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fell in love with this pattern

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OK I found this baby pouch and fell in love with it. http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/tonis-pouch.html

I was not paying attention to names of the patterns. So when I scrolled up and saw what it was called, I felt I could not make it, but still loved it. My boys said I shouldnt even think about making it for anyone. So I just want to know if you think just because someone gave it a name that it couldnt be made for other reasons??

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I think this is a wonderful pattern. I believe these are burial pouches for preemie's that go to heaven her website states, "(Most of these are tiny burial outfits for babies who go back to Heavenly Father)"


Having lost a child I can understand the comfort of knowing I am wrapping my precious lil one, in a warm pouch loving created for them, before placing them in their resting place.


As stated before it is a pattern and could be created for other purposes also.



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If the name is not crochetted into the piece I wouldn't worry about what it is called. It's intended use is implied by the giver in the attached card or the babydoll, toy cuddled into it. Besides, if I was to bury something in this it would indeed be something/one special to deserve such a wonderful thing.

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ok heres my view on this when one passes you put them in appropriate clothing does that then mean no one can wear the same kind of clothing if you know what i mean i think it is simply beautiful and would have many many uses for instance after bath or in a car seat etc TFS

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I don't think the name of the pattern matters, and I agree with craziebunny :D I would have loved a little pouch like that for my dollies when I was little. If you like it, go ahead and make it :) It's VERY cute!

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This is so cute. I am going to make them for putting play dolls and stuffed animals in. The granddaughters are always having trouble keeping a blanket around their baby dolls when they are playing house. This will be perfect! Instead of the ribbon to tie the front, I just going to tack it down to that shape and make a crocheted flower to put in the center!


The name bothered me some, but I'm just looking at the pattern and the use I have in mind for it!

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I think you should use it any way you want to. I was making a bassinet carry along for my granddaughter and since you showed me that I am going to make it for her baby doll. and maybe if I can make it little enough, for the cradle purse babies too. Thanks for showing where this was.

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Thank you all for your responses.:hug When I saw this pouch I thought it would be perfect for bringing the baby home from the hospital and until they get too big for it. Great idea about using it for baby dolls, so it can be saved for that reason also. I loved the idea of making a tiny one for cradle purses.

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I'm with you CindyLou. As hokey as it sounds, I would be afraid that I was asking for trouble. Just a for instance - I was teasing a friend about tailgating other cars and just asking for an accident. On my way home I hit someone from behind. Another one - I was talking to another friend and commented on how sick she was all the time. The next day I came down with the flu, which I hadn't had in 19yrs.

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I think the pouch is adorable, but the name is off-putting. Once you take the name away and just see the lovely pouch, hopefully you'll enjoy making it.


I might even make some myself!


Thank you for the pattern link.

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What about making some for the hospital? If you look on the CareWear site that's in my siggy, you may find a place that would love to have them made for the little ones that don't make it. It's a sad event when an infant goes to the Heavenly Father and this little act of kindness can really help out a hurting family.


It took me a while before I could make burial garments but it is a very kind thing to do.



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Having gone through the experience where one would be required the name gets me as well. But I am going to make one for my dd's baby dolls and ignore the name. However I can't get past the name enough to make one for an actual child. As silly as that may be its something that is still (and likely always will be) a touchy spot for me.


But its a beautiful pattern.

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This is so not my place to say but I have to comment on this topic.


If you think the name is off-putting think of the actual deed of putting a dearly loved baby into this pouch to prepare for burial. Now if you can imagine that; think of how your heart would be filled with love for someone who would supply this little item so that you could know others cared about your situation.


To say the name is meaningless is to say that the moms and dads who need this pouch are meaningless or that the babies themselves are meaningless. In each of my pregnancies, I lived in the fear that I would not come home with a baby. My neighbour two houses over had to come home with empty arms. I wish I had known about these things back then.


The minute I found out about the ministry of making burial items I knew I had to make one. My hands don't permit me to work with that fine yarn but I did make one gown. I had to give that to the mom I would never know who had need of such as this.



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This is so not my place to say but I have to comment on this topic.


If you think the name is off-putting think of the actual deed of putting a dearly loved baby into this pouch to prepare for burial. Now if you can imagine that; think of how your heart would be filled with love for someone who would supply this little item so that you could know others cared about your situation.


To say the name is meaningless is to say that the moms and dads who need this pouch are meaningless or that the babies themselves are meaningless. In each of my pregnancies, I lived in the fear that I would not come home with a baby. My neighbour two houses over had to come home with empty arms. I wish I had known about these things back then.


The minute I found out about the ministry of making burial items I knew I had to make one. My hands don't permit me to work with that fine yarn but I did make one gown. I had to give that to the mom I would never know who had need of such as this.




Amen, sister!

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I get the same feelings when viewing some of the beautiful baby burial gown patterns..which really look like christening gowns usually same gowns, just different intent heading on patterns, I just can't get past the sorrow label of such an item to make it for the living..I guess I am sorta weird..so I look for christening headers instead when I need to make a gown for christening..my thoughts go out to any of you who have experienced such an almost unbearable event and Bless all of you who are called to this special area of crochet and or knitting ministry of love for the greiving you are special..

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My goodness I never said the name was meaningless only if would be alright to use it for other things other than what the name it has. I would never trivialize someone losing a baby in any way. I am not heartless. I just would feel bad if I made it for someone and something happened, that it might be my fault for making the pouch.

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This is so not my place to say but I have to comment on this topic.


If you think the name is off-putting think of the actual deed of putting a dearly loved baby into this pouch to prepare for burial. Now if you can imagine that; think of how your heart would be filled with love for someone who would supply this little item so that you could know others cared about your situation.


To say the name is meaningless is to say that the moms and dads who need this pouch are meaningless or that the babies themselves are meaningless. In each of my pregnancies, I lived in the fear that I would not come home with a baby. My neighbour two houses over had to come home with empty arms. I wish I had known about these things back then.


The minute I found out about the ministry of making burial items I knew I had to make one. My hands don't permit me to work with that fine yarn but I did make one gown. I had to give that to the mom I would never know who had need of such as this.





second amen here:yes


as a mom who put her first born into a lovingly crochet shawl and hat (made by my mother) these items with the "off putting names" are so very important and needed. my son will forever be wrapped in a lavender handmade gift.


that said, realize they can be made for other uses. :yarn just as you thought it would be a wonderful idea for the living, without the name, it may never be made for those suffering parents who really need it. same with burial gowns. if they were all named christening gowns, fewer would be made because people would not realize other uses for them. i was blesses with a loving mother who saw through a lovely baby shawl to make a burial cloth for my baby john.


perhaps you can make a take home snuggie for a beautiful newborn to keep them safe and warm on the way home.:)


it is just a title to a pattern, a suggestion for use. it is not engraved in stone as to it's function.


happy crocheting :hook karen

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I don't think that any of the people who implied that the name of the pattern didn't matter meant to imply that the TYPE of pattern didn't have any meaning. I think they all realize that those who are suffering the terrible loss of a tiny infant all need patterns that can be used for those precious tiny little ones.


It seems to me as if all they meant to say is that the title "Burial Pouch" makes them feel as if it would be disrespectful to use the pattern for any other purpose.


I have to agree that it would not be disrespectful at all. I think it's just that we want to try so hard to be respectful of the feelings of those who have gone through such a loss that we don't want anyone to think we don't value those feelings by using the pattern for another purpose.


But we take all sorts of other patterns and repurpose them. A beautiful christening gown pattern might be used as a burial gown. A friendship shawl could be used as a burial shawl. Nobody seems to mind taking a pattern not intended for burial purposes and using it that way if the pattern feels appropriate.


So I don't think anyone should feel bad or guilty for using this particular pattern for another purpose. However, if you DO feel a little funny about it, there's nothing wrong with that. In that case, this pattern is very simple. It's a granny square, with another half granny on top, with a border all around it.


Just go off and create your own pouch that is similar, but not using the instructions of the original.

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I too have been put off by the names given to these type of articles. I was looking for a preemie outfit size for a doll and found a onesie type sun suit that was adorable. I made it but the name haunted me. I believe it is a form of grief we all feel for the loss of a child, and the ache of the empty arms and sad heart of a mother (who we cannot hug).

I remind myself constantly of what Shakespeare said, "a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet". So the outfit is still cute, it is the need for the use for that suit's name which saddens us.

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