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Why Is It You Love Crochet So Much?

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So, why do you love crochet so much?

For me it is beacuse it is so relaxing and fun to do. I only started crochet a few weeks ago, well, about 2 months ago, how time does fly, and not one day has passed where I have not been working on some project. I think I have finally found something I am good at, I tried knitting, could'nt really get away with it, but with crochet, I picked it up straight away, yeah, I have been stuck a few times on certain patterns, but once I've found out why I was stuck, I whizzed through it.

I love crocheting because I find it so easy to do, all you need is a hook and yarn, and away you go. I also love it because the projects are so quick to do, it is almost instant results, you can see your work taking shape almost as soon as you begin.

My Nanna crocheted when she was alive, bless her soul, and I have a beautiful black crochet shawl she made for my mam, when my mam first met my dad in the 70's and was a hippy, and crochet shawls were all the go, I love that shawl, it is perfect, I have worn it before, and I shall never part with it. Perhaps I'm taking after my Nanna for my love of crochet.

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I love to crochet because it's my excape from the hustle and bustle of my life :) Fun and I love having the challenge of a project on my mind. Yarn is now an addiction for me too:c9

If I'm stressed all I need to do to unwind is work on a few rows....but i do have a hard time putting it down then.

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For me, it is very relaxing. If I have had a crazy day, I can just sit and unwind with my yarn and feel at least a little better. I am also the only one left in my family who does it. My mother was the big crocheter in the family. When she passed away, it fell to me and that was when I really took off with it. I swear it is her that guides my hook every time I pick it up! So when babies are on the way, sweaters and blankets are made and there are no other handmade items except mine. I get a kick out of the idea that people love the items that I make. That sounds bad, but it is so true!

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It's fun, it's relaxing, a great way for me to destress and I love looking at a finished product knowing a little while ago (or maybe longer LOL) it was just yarn

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I love the creative aspect of it, and that every time I give it away I'm sharing a piece of myself~the fruit of my hands. I do also love that it progresses quickly!!! Crochet projects can go anywhere with you, and it also helps me feel productive if I'm just watching my favorite TV show. I've never been very versed in the womanly arts, so somehow I also feel connected to the many amazing women of history that poured into what we all are today. (((((HUGS)))) sandi

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I too find it relaxing...well, as long as I'm not frogging that is! :frog:lol


I use to do a lot of cross stitch and although its beautiful it takes A LOT of time. Some patterns, even the smaller ones can take weeks to finish. I like crochet cause I can make some things in hours. I'm slightly impatient. :P



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I love it cause no matter what your skill (I am still intermediate after 17 years. lol) You can make beautiful gifts for your loved ones and friends.


It also saves me tons of money at Christmas time and gives me some thing to do.

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I love crochet because it keeps my hands busy. Even if I am watching a movie or TV show I have to have my hands busy. I used to just sit & watch tv shows all day long and that would bother my husband a lot. I had nothing to show for it. It hurts to move around much since I am disabled. Now he does not fuss at me for watching TV shows & movies all day long since I can crochet while I do that. Plus I have something to show for watching TV.



I also love crochet because it has gotten me out of the habit of snacking. I am obese and crochet has helped me loose weight. As long as my hands are busy I don't want to eat.


I also love the creativity of crochet. That you can just about make anything with yarn & a hook!


Another reason I love crochet is because I joined a gym so my arms would get more in shape so I could crochet faster & longer. It has worked!

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I, too, find crocheting calming.


I like:


- its simplicity, just the hook and some yarn or thread.


- how quiet it is. I never cared for the click, click, click of knitting needles hitting each other.


- how many choices there are in crochet. One can choose thin and complex, or thick and simple, small or large, or anything in between.


- doing something women have done for hundreds of years. It seems that crocheting connects me to my foremothers, and family of days gone by.


- how low-tech it is, how inexpensive it can be, and how portable it is.


- the feel of the yarn or thread in my fingers, the project taking shape. I like how a blanket or shawl rests on my lap and doesn't hang from my arms. (Another reason I decided against knitting.)


- its limitlessness. There are new possibilities with every project.


- the community of crocheters, how kind and generous crocheters are, how encouraging they are of each doing what she's attracted to, in her own way, in her own time.


- looking at my supplies, their lovely colors, textures, old and new, thinking of new projects. Some given to me, some bought, some traded, some from thrift stores, a few from fancy stores.


Crocheting is filled with love, peace, caring, beauty, and lovely goodness.


Mmmmmm, :c9


It's nice to think about these things, and to read what others enjoy about crocheting. Thanks for the thread!

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Not only what the ladies have mentioned before, but to me.... it's good for passing time while waiting for the Doctor to see you. While my husband was in surgery and I was waiting and worrying I crocheted. It has been my life long friend to keep me distracted during trying times and I am able to product beautiful gifts while at it.

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I love it because it...and this may not sound politically correct....takes me away from all the "guy" stuff around our house.


It lets me do something just for me and at the same time make something for someone else.


It is easy to learn, unlike knitting (at least for me) and I know its easier to correct mistakes.



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I love to crochet with thread especially because it is amazing how that little thread can turn into a beautiful doily or other thread item. I also love to make thread potholders. I still do yarn though for dolls and other items like purses but thread has my heart.

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You are right, it is faster than knitting, also easier to fix mistakes and undo.

I like that one hook does the job instead of 2 long needles, or 4 short ones, which adds to it's portability. I love the ability to shape things easier and making round or oval items are a breeze. The newer variety of yarns make it so you are able to get the same overall draping effect, and there are less seams to sew and play with.

Crochet is my relaxer, my escape from things, my sanity and a great way to make quality items cheaper, (if you bargain hunt for the yarn). I recently made a score of 14 skeins of one of my fav yarns (which cost over 70.00 in the shops) for a mere 16.00.

All new, clean and labels still on. I think the hunt for the yarn is a big part of the fun.

Lastly it makes me feel good to do things the old fashioned way, like grandma did. As well as visiting someone many years later to hear them talk about the wonderful _____ that I made for them when they or their children were much younger. Since I do many different crafts, creating things is my main motivation. But crocheting and sewing are my passions.

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I crochet because it is like a part of me. In a way it kind of defines me. My Mum taught me when I was 8 and I have more or less crocheted from then. I find it very relaxing and I love to watch my projects grow and take shape. I remember reading about a lady who said when she made afghans for babies that were due to be born as she crocheted she prayed and hoped for them and when she gave the new babies their afghan it was like giving them a bundle of her love to wrap them in - best way to sum it all up for me!

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I love to crochet for all the same reasons everyone else does so I won't repeat them.


It also keeps my arthritic fingers from getting stiff and painful - they keep moving and there is no pain. The bonus is what I have created thru my "therapy".

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I picked it up again because I needed something worthwhile to do with my time.


I had a year where I had taken on too much, i was miserable and not doing anything with my best effort. So, when that school year ended I dropped everything I was doing except what I was still enjoying.


With both kids in school from 8-3 and me no longer working I needed something to fill time that mattered! So I found the Ship's Project which led to Soldier's Angels and I found the 'ville which gives me more outlets for my "work".

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I crochet for some of the same reasons as others in that it is relaxing and that I love making something with my hands and also it is something constructive to do while watching TV. I also love how all of the yarn feels.


I also crochet because it is carrying on a family tradition. My mom still has the crocheted bedspread that my great-grandmother crocheted over 70 years ago (my grandmother, who is still alive, is almost 90). I even have her hook, which is the hook I used when I was learning. My great-grandmother would crochet two motifs every morning after breakfast, and that is how she managed to finish the bedspreads. So, whenever I use her hook, I always think about her and all the other crafty women in my family (grandmother and mom both knit, but I love them anyway :D )


Anyway, that is a big reason why I love to crochet.

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I love to crochet because it is relaxing for me. It keeps my hands occupied while watching TV or listening to the radio. Since getting our computer last year I now enjoy sitting by the computer crocheting and listening to old time radio programs online. When I do that I have to shake my head in wonderment at the various timelines involved in what I am doing. Crocheting which is centuries old; old time radio programs which were popular from approximately the 1930's to the early 1950's(I was born in 1951); and the computer (desktop computer) which became popular in the 1980's. Here I sit in 2009 (the 21st century) and enjoy all three.


While I crochet at home I only let myself drink on something, mostly coffee or ice tea. No eating. My hands might get sticky with something or stain what I'm crocheting. Also I don't need the extra calories. Because crochet is easy to carry with me I take it to doctors appointments or when my husband and I run errands. My mobility is not the best anymore so a lot of the time I sit in the car while he runs in the various stores we are going to. I also like to crochet while we (my husband does the driving) are making a trip to Louisville to visit my family.


Last, but not least, it reminds me of my mother and oldest sister who taught me to crochet back in the late 1970's. They both have passed away now but I have many fond memories of the times we three crocheted together.


Oh, yes. I like all the nice things I can make for presents and save money at the same time. Plus I feel like I am giving the recipient a little something of myself and not just a gift.


Okay, that is it. I am my usual self. Don't know when to shut up or quit typing. This is it I promise. Uhhhhh!!!!

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Everything everyone else had said is true for me too. I have one other thing, it has helped me, since I quit smoking, to always have something working when I am not on the computer, outside in the yard or cleaning. And, it costs a LOT less than cigarettes and I have something beautiful to show for it. The pleasure of the creativity and giving are so rewarding.

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I definitely love it as a way to relax and escape; my mom first put a crochet hook in my four-year-old hand to keep me away from TV and talking relatives during the Kennedy assassination. After 9/11, I returned to that lovely yarn world as an alternative to the stress-filled real one.


PLUS, a crocheted item cannot be made by a machine!

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For me, it is very relaxing. If I have had a crazy day, I can just sit and unwind with my yarn and feel at least a little better. I am also the only one left in my family who does it. My mother was the big crocheter in the family. When she passed away, it fell to me and that was when I really took off with it. I swear it is her that guides my hook every time I pick it up! So when babies are on the way, sweaters and blankets are made and there are no other handmade items except mine. I get a kick out of the idea that people love the items that I make. That sounds bad, but it is so true!


I feel the same way and do the same as you about my crocheting...



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