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Jury Duty Crochetiers??

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I spent last week doing my civic duty, serving on a jury for our local county courts. In out county, they summon about 150 potential jurors to form a pool then pick groups to interview for different trials. Its a two week commitment here. So there I am with a book and a pencil and pad, biding my time in the big jury room and thought to myself "I bet there will be at least a few crochetiers here to chat with". But nooooooo there wasn't a soul!

Now tell me... how in the world can that be? I do think they allow hooks past security, so that's not an issue.

Anybody here been able to crochet while on jury duty??



bytheway in case you're curious, I did sit on a criminal case for 3 days. Nothing Perry Mason like. Just an old coot who decided he could outrun the police in his farm truck, with a suspended license. Nobody hurt. Glad it wasn't a murder or some really heavy crime.

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I was summoned for jury duty back in March and in our county, you have to call the night before and there is a recording that lets you know if your group# has to report or not. I was so excited to be going because I was going to be off work and get to spend a day crocheting while waiting to be called.


When I called the night before I was to report, the message said that my group # was excused from jury Duty! I was really disappointed. I wanted to:crocheting the day away!

Glad your trial was some really bad criminal case and thanks for doing your civic duty!!!

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Haven't been called for jury duty in years (now watch my summons show up in the mail next week!:lol), but the last time I had jury duty I did take yarn and hook with me. Not sure how it will be in these days of super-tightened security. I imagine plastic hooks would be allowed, even though I only use them when I can't find or can't use my good hooks.

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I just did Jury Duty at the beginning of the month. We had 210 show up, and about 190 left after they did the exemptions and such. From there they picked a panel of 90 to go up to the court and get questioned. I was one of those lucky 90. Woo Hoo. I spend the afternoon then hoping I wouldn't get pick (it was a sexual act with a child charge) and thankfully was not one of the lucky 12.


I had thought about taking my hook and yarn, but I was working on squares and thought that even if they did let me in with my hook I'd never get in with scissors. I even considered buying a plastic hook. Decided to leave it all at home rather than having to walk that half mile back to my car if they wouldn't let me through the screening with it. I had thought to ask when leaving, but I shouldn't see that slip of yellow in the mail until after Jan, so I let it go.


I did carry a book though, so I was able to keep busy. It is amazing to look around at all the people that come with nothing at all.

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my son is going tomorrow for jury duty for the first time. he really is hoping to get out of it. oh well that is the price we all pay for the life we are able to live here. not perfect but alot better than any place else i am think of.

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I only wish I was a crocheter back when I had jury duty - I was chosen and I sure could have used a little something to occupy my hands during the lengthy process.

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When I had jury duty back in '97, I was able to take in crochet hook and small gingher scissors. In '02, I could take the crochet hook, but not even a pair of small plastic scissors with blunt tips.


I don't think I'd bother to try if I had jury duty today. I'd just bring my magazines (yarn catalogues, of course) and a good mystery -- maybe something with a real gory title so they wouldn't pick me LOL.

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When I had jury duty back in '97, I was able to take in crochet hook and small gingher scissors. In '02, I could take the crochet hook, but not even a pair of small plastic scissors with blunt tips.


I don't think I'd bother to try if I had jury duty today. I'd just bring my magazines (yarn catalogues, of course) and a good mystery -- maybe something with a real gory title so they wouldn't pick me LOL.


Walk in carrying a copy of Truman Capote's book "In Cold Blood" and wearing a T-shirt that says "Nuke 'Em All" and you'll be home in time for Desperate Housewives at 11:00am. :lol

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Elle, you are too funny. I had jury duty about a year ago. It was the first time I had ever been called in all the years of being a registered voter. So my group was part of the ones that had to attend. we were stuck in a room for three days straight. I took my computer, yarn, plastic hook, and one of those necklace things with the hidden blade to cut yarn you can find at Michael's. They let all of it in thankfully, Next day I saw a few knitters but I was the only crocheter.

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The one and only time I got a notice I was still in upstate NY (Oswego County). I called and explained to the lady that I was in college and getting ready for finals and couldn't afford (grades wise) to miss school. She understood, asked when I graduated and set it up for me to be called again after school was over. I should say Oswego County is a small (population) county. Well, I get another notice for duty and its set for the week after we move back to Florida! It wasn't ment to be I guess. Never got called again.



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I work in a courthouse in Virginia and I checked with our Court Deputies. Here in VA we are NOT ALLOWED to bring crochet hooks or knitting needles into the building for any reason at all. They are considered dangerous as they can be used as weapons.

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I work in a courthouse in Virginia and I checked with our Court Deputies. Here in VA we are NOT ALLOWED to bring crochet hooks or knitting needles into the building for any reason at all. They are considered dangerous as they can be used as weapons.


I live in VA & have carried my crochet to court. I brought a plastic hook, & a small ball of yarn in a sandwich bag. I left my yarn cutter pendant at home because I thought they would be no-no's even though the blade is hidden inside the casing. My crochet was in my handbag with my keys, hairbrush etc. They searched the bag (look inside --no weapons so they put it aside) & after I walked through a metal detector, I got my bag back. I was there to support dh who had to testify as a witness. Maybe some districts are more lenient than others.

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Never thought about the scissors deal.... but wouldn't a pair of fingernail clippers do the trick? Or maybe they won't allow those either? I know our security guys make you take your belt off and won't allow pocket knives (I'm lost and disoriented and shake uncontrollably without my pocket knife).


I bet you could "jury rig" something to cut yarn. (hmmmm is that where the term "jury rig" came from?

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This is what I don't get...you can have pens and pencils, but not crochet hooks??? :think


I was one of those ones who didn't bother, either, as I figured there might be an issue. I just brought the book "2012." It's a book about various people's ideas about the "End of the Mayan Calendar" and what will happen. Theories range from nothing to the "end of the world as we know it."


I didn't get picked. :D

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I would guess that each courthouse would have it's own rules about crochet hooks and knitting needles. I've been summoned to jury duty twice but with a handicapped child at home, I was excused easily both times. I couldn't sit that long without my knitting/crocheting along. Kinda crazy to be afraid of a crochet hook. Let's face it, metal or plastic, it's not much of a weapon. :lol

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I was on jury duty before all the security, I took my crocheting and was ready to start. My name got called and I was one of the lucky 12, so I didn't get to do any crocheting. Fortunately, it was only for 2 days and the trial was over. :)


We had to go to the court house last year and all they wouldn't allow in were cell phones and pocket knives. Everything else went through.

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I got a jury summons on Saturday ...... my fourth time! I have to call the night before to see if I'm still scheduled. I plan on taking my crocheting and digital camera. The crocheting is to pass the time inside and the camera is so I can take pictures of dowtown Las Vegas. I seldom go downtown so I can't wait .......

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They may not let you take the camera in. Find out before you go. That's one reason you can't tell a cell phone in here (Oklahoma), so you can't take pictures of what's going on in the court room.

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I was the jury foreperson the one and only time I got called for jury duty. At that time, late '90s, I was not a crocheter, but I was an avid cross stitcher. I did take a project with me, including manicure scissors, and worked it the whole time I was there.


Unfortunately, now, I think people are so overly paranoid that some places won't allow hooks or needles, let alone small scissors, which I find utterly ridiculous. However, if I am called again, I will bring a plastic hook and nail clippers along with my current WIP. If they get a bug up their booty and say I cannot bring my plastic hook in with me, I'll toss it and only be out a buck or two. :blush

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It's like the airports. Each building can have it's own set of rules.


I haven't been called in about 10 years. Last time, I had young kids, so I got out of it and I haven't been called since. Now that they are teenagers and can handle themselves (kinda, sorta) then I would love to be called.



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I've been called twice, but not able to serve either time. I would do it happily if I could. The first time I had moved out of the county, so I was not eligible. The second time I was called during a business trip, that accounts for half the reason I have a job.


I did however spend a day crocheting in traffic court while I waited for my ticket to be called. And Jimbo it was in the Spokane Valley Courthouse and they let me right in with my hooks and tools. And I got a deal on my ticket, just had to keep my nose clean for a year and it went away with a small fine. :D

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About 5 years ago maybe 4 years I had jury duty and they took away my yarn and crochet hook. Then after a few hours of sitting in a large crowded room I noticed a woman knitting with 2 long pointy sharp looking knitting needles. I went back to the desk and complained and they let me crochet. I tink knitting needles could do more damage than a crochet hook.

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crochet hooks and YARN are not allowed in my county! do they think I will crochet someone to death?!!!! (kidding) As to being called for duty, I wish they would go to the list of unemployed people who had transportation and could use the money, to poll their people, rather than those with no vehicles, and unreliable public transportation to be there at 8:15am!!! Just my opinion........

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I have been called up twice, but couldn't serve either time, the first time I was running an inhome infant daycare and had 6 families counting on me to take care of their kids. The second time, just a couple months ago, I was helping care take my Mom and I didn't get to serve either... Now that Mom is gone, I was going to call and see if they needed me, but haven't gotten to it yet...

I don't know if we could crochet or not..

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Never thought about the scissors deal.... but wouldn't a pair of fingernail clippers do the trick? Or maybe they won't allow those either? I know our security guys make you take your belt off and won't allow pocket knives (I'm lost and disoriented and shake uncontrollably without my pocket knife).


I bet you could "jury rig" something to cut yarn. (hmmmm is that where the term "jury rig" came from?


I guess anything could be used as a weapon if a person was of a mind to use it that way, although I'm hard pressed to think of what kind of grievous bodily harm could be done with nail clippers. Maybe give somebody a couple of good nicks or something, although that would be a bit like getting pecked to death by ducks. :lol "Hey, you two! Mind yourselves 'afore I come over there'n give you both a good Dutch rub!" :think or... "Watch out for him! He's got a broken milk carton!" :eek

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