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I am very sorry for your loss Mary Ann, I will keep you in my prayers. As you can see from all the replies to your post there are lots of us here who care and understand. Post and keep us informed of how you're doing.

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Mary Ann,

I know that after losing your husband of 40 years there are few words that can ease the pain of losing him. My dear husband of 22 years is going through Cancer treatments right now. It scares the heck out of me to think I may lose him. I seriously doubt I could survive without him as he is my world. My heart does go out to you, and take it from me, that the ladies here on the ville can be a great distraction from reality. I am involved in the swaps and CALs... The ladies become your friends, even thou some are in different countries. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. They help me to laugh again, to dream again, to escape while I am on here if only for a short while. So please set into this wonderful world of sisterhood and let us take you away if for only few minutes maybe an hour each day. :hug

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I am so sorry for your loss. please accept my prayers. My husband is coping with multiple myeloma, and we are dealing as best we can. I know how the ups and downs feel, and this is about as down as it gets. I know God will comfort you.

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I too want to extend my sympathies.


I noted that you had been married for 40 years and this (June) would have marked my 40th.


It has been 20 years since I lost my best friend and husband and I can tell you it stays with you. It doesn't get better but it does get 'different'.


Hang around here as much as you like... we love to talk and to share the love that abounds here. I am amazed at the friendships that grow here from just chatting.







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Mary Ann I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I'm sending you hugs and prayers and as others have said, there is always someone on line here that will listen. This is a most wonderful, caring and generous group of people.

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Dear Mary Ann,

Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss. Losing someone you love is very difficult. Please remember that you are not alone. :hug



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I know I dont post much here in this forum but I am a member just a silent member. I just wanted to let you all know that my husband passes a way in March of cancer. It had spread all trough his body. He went quick and quietly. And I miss him so much.

I play here on my computer and try and crochet but some days he just comes sneaking into my thoughts and it makes for a hard day.

Mary Ann:cry Jack was 72 We were married for 40 years


:hug:hug I'm so sorry to hear this. Please take care of yourself. :hug

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Oh, Mary Ann, I'm so very sorry for your loss! :hug:hug:hug


If you and Jack were anything like my hubby and I are, he will never be far from you. On those days when he comes sneaking into your thoughts, let him in. Remember all the good times you had, and those good times will help you through the rough patches. He'll watch over you always now.


Any time you need people to talk to, Crochetville is THE best place in the world to be. Someone will always be here to help.

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I am so sorry for you loss, Mary Ann. I can only imagine what it is like after so long a marriage.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.




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I am so sorry for your loss. I know life for you will never be the same again and that makes it so hard to continue on. I hope you have lots of friends and family to help you adjust and as many on here have mentioned you always have us.

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You are in my prayers, and please know that we are all here for you. Anytime you need a friend, you'll have one here. God bless you during this difficult time.

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hello, i saw your post and wanted to say it dosent matter if you get on here once a yr or 20 times a day, never feel guilty about being here thats where all the fun comes from, the ladies... and men that are on here are some of the best friends in hte world. i am despretly sorry for your loss, my husband and i are just getting started out, we've been married for five years and we have a 3yr old little girl but he sure is my best friend and i would be lost with out him. i hope that you find things that help you cope with this new loss.

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Oh Mary Ann, I am so sorry for your loss! I can not say that I understand what you are going through, but my heart still breaks for you. Please know that you are not alone, this forum is filled with the nicest bunch of people I know, and speak up more so we can all get to know you! :ghug

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So sorry for your loss of your husband it never seems an easy task to move forward but, your never alone you have many people here that are willing to listen. Take care of your health make the best of each day. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

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Mary Ann I am so sad for you. You must miss Jack very much but at least you had 40 good years together and that makes for good memories. Keeping you in my prayers

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Ladies I just read all your replies last night and I want to thank each and every one of you for your kindness and love.

This brought tears to my eyes and I felt all of your loves through these post. I guess I was really schocked by it because I wasnt exspecting that. Thank you ever so much

Mary Ann

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