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A Couple "Magic Ball" Hotpads

Mom w/a Motif

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I did these yesterday. I had been wanting to make something with the ball of yarn I had been saving up for a while now. I was working on a pair of socks but I had to rip out everything I did and got disgusted; so I did these:



th_005-10.jpg th_002-38.jpg

th_004-20.jpg th_001-64.jpg


They are from a pattern at crochetpatterncentral, under potholders/hotpad; 'Double Thick Diagonal Potholders' from Mielke's Farm. I don't know if it is just my computer, but the link hasn't worked for it in a while.


Thanks for looking. :-)



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Those turned out really cool!! I love that idea!! I may have to do that with all the little balls of cotton yarn I have right now.


Thanks for sharing!!



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Those are really nice. Time to use up the magic balls that I have been saving up. I have made that patterns a couple times but never thought of using my MB's for them. Thanks for the idea.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, thank you for giving me the idea of what to do with those small bits of cotton yarn I have leftover. Going to start some "magic balls" with them. :yay And, I love this potholder pattern. I've been making them as gifts along with dishcloths of the same yarn to match for a while now.

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Usually I only use cotton for hotpads, too. I will do them with acrylic, though; sometimes. As long as you're not using them to take anything out of the oven with, I guess it's okay. :)


i only use cotton yarn for these but they are great made with scraps because you can hide the knots on the inside and no one ever knows...
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  • 2 weeks later...
i only use cotton yarn for these but they are great made with scraps because you can hide the knots on the inside and no one ever knows...


I was just thinking the same thing - this project is perfect for scraps, because you don't even have to work in the ends! Just tie tight knots and make sure the tails are inside the pad. Great! :cheer


I've made these pads out of Sugar-n-Cream Twists, and I use them all the time. It's a simple pattern that gives wonderful results.


Your magic ball creations are very nice! :cheer

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