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Little Silver Haired Old Ladies.. adendum to "Somebody Stop Her"

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I am not even going to guess. You see I am/will be 58 in June and have a sister who will be 82 in May. I have more gray hair than my sister. Her dark brown hair is just beginning to get lighter with some gray while mine began to change when I was in my 40's. Every now and then I jump when I look in the bathroom mirror for I think I see my mother standing there. Unfortunately we lost our mother in 1981 and our oldest sister in 1992. Their hair began to change about the same time in their lives as mine has. Even so none of the 4 of us shows our true age. I guess we have been blessed.:scrachin


By the way your mother is beautiful.:tup:cheer

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I'm guessing about seventy. :)


Does she still want to adopt me??????? :)


I can't believe it. You got her age. She will be 70 next (in 2010) July. I don't think she looks anywhere close to that but then again I am biased and as far as adoption goes she wants to adopt all of you:manyheart

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I would have guessed her age at somewhere between 60 and 65. No way does she look to be 70! She looks absolutely WONDERFUL, and she has that beautiful silver hair that my own Mom had. I lost my Mom 23 years ago and I still miss her every day. She was my best friend. I envy you so that you still have this beautiful lady to laugh and have fun with. God Bless you both and I hope you have many, many more years to enjoy each other's company. :hug

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OK.. that "evil :irk scheming silver haired old lady (aka my mom that I TOTALLY love ;)) went shopping with me today in VA beach and when I wasn't looking :rolleyes bought me 36 skeins of yarn (that I soooo picked out myself :lol) and blew my stash busting score to heck and back. :eek I now have to subtract 72 points from my score :P oh well.. at least I will have fun :hook:crocheting and trying to gain some points back...lol. You guys really need to get on the ball and find a way to stop that silver haired scheming genius lady. Somebody adopt her already...lol

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