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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I'm so glad I could help you all feel guiltless this week. :lol

Most of those skeins were only one or two ounces. I'm thinking there are a lot of hats in the near future. :crocheting But I have to use up all the yarn I bought while out shopping :shop with Sue last Sunday. There are a few afghans that need to be made first.

Geez...I'm feeling snowed under with all this yarn :ohdear Think I'll have to take a few vactation days just to enjoy this feeling. :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Now that's impressive! As the resident YTD Shoot the Mooner- Uhhhh, Shoot the Moon winner, I relinquish my title.:lol (The year's still young, though; last year I won it handily with a -646.:devil)

I'll accept this honor for now. But I'll do my best to hand it back over to you. :laughroll:laughroll

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O.k. Here we go. After much shopping this past weekend and the large bag of yarn from my boss, this is what I have come up with....

WTD -305 :faint

In the big bag, I was able to save 100 skeins and 48 balls. Most of it is some yarn I've never heard of - Bernat Craftsman Rug Wool.

Now to figure out how and where to store all of this. :eek


WOW! I need to come shopping at your house. :)



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I'll be away from home for the weekend, so posting now. Two Joann and one Herrschners orders and a trip to Wal-Mart= -120. Finished my "Holey Moley Shawl", made a dishcloth and an improvised chatelaine, and started on an afghan.


WTD -107 /YTD -171


This hole is getting seriously deep!

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Going to go ahead and post, though I may do some more tonight. Finished another afghan and then made a baby hat. Still had some left to roll into 2 balls (2 colors) for a WTD +2 YTD +9

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Updating mine now since I don't know how much crocheting I'll do today. Mom and I are painting my hubby's new computer room today (happy to do it since it means I get the finished half of the basement, 800 sq ft, as my craft room!).


He picked a Dark Pewter for the walls. I guess he wants it to be cave-like... lol


ETA: oh yeah.. my score!


WTD: +2 YTD: +31 Week ending: 2/26/11

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I haven't been around for a while. Computer died. Posting my score. Would someone be able to post the YTD's this weekend? I don't know if I can get to do them. Posting my score today at the library. And my daughter's home from college. Sorry guys. Hopefully, my computer will be fixed soon.





WTD=-7 YTD=-20



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I'm holding off my score because I have to go yarn shopping today. Granted, there is some yarn I'm buying I'm not going to count because I'm mailing it off on Monday. It's not "mine" :) But... there will be some "mine yarn" being purchased as well hehehehe

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I missed last week. Between work, :2snow and :sick, I haven't had time to check in. I did some :crocheting though, used a ball and gifted a skein (+3) :cheer. I made shamrock and smilie pins. My sister wants me to make some snowflakes so I have to find my white thread and my patterns (hope I don't have to buy some). Do they still make clear glitter :think?

WTD: + 3 YTD: + 25

Ellie 13

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I forgot to post last weekend because it was my b-day and I was busy being lazy for the day...LOL. :lol


This week's scores are in the negatives...I got to go to an LYS a couple hours away yesterday and spoiled myself a little. :D Plus the afghan kit I ordered showed up and the replacement kit from Annie's Hook & Needle Club!


WTD -26

YTD -10

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I was kinda hoping to have a positive weekly score this week but it just didn't play out that way. I was able to get a scarf done for a coworker and some dishcloths (although the dishcloths did not use a cone of the yarn DOH). I had to buy yarn for some legwarmers and then.. well, I bought some yarn for yarn sake. :)


Overall, not a terrible score.

It also looks like someone already volunteered to post the YTD scores tomorrow. If it becomes a problem, just shoot me a PM and I can post them.



WTD -8/YTD +6

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Well, I managed to make headway with my sweater, and I resisted the lure of the yarn in the LYS. I was strong and just compared colors for the afghan I want to make my niece later this year. So:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +6 YTD +34

:c9 :manyheart:clap

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