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Allyssa lost her blankie

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I have a 1 yr old granddaughter that lost her blanket that I crocheted her. And her mother wants me to make another one! My question is... Should I make her a smaller version since the other one she would drag it around! She can't go no where w/out it!!! Her mother said she cried herself to sleep last night! She has another one..when she got up she dragged it into their living room and when she found out it wasn't her favorite one she threw it down! So I am not sure she will even cling to the new one that I will make! So what would you all suggest that I should do?

Any suggestions would help! Like I said she is one and she walks and carries it around..and because it was so big she drug it around!

Thanks for your help in advance!

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I would make it anyway and make it the same. It is an act of love and we all can use a lot more grace in our lives :c9.


Even if it is "loved to death" it is still love.

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Will she take a new blankie? She had that one broken in. If you have some of the yarn left, make a small swatch and see what she does with it. If she likes it, go with the smaller one. Do you think she would realize it was smaller?

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I have a 1 yr old granddaughter that lost her blanket that I crocheted her. And her mother wants me to make another one! My question is... Should I make her a smaller version since the other one she would drag it around! She can't go no where w/out it!!! Her mother said she cried herself to sleep last night! She has another one..when she got up she dragged it into their living room and when she found out it wasn't her favorite one she threw it down! So I am not sure she will even cling to the new one that I will make! So what would you all suggest that I should do?

Also the yarn I used you can't find anymore..so I know she will know it is not exactly the same one!

Any suggestions would help! Like I said she is one and she walks and carries it around..and because it was so big she drug it around!

Thanks for your help in advance!

This is the blanket she lost!



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Will she take a new blankie? She had that one broken in. If you have some of the yarn left, make a small swatch and see what she does with it. If she likes it, go with the smaller one. Do you think she would realize it was smaller?


I am not sure! Like you said she broke that one in! And they discontinued the pink yarn and that was the reason why I trimmed it in white! I told my daughter, it might be a good thing that she lost it..not in a bad way..but she really was attached to it real bad! I hate to know that it got lost..for it was a beautiful afghan (if I don't say so myself). Out of all my grandbabies and she is number 6..she was the only one that attached to a crochet blanket that I made and I made 3 for each grandchild! So it makes me feel good in a way..but of all baby afghans to get attached to was that one! :lol So I am not sure really what I ought to do! My poor little baby! I told her mama to put a lost bulletin at the post office and maybe whoever found it will return it!

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I would make her a new big one and also buy enough yarn to make just a small snuggly blankie. My dd loves her small blankie. My boy never became attached to any of the blankies I crocheted for him.

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i think i would make it as close to the old one as you can. at least it was not in the top of a closet gathering dust because it was too pretty to use or the dog laying on it...

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OK this is from a mom with experience on blankies. You can make a new one, But it will not have the same smell the old one has. I know because my son used to leave his in places and we would have to go back no matter how far away it was to find it. And we always luckily found it. If it was dirty looking the new one will have to look the same. He would have a stroke if I washed it and took that smell away. ITS THE SMELL AND FEEL THEY WANT:eek. I know you want the new one to be kept nice but the child doesn't care about that.:yes If you make it smaller that might not work either, because he used to wrap it around his head or put it over his body and to his nose. Its a very hard thing to replace. If the dog laid on it you might have to let that happen to help make it the same:lol This is just my experience on the subject. :D

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my 2 yr old son has a little blue teddy bear that he drags around everywhere. we bought 2 more (as backups) and when we had to use a backup---he never even noticed. these backups are the same exact bear.

so make one that looks like the original one and maybe she won't even notice.


you won't know until you try :)

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As a Mom on a Son who carried a blanket around when he was little. I say make one just like it. We had 3 blankets that were the same, one to carry one in the wash and one waiting to be used.

My 2 cents start crocheting a blanket just like the one that was lost.

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I'm a mom of a blankie boy too, he will be 21 in October, shhh don't tell anyone but blankie is in a large ziplock baggie in his dresser draw and I know for a fact that if he is sick blankie comes out of the baggie and ends up under his pillow. :manyheart


Yes she will notice the difference but as hard as it will be on her mom getting her to switch blankies I would give it ago. I would make at least two smaller ones that are identical. Grandma you should sleep with them a night or two before you give them to her if she is use to spending time with you, have mommy sleep with them too. Your smells will be on there and she will recognize them and it will comfort her. Make sure to use really soft yarn and have it all washed and as limp as possible before you sleep with it. Then mom can encourage her to have one at a time while she has one in reserve. That is just my two cents but that is how I would do it, and very similar to how we have had to switch out items with our kids.

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I guess I will start making another blankie! I am going to look in my stash and see what pinks I have!

How she lost it is he put in on the trunk of the car to put her in her car seat and forgot it there and drove off. They back tracked but it was nowhere to be found!

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Make her one exactly like the one she lost: Use the same brand of yarn, make it exactly the same size. Then run it through the washer and dryer a few times, so it doesn't feel "new". Give to her mother, so she can put some place in the home for your granddaughter to "find".

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Make her one exactly like the one she lost: Use the same brand of yarn, make it exactly the same size. Then run it through the washer and dryer a few times, so it doesn't feel "new". Give to her mother, so she can put some place in the home for your granddaughter to "find".


One other thing her mother can do is before she gives her the blankie, have her put it in the crib, under her sheet. Let the little one sleep on it a couple times and then give it to the little one. This way, the blankie has her "scent" on it and she will accept it better. I had a little blankie carrier a long time ago, too.



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Has anyone thought of asking her???


"Do you want Gramma to make you another blankie? Just like the one we lost or something special that you can help pick out?"


Let her pick out the colors if she says yes. Allowing her to help plan it might help her take to it better.

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Has anyone thought of asking her???


That was my initial thought as well. I know I wouldn't want the wool pulled over my eyes (or acrylic as the case may be), no matter how tender my age. I'm for acknowledging the little one's feelings of sadness over the loss of her most prized possession...It can't be easy losing such a steady ever-ready source for comfort.

Just my two cents :2c

Best wishes stitching little Allyssa's spirits Mama Crochet. And perhaps with luck and a bit of back-tracking, this will just end up being one of those temporary snags in the life.

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At a year old, I don't think asking her will yield many results. You've heard a lot of great advise. I think making her one just like it (as best as possible) is the best idea, but I have no real experience on the matter.

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Where were they parked when it got lost? If it was a parking lot near shops someone might have turned it in and it's in a lost & found. Ask around, post notices if you can, it just might turn up. The family should not fuss over it too much. The longer she goes without it, she might begin to forget. Make a new one just in case. By the time it's done she might have found something new to drag around. Then you can just leave it in her house and see if she notices.

Ellie 13

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They really didn't tell me exactly where they lost it..all I know is the back tracked it couldn't find it! But there isn't any other blanket out there w/ that type of crochet ribbon..because I came up w/ that myself..since I do not like putting real ribbon on it and I wanted it all to be hand made! But I did talk to my dd this morning and she said she stays up til midnight now and will not take no naps! She walks around looking for it! She even takes her by the hand as if she will get it for her! She says she feels so bad! I am trying to get it done for her and hope she will take to it like the old one! I will just have to wait to see! I will keep you all informed.. how it went!

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You have a photo, why not use it to print up flyers about her lost blankie...maybe the local paper will run a 'Lost' ad with a picture. Someone may have picked it up thinking it was a shame someone tosssed it out, not realizing it is a very special blankie.

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My son was a blankie boy. He always had his big blue blankie, while it was not crocheted, it was a flannel quilted blanket I made for him from the material I used to make his crib bumpers. With the extra material I made him smaller blankies.


The large blankie had a different "use" for him than the small blankies. He is 7 now and is beyond the blankie stage but still uses the big blanket on his bed as a cover.


I would make a new "big" blanket for her using the same brand or type of yarn even if it is a different color. I know with my son it was the "feel" of the flannel he liked. Talk with her Mom and see what is was that she liked best about her blankie. Focus on that preference when deciding what to make it out of.


Another trick I have used to make things "used" is to wash them with a pair or two of jeans. The roughness of the jeans will help "age" the item.


Hope this helps,


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