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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I'm staying home! Too freaken cold! So I am going to sit home, where it's warm and work on some projects. Hopefully, I'll use up some yarn.



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I'm staying home! Too freaken cold! So I am going to sit home, where it's warm and work on some projects. Hopefully, I'll use up some yarn.



Enjoy your day off. Stay warm. :D

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Okay, I'm putting in my totals NOW, before I forget again...


It was a light week, stash-wise. I'm still using the Pound of Love skein (and probably will for the next several months :lol). I did manage to use up another skein on my other project, though, so:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +2 YTD +40

:c9 :clap

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I knitted another bootie, and used up the ball of yarn I was using. Now, I'm starting another one. They take a few hours, but they are so cute.



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I used up a skein making more booties. They are so fun. So my score is as follows:



WTD=+4 YTD=+6


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Finished up another ball on my granny squares. Have enough various blues for a baby blanket. Don't know what I"ll do with it, but sooner or later someone will have a baby. So, I'm WTD +3

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:blush I got a box of balls-o-yarn from a member here for postage, and let me tell you she is an expert yarn box packer! So,

I gained a -71 points just with that box. Then I went to my thrift store today and there was the perfect color yellow for my ami gold finch and a tan to make more horses with. So I had to get them! But I did use up 2 balls this week! (Yay!) so my score so far;


WTD = -69 YTD = -65

I shoulda' joined a stash growing cal {collect-a-long}


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Haven't crocheted at all since Wednesday. Been sick, again. Doubt I'll crochet tonight either (still sick, and working all weekend, so going to bed early).


WTD -3 YTD +34

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My son wanted to see me use my cross country skis today, which I haven't been on for 8+ years. So hubby dug them out and I was skiing around the property pretty well, until I came to a bit of a hill. Of course, I wiped out, twisting my wrist in the process...which means no crocheting or knitting for me today. I was hoping to put a little more of a dent in my negative score (i woke up envisioning lots of knitting baby hats in front of the fire...the skiing was definitely not in my plans)

So I'm ending the week with:

WTD -12/YTD +5

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