow afternoon!!!

Supposed to be better weather tomorrow:D


Judy- How's you hip today with the damp, cool weather?

This AM was a little worse than usual. Went to DS for a treatment today and since he did something a little different.Tomorrow AM might be better...or worse:P At least ice works to ease me into the day...:)

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Mary - hope you feel better.


Joanne - glad you got home early and praying for good weather on tomorrow.


I'm requesting that you all pray for my friend back in Bama who lost her sister last month. Her son was in a bad accident this morning on his way to work. He went into surgery @11am central time and is still in there. Thanks everybody!

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I'm requesting that you all pray for my friend back in Bama who lost her sister last month. Her son was in a bad accident this morning on his way to work. He went into surgery @11am central time and is still in there. Thanks everybody!

Oh, boy - one thing on top of another!

Holding her up, Val.:hug

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