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Our House Part Two


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Hi again. Gael still hasn't shown up and we still haven't heard from her. I just really hope she's okay. Kim and I had our normal crazy Monday. Three loads of laundry to fold and put away, including one where a kleenex had been washed with it and had bit of it on everything. It was also shower day for Kim. I did get some crocheting done on one of the prayer shawls I've got started. I also found another prayer shawl that I made some years ago that I'm going to donate.


Well, what's the saying about "best laid plans...?" We spent an hour in the yard yesterday before the phone started ringing. DH had to go to the office for something and then more family stuff came up.


So, I'm off to the store, post office, etc. and then maybe some yard therapy. :D

Hope today goes better. :hug:hug:hug

OK, so I have a picture of the baby rr to show, which is for my friend that visited for the wedding last weekend.


The second one I just did this weekend, started on Wed or Thurs and finished yesterday for my mom to take home for her dentist that checked me out after that other guy. I was going to do 3x3, but wasn't going to have the time to avoid having to mail it, so it's only 2x3, but will suffice as a baby ghan. It still measures about 27"x37".


They are not the best pictures since they were taken on my phone

Lovely afghans! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.

Well, I got a call from the hospital wanting to schedule my 2nd sleep Study . I hadn't even heard what the actual Doctor's readings were on the first, so I called his office and talked to his nurse practitioner. She said when I first fall asleep, I am already having mild sleep apnea,then it becomes moderate sleep apnea. when I'm in the REM sleep, it is at the SEVERE level . My Oxygen level drops low ,and she says my body is fighting to get air when it drops low like that .She said it can lead to many things,and make all the stuff I have ,even worse . I asked her if I HAVE to get this done now,and she said the doctor wants it done asap . She said it will cause heart problems if not treated,then worse case scenerio, I could actually quit breathing during the night and not wake back up .

THAT will give me a restful night tonite, I'm sure. I'll keep waking up to make sure I'm still HERE .

The first opening they have is Saturday,so my Saturday night plans will be to go get wired all up and have another night in the hospital. She said this time, they will try out different settings on the CPAP machine ,and different masks to see which one works best for me .

I am SO discouraged . So tired of spending so much money on tests ,doctors ,meds ... it makes me feel terrible. Sure wish I knew why every body part I have is broken or will be . She told me that this machine may end up making my breathing problems improve and I might feel better all over, including having less headaches. THAT part would be great . Having continual headaches REALLY gets old . This breathing also makes me angry that it isnt behaving either .

Anyhow, that's how I will be spending MY Saturday night . :(

Sheesh! At least you did find out the results and there is something they can do about it. And lack of enough oxygen can give you some really wicked headaches in addition to making you tired all the time. Sounds like this could be a really, really good thing for you. :hug:hug:hug


OK, I so need to go workout now. After all the food this weekend and the cake....and I just had a piece now again :blush I might have to do a double session :think:rofl (But I highly doubt it :no )

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl Don't be too hard on yourself Marisa, it's not often that you get to have three celebrations in one weekend.


I'm off for bed. :manyheart

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Up again before the crack of dawn with a headache and breathing is crappy . You wake straight up when this happens .


Thanks for all the good comments on the CPAP machine. I keep feeling like I'm in my 80's instead of my 50's .

Linda, the test showed my O2 level drops to 79 % at night. SCAREY !


Anyhow. I'm up for another day. Hope you all have a good day today .

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Hi all,

Read through all the posts and will comment as I remember (which at this early hour and only 1/2 cup of coffee in me, probably won't be much):lol


Julie- Sorry that your breathing is crappy---and 79% oxygen level:eek I think you are going to find a world of difference once you start using the cpap machine! :) The reunion this year sounds like it's going to be lots of fun and it's great that alot of the younger ones are so excited about it too!


Kel- Welcome to "our house" Glad to have you. I don't sew, but was given a sewing machine by a friend of mine. I used it when I lined some totes I made. Other than that, my passion is crochet- taught myself via you-tube about 3 years ago. Also tried my hand at knitting- and must get back to that. It's so slow compared to crochet though! I have 3 adult daughters, one wonderful son-in-law and an adorable 9 mos old (today) grandson.


Judy- Have you heard back from the publisher that you submitted some writing to a while back?


Marisa- A few gals at work have been reading 50 Shades of Gray--I don't seem to have much time for reading--I really have to get back to getting audio books. Sounds like you all had a an awesome weekend! Did you end up with snow? The blankets are so pretty!:manyheart


Linda- I think John will probably realize that Gael is not a good option. But I sure hope she is ok.


Cindy- Your vacation plans sound like fun. Only a few more days!! Hope your work day goes by quickly!


Val-Hope you had a good day yesterday! It was cool and gray yesterday and the heat is back on- crazy- last Monday, I had my AC on and now have the heat back on!


Faille- Love the note to self! Hopefully you'll get to weave soon!


Mary- Yes, totally get the 'best laid plans" There's always something popping up!!!


Time to get ready! Make it a good one EVERYBODY!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Thank you all for you comments on my baby ghans :hug


Last night was low key, I left the office just after 7 and then made a pit stop by Ingrid's to drop something and since it was food I didn't want it to go bad before she got it :lol She forgot it when she left on Sunday after our little shindig.


When I got home and showered it was pushing 9 so I just crawled into bed and turned on the tv. When I turned it off I read a bit before going to sleep. It felt good since reading has been on the back burner while trying to finish those ghans.


Julie - Maybe with the machine you'll feel in your 40's again!!! :xfin My friend that uses it is only in his 30's and started with the machine in his late 20's....so don't let it get at you. Oh, and the tequila guy I met a couple weeks ago isn't going to pan out so I'll still be looking for Mr. Smores :rofl We chatted last night and just decided on being friends. Plus, my patient will still be looking to fix me up with her son's teacher after the school year is out :lol


Cindy - Hope you have a good day at work today :hug


Linda - Do you have Gael's # to give a call to check in with her, just to make sure she's ok? WTG on the laundry (I hate when that Kleenex gets in there, just happened a couple weeks ago here.....my sister always has them stuffed in pockets :sigh ) Great idea to donate the shawl you're not using. And you're right about the 3 celebrations :lol I ended up on the eliptical for 80 minutes yesterday and then I felt better, but it went quick because I read while I'm on there and have the music pumping :yes


Faile - Sorry about your yarn barf :hug I hate when that happens :sigh


Joanne - We didn't get any snow around my office or the house, but people around here did get a little, not sure how far from us. I think I heard that Seven Springs was opening for a day of skiing :lol And I think that's about an hour away from us :think

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Good morning everyone. Blue skies today and I do think it's warmer than yesterday and no wind. Rosie and John get home from Colorado tonight and I know that Tillie will be very happy to have them back. She's been a good girl for me. It's funny. I give her dry dog food, 1/3 of a can of moist dog food morning and night, and 1 Beggin Strip after she goes out to do her duty and she eats her dry food just fine. She's definitely spoiled, because she demands people food and LOTS more Beggin Strips from Rosie and John and does NOT eat her dry food hardly at all. :lol Maybe she just knows it won't work with me. :D


Note to self. Never ever try to pull just a few loops off a skein of yarn without either putting it on a swift or winding it into a ball of yarn. The ensuing mess will take HOURS to untangle back into a useable form.




Well at least I got the saw all set up and it worked really slick to cut the dowel into the necessary lengths. The yarn on the other hand... well... at least it's finally wound into a ball and will be ready for when I feel like dealing with it again. So no attempts at weaving tonight.


Julie - I know several people that use either a CPAP or BiPAP machine. They all report getting much better sleep and feeling much better with the machine. So there's a good chance this could help out with a lot of the health problems you've been dealing with. {{{hugs}}}

Oh, dear! Sounds like you had quite a time of it last night. :hug :hug :hug


Julie, you should definitely feel a lot better with the CPAP machine helping you breath at night. 79% is not good for you. My Mary felt soooo much better after she got her machine. It felt a little claustrophobic at first, but the results were well worth it.


Julie, it sounds like the reunion is going to be a wonderful time again this year.


Wishing you all a good day. Kim has a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so will catch up with all of you when I can later. :manyheart

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flyby - busy morning already!


Joanne, my essay didn't win anything - it was a contest - but it was good experience for me. No writing is really wasted.


Later, gators!

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Hi Ladies,


Julie, I'm alternating my colors just like you suggested. Your reunion sounds like a lot of fun! It is to bad you didn't hear from the doctor first. But glad you are getting you in so quick. I'm sure when you get your machine you will feel so much better. Maybe you should only crochet a couple of rows at a time and take a break then come back to it.


Cindy, Enjoy your vacation! The Estate is beautiful and the mystery show should be fun. A nice time of year to be going to.


Val, The lettering looks really nice. The ghan is going to awesome.


Tab, Glad Jaden is feeling better. Bummer he was sick on his birthday.


Judy, I have the same kind of relationship with my kids. Glad you got some reading and writing time in.


Linda, Sorry Gael isn't holding her end of the deal up. Maybe she sees what is going on and don't want a part of it now. I do hope she is okay.

Glad you found your pattern that hopped into the wrong bag. Glad you took the time to treat yourself to a nice dinner and leftovers to.


Kel, Welcome! I'm married, have 2 adult children, 1 adult stepdaughter she's married and has a son about to graduate and a daughter in high school. My son is getting a divorce and staying with us. He has a son 7 and daughter who will be 6 next week. My daughter has a girl who will be 6 in June. Her name is Maya and we have watched her full time since she was 2 until she started school last fall and it has gotten in are way. We spend 3 months of winter in Texas. I crochet, can knit some, I sew. I don't do much sewing any more. I did make some pillow quilts when my son got married and he had 3 step kids and are grandkid list went from 2 to 5. I own 2 sewing machines. An older singer, not sure how old it is but it works. I bought me a brother when my Grandma's singer broke. I loved that machine. It was the 25th anniversary one. But the repair was going to be to much. My ex bought me a machine one year for Christmas and I gave that to my sister and she told me last year I could have it back so I think I will take her up on it. I will do one of two things with it. Either take it to Texas and leave it or keep it for Maya. She loves to craft and do things with her hands and I would love to teach her in a couple of years to sew. I took sewing in 4-H and my first 2 things were a tea towel and an apron. I know she would love making an apron. She loves baking.


Marisa, Your weekend sounds like a lot it was a lot of fun. Both your ghans are beautiful! I especially like the rr. I like the varigated and haven't done one with that much varigated yarn. How did you do the edging on the granny square? The varigated makes it look different.


Mary, Sorry your yard work was interrupted with DH's work and family stuff. Hopefully your able to get back to it soon.


Joanne, We stopped by and visited some friends last week and she said she goes to the library and downloads the audio books she wants to listen to. I love ice cream to.


We had a fun weekend. We met DD and Maya saturday afternoon in a little town. They have a pawn shop there and they had all there bikes lined up on the sidewalk. DD bought Maya a 20" last year for her birthday and it is still to big for her. She's very wobbly. So I said we would get one in at a garage sale. We found a 16" at the pawn shop for 15 bucks.

Sunday we met MIL, BIL and a niece who moved to Florida. She said it is much different living there and vacationing there. She didn't like the traffic at spring break time. And she isn't finding to many people there age. I told her when her son who is 3 goes to school she'll find lots of people near her age. She also shared with MIL and me that she thought she was going through menopause so she went to the doctor. Told them all that was going on and come to find out she is pregnant again. She wasn't expecting it and is truly upset about it. This will be her 4th. She has 3 boys 19, 11 or 12 and the 3 year old. She said this is the sickest she has ever been. She has been sick on the couch missing work because she can't function. The doctor gave her some nausea medicine. She gets up in the middle of the night and takes it so she can not be sick and can go to work. I told her maybe she is having a girl this time.

Maya and I spent sunday together in my hometown. There's a river that runs through town. There use to be 7 islands but not any more. They use to be the place to be in the day. There was a hotel on one and housing. Hubby lived there when he was a baby. Today there is one that they use. They hold the Island Art Fair there and the October festival. Maya and I walked it and I enjoyed seeing all the people whose property backs up to the river and they use it even though it is a big hill to climb up and down. There has been a new home built by the river and they have a nice set up. They even have a mannequin dressed like a man standing by the tree like he watching you. They built a big gazebo many years ago and it is still there. My kids Uncle and Aunt got married there. I told Maya that is a nice place for a wedding. We seen ducks sunbathing, some in the water and some geese protecting there property. A couple of other geese flew in and they let them know they weren't wanted guest. Two of them chased them up in the yard and went after them.

The river boat was tied up to the island. My ex inlaws use to play on it. MIL played the piano and FIL played the banjo. It was nice sharing that with Maya. I'm sure she has seen pictures but now she has really seen it. I had the camera in the car so I took lots of pics. I told Maya we will have to go back in the fall with all the trees showing there beauty.

At the end of the island you can see the train trussel that crosses near the park. Lots of kids have crossed that and some have been chased by a train. And some have fallen off of it.

I showed Maya the trail some people were walking that you pick up down town and can wall it to the park. I told her some day she should have her Mom take her on it.

I showed some of the ledges what we could see from the island. There are many more on the trail to the park to see. My hometown is known for the ledges.

Today is DD's birthday. The weather sure isn't as warm today as it was that week.

I'm off to do some cleaning and laundry again today. Have a nice day everyone!

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Hello everyone!


Wow, this thread is fast moving :lol


I've spent the weekend with my boyfriend's parents which was lovely. They hadn't been to stay at our house before. I love having people around! Unfortunately it rained most of the weekend but we did get to go out walking (in between showers! Managed to find shelter when it did rain so didn't get too wet). It was nice.


Bit of an anti-climax yesterday though when my dad called and said my mum's been rushed to hospital because they thought she had a blood clot :-( After driving to the hospital as fast as we could, waiting for 7 hours while they did tests the doctor finally came back and said they couldn't find what was wrong. But her hand had turned blue which was what caused them to think it was a blood clot. So we're still none the wiser really. But luckily it doesn't seem to be anything serious, although they still don't know why her hand has changed colour like that. I'm taking her back to the hospital tomorrow morning so hopefully all will be well then!


So I'm quite tired today! Work was busy and I'm glad to get home now. Plan to have something easy for dinner and hopefully do some crochet/reading later on.

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It's busy in here this morning :yes


Linda - Glad to hear that Tillie is behaving for you while Rosie and John are away. They are just like children....knowing who they can get over and who they can't :lol I hope Kim's doctor appt goes well.


Judy - Sorry your essay didn't win anything, but I agree that no writing is a waste :hug


Marlene - Your hometown sounds wonderful :yes:birthday to dd Sorry to hear that your niece is not happy about being pregnant again :hug I did a reverse sc on both ghans and the granny has a few rounds of shells....I needed to make it a bit bigger :lol


Kelly - Glad to hear you had a good weekend with bf's parents despite the rain. I hope your mom is feeling better :hug That's a little weird, was it her whole hand or just a part of it?

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Thank you all for the warm welcome:hug!

I definitely need to take the advice of jotting down names so I can keep track as I learn who everyone is.


Have a great day all of ya!

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Good afternoon Housemates!


I read the post but can't remember everything with this headache and my entire left side from the hip down is in serious pain.


I enjoyed reading about Kelly's and Marlene's great weekend.


Much love to all. I'll try to come back in later.

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OK, so I have a picture of the baby rr to show, which is for my friend that visited for the wedding last weekend.


The second one I just did this weekend, started on Wed or Thurs and finished yesterday for my mom to take home for her dentist that checked me out after that other guy. I was going to do 3x3, but wasn't going to have the time to avoid having to mail it, so it's only 2x3, but will suffice as a baby ghan. It still measures about 27"x37".


They are not the best pictures since they were taken on my phone


:hook Very pretty! I love RR's

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Howdy folks

Another fast checkin. Gotta get supper started soon . Those little O's in the Spaghettios don't cut themselves out. It takes me at least an hour to cut out enough of them for a meal .



Sorry to hear you aren't well today .Sure hope things improve ! No fun feeling bad !




Good to see you again ! Just jump on in with both feet .Everyone is super friendly in here and they ALL like to YAK . :)



Will check back in later. Nasty breathing day today. You'd think when it is WINDY outside , I'd have EXTRA air to breathe in,but it does the opposite . Windy days are REALLY bad . You can't SEE anything in the air, but it feels like your lungs are filling up with sand.


Off to find my TINY Spaghettio Cutter .

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Hello everyone. Had a good day at work today, and now I'm off for 13 days! I do have a meeting to go to tomorrow, but that is no big deal. I'd skip it but I have to present a chart review, so I guess I'd better go. Also I missed this particular meeting last months due to my parents deaths. Anyhow, we weren't planning to leave until Thursday morning.


I will be home alone this evening. DD is working and dh has a meeting at church. I plan to listen to a book and knit, maybe do a load or two of laundry. (I'm knitting a scarf from this pattern.) Very easy and it actually grows faster than a lot of knit patterns because of the drop stitches. I just started it on Sunday evening and its already a foot long.


Julie, and Val, hope you both feel better soon.


Tab, whatever is happening, hope it is resolved quickly.


Marlene, your weekend sounds great! Good deal on the bike for Maya.


Faile, I've had my own issues with making a mess out of yarn. Hope you got it sorted out, and can get to weaving.

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I will be home alone this evening. DD is working and dh has a meeting at church. I plan to listen to a book and knit, maybe do a load or two of laundry. (I'm knitting a scarf from this pattern.) Very easy and it actually grows faster than a lot of knit patterns because of the drop stitches. I just started it on Sunday evening and its already a foot long.

love this pattern - I think even I could do it! I saved it....:hook


Joanne, nice Yankee win!


Busy day around here...Vet visit with Sparkie...other stuff.

I don't know where the time goes!


Hi to Cindy, Linda, Marisa, Marlene, Mary, Jules, Kel...everyone:hug


Time to sit and relax now. Have a good night :manyheart

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Quick pop in- just finished dinner and getting ready to watch the Devils hockey game- and at commercials switch to the Yankees!! And of course work on blankets!!!


Read all the posts, but need to clean up the dishes before the game starts!


Hugs to you all-

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Hi Ladies,


Julie, Back years ago I was going to have my tubes tied and the doctor wanted to check my lungs first. I had lung surgery when I was 11. No problems after that. They wanted to make sure they were still good. I went to the hospital and had it done. As soon as I walked outside I could feel the crap that we breathe everyday going in my lungs. So on a windy day for a person like you with breathing problems it is probably 100 times worse. My lung doctor even told me he would know if I ever tried smoking so he told me don't do it. I tried it and my lungs hurt so my Mom took me to the doctor she didn't know I tried smoking. The first thing the doctor said to me when he walked in the room was you been smoking haven't you. I said yes and he scolded me and I never smoked again. Hope your breathing is better tomorrow.


Kelly, Hope they figure out what is wrong with your Mom soon. Glad you had a nice weekend with bfs parents in spite of the rain.


Marisa, Thanks for the birthday wishes for DD. She and Maya went to Bob Evans for dinner. Maya's favorite place to eat and on tuesdays kids eat free. She always gets chocolate chip pancakes with bacon.


Tab, Hope things calm down for you soon!


Val, Hope your feeling better soon!


Cindy, That is a pretty pattern.


Hi to the rest of the ladies in the house.


Nothing new here tonight. I talked to DD and Maya today. Did a little cleaning and laundry. Spring cleaning a little bit at a time.

Have a nice evening!

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Hi all,

Happy Hump Day!!! It was another late night last night so I'm running behind again this morning. But on the good news side- the Devils won last night- in overtime!! What a nail biter game!!!!


"See" you all later!

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Morning folks



Yea, I understand about why your doctor told you to never smoke . I never smoked or even TRIED smoking .It makes me sad to see people who smoke. I wanna tell them to PLEASE try to stop . I can't understand why anyone would intentionally do something to damage their lungs .




Hope your hump day goes fast . Glad your game was a good one last night .



Sorry your mom is ill. Hope they figure out what the problem is .



Hope your latest family drama is resolved quickly .



The scarf pattern is pretty .What color are you using ?



How are you this morning ?



Sorry, can't remember any other posts. Woke up with an asthma attack and another KILLER headache,so my brain is on vacation today.

Hope everyone has a good day .

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'morning, peeps!


Meeting Phyllis for a cuppa at Dunkin donuts this morning - a little something nice to do for both of us:) I'll be fortified so I can come home and clean and dust the downstairs:lol


Jules, take it easy today - maybe becaquse you can't hook, you can browse free Kindle books:devil


Hi all,

Happy Hump Day!!! It was another late night last night so I'm running behind again this morning. But on the good news side- the Devils won last night- in overtime!! What a nail biter game!!!!


"See" you all later!

That was some game...the Yankees didn't look that good in their game, though.:P


Have a good day, my friends - will check in when I can!


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