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I've done it again

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started so many WIPs I can barely keep track of them. Please tell me I'm not the only one to do this.


Ok off to sign up for the getting things done CAL

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Ohh, what'cha got going on?


I have: FBB, H Bag (both of which will be done this weekend), Prairie Star afghan, I did a square w/ beads for another H bag for me but only 1 square so far, Irish Chain quilt 'ghan that I'm currently not motivated to do, a wrap for me (also should be done soon). :D

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Nope your not the only one!


I have the items below as WIP:


-Ripple Afghan (Dh's Grandma started 5 yrs ago before she passed, I need to finish it)


-Rectangular Granny Afghan for DH (started it 2 yrs ago?)


-Drawstring Bag (need to frog it- started it 2 yrs ago)


-Ocean Waves Afghan (started it 3 months ago)

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If it wasn't for hubby I would have entirely too many wips too. Hubby doesn't like it when I buy more yarn when I haven't finished a project. I usually have 2 big projects going on at the same time and some little one day projects now and again. Hubby usually is the one to get me the yarn i need since he works close to Joanns and if I ask for yarn when I already have a large project he just says he will get it after a particular project is complete. It is frustrating at times but it keeps me on track without any ufos. Right now I don't have any wips, I just finished a large project last night. I will be going yarn shopping over the weekend. A spiderman round ripple for my son will be my next project.

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. A spiderman round ripple for my son will be my next project.


that's my next big project too, then an afghan of some sort for DH so he stops taking mine LOL


ok feeling better reading all these responses

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I was just telling a friend the same thing! I have a butterfly afghan I'm working on for a co-worker's daughter (although I talked her into weaving in the ends for each square!), the sweetheart ripple for me (that I didn't really realize I was doing something wrong on it until I was half done! and I'm not frogging!), an afghan of the sandman for my cousin's baby & have agreed to take on a huge project in the form of a megaman afghan consisting of over 840 squares!

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I was just telling a friend the same thing! I have a butterfly afghan I'm working on for a co-worker's daughter (although I talked her into weaving in the ends for each square!), the sweetheart ripple for me (that I didn't really realize I was doing something wrong on it until I was half done! and I'm not frogging!), an afghan of the sandman for my cousin's baby & have agreed to take on a huge project in the form of a megaman afghan consisting of over 840 squares!

You are braver than me! 840 squares? NO WAY!!! LOL :eek Good luck with that. I'd never get that done. Never. :hook

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I know...it's a sickness! I keep telling myself that I'm going to limit myself to 2 projects at a time, but then I get lured by some new pattern or some new yarn, and before you know it I have tons of WIPs...

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I try not to have any WIP it makes me crazy lol. I like to finish one, then start another. Doesn't always work that way but I really don't like to have any wips. I never finish them.

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Oh GOSH dont even go there!! My hubby NAGS me all the time, I NAG myself, I have so many going on right now, it sint even funny, and I just keep saying, next week I will get two or three done....yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa righttttttttttttttttttt welcome to the club!!



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I know the feeling, I have so many things going on right now that my project bags look like they could explode at any moment... thankfully they're all small projects..otherwise I'd never see my dog should they explode. lol

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Nope, got an afghan started, next month's bag started and still making flowers and eggs for my tree. Does that qualify?:hook

This from someone who use to only do one thing at a time.:lol

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I was cleaning the other day and found 2 totes and a good sized box of ufos & stuff just needing the ends worked in. Arrrg. I hate working in the ends! I will have to force myself to sit down and just watch movies and work in ends to get some of it taken care of. Some are also purses that I've made and not yet lined, so that is yet another project. I have to finish 3 afghans by the end of next month. I've started one as a double strand rr, so it should finish fast. One is a baby ghan, so it should also go quickly. I am most worried about the one I need for a wedding gift the end of May that is not yet started even.


I have several projects that are thisclose to finished, but not quite. One is a shawl made from 2 strands of bamboo thread. It took forever. Then I set it aside and forgot what hook I used. I have been to lazy to test and figure out the hook size, so it sits within just a few rows of done. Another is a sweater, but as spring hits it has been hard to think about working on a wool sweater.


Why do I get myself into these things?

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I've made a promise to myself that between new projects I have to finish 1 UFO. Some UFOs I've totally forgotten about so I just frog 'em if I've lost interest in them. I still have son's afghan (granny square) to weave in all the ends and a lapghan of granny squares to weave in the ends and sew together.

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I don't even want to think about it.


One afghan for dd's birthday in August. It must be finished by then, about halfway now.


One shawler for a friend who gave me the yarn (over half finished). Unfortunately for her, two yarn projects in more than I can stand.


I know for certain I've got two partially-finished doilies that need to be completed, and have long been neglected.


I'm working on a lacy thread "jacket" from a Japanese magazine.


I joined a sock crochet along, but haven't started that yet.


And I interrupted all that to make a felted case for my netbook, because I need one for my upcoming trip.


And we won't even talk about the projects I'd like to start, such as....


A thread purse, a spring scarf, some snowflakes, more doilies (it's a savage addiction), and so on....

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I have squares I inherited from my grandmother 5 (6?) years ago, that I need to assemble. I made a doll and teddy bear 2 years ago. They just need stuffing. I finally bought stuffing for the doll and bear, but used it for Easter bunnies instead :lol. I made 36 squares in Oct. So I have 2 afghans, a doll and teddy bear UFOs. Every time I try to finish a project, I run out of materials or someone wants me to make them something :(.

Ellie 13

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Yes I am a yarnaholic and a wipster. I have 2 baby sets on hold til I find out what the baby's gender will be, so I know what color and kind of trim I want to use. There is a scrapghan that gets added to whenever I finish another project. A jacket that I try to add a row or two each day. I am finishing items for the hubby swap, and starting socks.

Plus planning and picking yarns for a purse and some Christmas items. That doesn't count charity things that I do on a regular basis, (I just finished up 4 of those packages).

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oh yea i have a BIG project that i was all hurry up and get it done when i first started and now well its in the china cabinet that i use for such things and it keeps whispering to me cmere and finish me you know you want to heheheheheheh

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ok finished one project and started to work on a WIP then went and bought yarn for a new project, LOL it really is an addiction

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Ive actually gotten most of my WIP's finished up! I do have one afghan, the lacy blocks that is just begging me to finish it and I am so close but the mood is not hitting me.


I finished up a spidey rr today, I left off the webbing cause my center was too tight but it still looks good. I also finished two lapghans.


Now I am sitting here wondering what to start! I always have a bunch of WIP's going cause I cant help but "try" a new pattern, etc which then turns into a project!


It is an addiction but a good one IMO. LOL

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