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Red Heart Saved the Day!

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We were on a road trip this morning when a plastic plate on the bottom of the car came loose and started dragging on the road. At 70 MPH, this caused quite the ruckus. Dh pulled over and figured out what was wrong, but he didn't have anything to fasten the plate back on with, and we were out in the country. Red Heart yarn to the rescue!


I happened to have my WIP with me in the car. So I cut several lengths of yarn, and he went back under the car and tied the plate down. We drove over 500 miles today, and the Red Heart yarn held the plate in place the whole time! :lol I might just have to keep a skein in the back of the car for road emergencies. Let's see...jumper cables, spare tire, oil, water, and Red Heart yarn. :rofl

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Well, if your hubby ever complained about your yarn stash, bet he doesn't any more :lol Great story and use of yarn!

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It comes in handy on road trips and camping trips!


We used RH when we forgot a rope to tie between two trees to hang up wet things. So out came some Red Heart and we stretched it between two trees and that was our rope. Worked out great.


Good and strong yarn!



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Only goes to show- Crocheters are prepared for anything !!!!! :hook


Love your story - you should send it to Red Heart - maybe they will send you a skein or two. At least enough for you to be able to complete your project. :crocheting

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:lol that's a grate story!!!


I agree you should send your story to red heart, maybe they will feature it in a newsletter or somethings, hehehe, that would be so cool.

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I enjoyed your story. :ty for sharing. I am like everyone else you should send the story to Red Heart. Also everyone who has mentioned using Red Heart for something besides crocheting/knitting should send their stories also.

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Great idea in a pinch.


I've used RH for many non-crochet uses & also used crochet hooks for non crochet uses.


Last time used yarn for one was hanging pine cones stuffed with suet in the back yard for the birds. :lol

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:lol That is a great story! Yes keep some in your car. Besides if you don't have a WIP with you, you at least have yarn and could find something to crochet with... :hook


I'm hesitant to use my hooks for anything but crocheting as I've bent them before (could have been the thread steel ones). If I can't think of anything else, I will use them, but I try not to.

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I tie up my rose bushes with the RH yarn. RH works in many ways. Love the story and you should send it to RH.






I use it to tie my plants up to sticks.
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I was in a class once and the teacher took out a skein of red heart. She made us pass around the piece of yarn unraveled and say something about our selfs. We had a HUGE spider web. She also said her dentist said she should floss with it since her teeth were far apart LOL But that was a joke!

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