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What is Your Resolution in Crochet For Next Year?

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Okay I know this is a little early but as I'm typing I got to thinking why not make a list of things I would like to crochet for next year and silly me I'm already making a list so my question is Has anybody made a list of new things to try for next year? Just curious since silly me I am doing that already

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in the new year, i want to finish up some ufo's, work w/ my knitting more, learn hairpin lace, and learn to do graph ghans (like 'the lady in the lake' 1 in afghan section...just the basic idea of that). maybe try designing something.



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I guess the only new thing that I would like to try is lining purses/bags as I am not very good at sewing. Other than that, I want to finish all these UFO's I have laying around and my New Year's Resolution is to weave in the ends as soon as I get done with a project. I hate weaving in ends so I tend to let my FOs pile up and then it is more miserable to sit down and weave in ends on a bunch of stuff. I have already started working on this resolution :lol.

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Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one thinking of what to crochet in the new year. Though now I need to stop making a list since it's almost a whole page of things so that way I'm not overwhelming myself yikes

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Oh my goodness, what a good question...

I have stacks of things I want to crochet. My top three resolutions for 2010 are:


1) Learn crochet cables (am too lazy to tackle front and back post stitches)

2) Learn to knit socks (not crochet, but still...)

3) Crochet and KEEP something for myself. A shawl. Or a hat. One of the things I need and make ... just to give away. Again. And again. And again :lol

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I haven't actually written anything down yet, but so many ideas are floating around in my head. I know I want to make afghans for several people for Christmas next year, and scarves. So, to make a list, let's see...

1. Start next year's Christmas gifts right after this Christmas.

2. Never think "Oh, I've got plenty of time to finish that."

3. Finish Wow Wow Wubbzy's tail. I made him for my 3 yr old grandson, but his tail was a pain. So hard to follow, but I think now I can figure it out or just do it my own way. Actually, this should be #1.

4. Make something and get it finished without having to frog any of it.

5. Make more hats to donate.

6. Learn to do front and back post stitches. I just cannot seem to master these.

7. Crochet faster. I feel like I'm sooo slow.



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My plans for next year include actually finishing things I start for myself and getting an earlier start on my holiday gifts so I'm not having to panic crochet two weeks before the festivities next year :lol

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Not too early at all! I've already been thinking about this. So here are mine (echoes of some above):


1. Make wearables. I've chosen a wearable for the Crochet Games in February, and I'm going to try to make it a year-long resolution. This cross-resolutes with No. 2 and No. 3.


2. Make things for me. (See No. 3)


3. Finish the UFOS, some of which have been sitting around for 3 years. (Will help stashbust, too), like the Daisy skirt that I started and never finished, and the bedcover I started and never finished....


4. Continue this year's resolution, which I did keep, which was to make a blanket for Project Linus every month. Thanks to fleece edging, I made way more than that, busted stash, and warmed up some children. Win, win, win!


More ideas and inspiration needed, so keep your resolutions coming. Patty

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I've got some goals for next year.


1) Finish my 63 square afghan for my bed. Been a WIP for years.

2) Start & Finish my first graph ghan, Tampa Bay Bucs for my brother for next Christmas.

3) Use up as much of my stash as I can working on a scrap ghan.

4) Donate squares and/or other items I can make for as many charities as possible.

5) Start Christmas gift making very early.

6) Make a crocheted Nativity set (have the pattern!)

7) Participate in Snowflake Monday.

8) Make my first thread Barbie dress. I bought dolls and patterns years ago.

9) I would like to participate in a swap. I've thought about it before, but never got the nerve to do it because I felt I couldn't meet the deadlines or didn't want to disappoint my partner with inferior crocheted items.

10) And not crochet, but I want to get all my cross stitch projects that I have half finished, completed.


Edit to Add some things I'd thought of and forgotten until I saw others mention them...


11) Name doilies for myself and family.

12) Enter state fair craft show with as many projects as I can.

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Wow, you guys are such an inspiration, that I keep thinking about this and even though I really don't have a list I am beginning to make one. So I am going to add to what I already said and make a list now and see if I can stick to it:


1. Learn how to line bags/purses

2. Weave in ends as soon as I am done with a project

3. Finish all my UFO's

4. Make hats and scarves for charity,at least one of each a month

5. Make charity lapghans, at least one a month

6. Start my crochet Christmas gifts for next year in January, as I didn't get but a couple things done this year but would like to make more next year.

7. Join all these piles of squares and make blankets or lapghans with them.

8. Make more baby blankets and other baby items for charity, at least one item a month

9. I too would like to join in a swap. I had the same hold ups as you Swayde.

10.Start making the pet Snuggles again and donate them to my local animal shelter. At least one a month.

11. Go through my "Want to make" list and start making the items on the list as a lot of it would be for ME :yay.

12. I want to start making doll/barbie clothes.


I think what I will do is write on my desk calendar all the one a month items as a reminder, because I have a tendency to forget :lol.

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Mine resolution is to use up the stash I have -- no more buying yarn until I absolutely must have it. I'll be joining the 2010 Stashbushing CAL to help with this one too.


My yarn stash is absolutely out of control. In my walk-in bedroom closet, I have four shelves stuffed full of bags of yarn, more bags on the floor of the closet, six plastic containers of cotton yarn under the bed and several bags just sitting out because there's nowhere else to go with them. SO . . no more yarn until I use it up. So I resolve to use up the yarn, making afghans, scarves, dishcloths, placemats, hot pads, hats . . whatever it takes to use up this yarn.

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I have not thought about this until I seen this thread however I will make a list right now. :smile

#1 name doily for myself. I have crocheted one for everyone I know I think, except myself.

#2 Make at least ONE blanket for Victory Junction, prefer to do more but I will stick with a goal of ONE

#3 Knit at least one pair of socks.

#4 Crochet stockings for my kids.

#5 Clear out my stash and find someone who can use it b/c I won't.


Thats all the craft related ones I can think of. :)

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My only resolution so far is to get my Etsy store up & running. I have been toying with the idea for several months, but I've put it off for various reasons. I'm almost ready, though. I'm just letting the holidays pass before I get everything together to get started. I'm definitely looking forward to 2010!

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i'd like to finish the ATW afghan i was working so hard to make in no time flat.. that eventuly when i started to work my own ice cream truck.. Got forgotten,


I'd also like to make more Hats for my kids and Cousins Kids


I'd love to attempt a few graphghans.


Get to making the afghan for my mom (thanks to those who sent squares, with my mom stayin with us while i work 5 days a week been hard to even pull out the bag of squres lol).


Learn to make doll Clothing.


im sure i will think of more

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Okay I have been giving this some thought. So here goes - this year I have been making caps and scarves for my church's clothes closet and I will continue that in 2010. But I think I am going to expand what I am making to include potholders, hot pads, towels with crocheted tops (the kind you can hang on a cabinet knob or draw pull), and maybe some lapghans.


I am going to keep up my effort of using up my huge stash. I have a big box full of Aunt Lydia's Rug yarn that I bought a long long time ago. I am thinking about using some of it to make slippers for my family's 2010 Christmas presents. I think I will use some of it to make the potholders and hot pads for my church's clothes closet.


I want to try to crochet faster. It seems no matter what I do and I have been like this my whole life I work at my own speed which is slow. I would like to get faster in crocheting though.


Last, but not least try my hand at designing some crochet items.


I will probably think of more as the year goes on but this is a good start.

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I've been thinking about this recently. Sometimes, it just seems like there's too many things I want to make. :blush But, I know I'm not the only one...so here goes:


:yarn I've signed on for the "Lace & Bobbles CAL". I'm still thinking about what yarn & colors to use. I'd like to try my hand at an entry in the Texas State Fair again, so maybe this will be the project I use! :thinkDONE!!!


:yarn I didn't finish the Filet Crochet Shawl I started last year, so that is definitely on the list! :yes


:yarn I've been working on a baby blanket off & on this past year, too. It's not for anyone in particular just yet, but I just loved the pretty yellow yarn! :manyheart


:yarn I've been working on a Christmas stocking for myself for a few years now, and I really want to finish it. I know, it's not crochet. :devil It's counted-cross-stitch, but I've got to finish it!!!!

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My resolution for the year 2010 (as for the past 2 years!!):haha will be to learn how to knit!!!:knit Have book, needles and yarn and my daughter is moving to Texas. She also wants to learn and have her materials!! So maybe if I have a partner, I will be able to tackle the dream!!:dreaming I want to be able to make me a hat and maybe a pair of socks..:drool


I would also like to crochet a little bit more with yarn, instead of just crocheting thread doilies..:hook

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For this new year I am setting only a few challenges for myself. If I set too many I will never accomplish them and then get myself all twisted in a knot...... so.........


1) attempt to make Aggie May's Round Ripple afghan.

2) attempt to make a graph-ghan.


In between those challenges I plan to continue my baby blanket/hat sets, lapghans for the Veterans, hats for the homeless, hats for cancer patients, etc....... Also see what pops up on this site that I can help with.

I don't want to overwhelm myself with projects this year so I WILL FINISH each project I start before starting another. :lol


Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. :hug

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teach my daughter to crochet


make afghans for my family for Christmas 2010


make more Prayer Shawls for the group I belong to


use up my yarn :yarn


make stockings for my kids, hubby and me


make me a hat and scarf set


finish the mittens I started :blush


clean out the kids play room (they never use it) and make it my craft room)


want to do a craft show (hubby is always at me to do one:tup


buy more crochet hooks with the bamboo handles ( I :manyheart working with them)


make more gifts for Birthday and Christmas....


I think that is all for now....

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My resolution for 2010 is the same as it was for 2009. Sigh.

I want to put all my finished items in a scrapbook. I have note cards with all the info as to what pattern, hook, and yarn I used, but they are still running loose in the box with the scrapbook. The pictures are still in the camera. Someday...

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WOW you guys are certainly an inspriation :cheer:cheer I want to finish what I start - do a graphghan - and sorry learn to :knit


Michigan, dont be sorry you want to learn to knit. I'm not sure if you know about the knitting website but knittinghelp.com is AWESOME if you are teaching yourself. That is how I learned to knit. PLUS, I think you find that knitters are generally more "snobbish" to crochet than crocheters are to knit. LOL

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