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Daisy Square Beach Bag aka Happy 83rd Gram!


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My MIL's B-day will be here soon - She'll be 83. She has a week long trip to the beach scheduled in July. This will be her first real beach vacation so we're planning a little something special.

I made this large tote bag using Krystal16's charity daisy square. You can get the daisy square pattern for a promise to make one square and send it to Krystal for her charity ghans. Details here: http://krochetkrystal.blogspot.com/

The tote bag pattern using the square from Krystal is a free one from here:



The pics are one of the finished bag and the second is a pic of some of the goodies I'll be filling it with: a squirt gun, sand toys, sand bucket, sun screen, lip balm, aloe gel, a crossword puzzle book, pens, a beach towel, flip flops, and a margarita glass (plastic for use at the pool!).


Happy Birthday Gram!



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what a fantastic gift and I bet she will be so excited to receive it!!:cheer I love the bag and your items to fill it were fun and thoughtful...I hope she has a wonderful trip!! A gift like this would make me look forward to an upcoming trip even more...what a sweet granddaughter you are!

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