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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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ok, lets just say there was this sale and I was a very bad girl and I walked out with 58 skiens of yarn. I didn't mean to do it, it kinda just happened.

anyway i also picked up a few knitting supplies and began to knit this week. so between knitting and crochet i should use up more yarn, i hope.

and the final tally (so far) is:

WTD -114, YTD -152


This is so pathetic


I love this... it is classic addiction language. Love you hon. :ghug


If I had been there I would likely have done worse. :blush

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Naw... it is not pathetic!

Just think of how much fun you're gonna have! :devil


I, for one, am thankful that I started to play this game AFTER I bulked up my stash :heehee:wink


Good for you! that's what I say! :manyheart

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I started the vest and got two skeins done today. I actually had to stop because the yarn groove in my finger was hurting! It usually doesn't bother me but this yarn is so fuzzy. At least the skeins are small. +4


Wow Morna! I wish I had 58 new skeins! I would just roll around in it. lol

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I used up the skein of cream colored yarn on the trim. The blankie is so cute. I just have to tuck in the ends and then write up my card for the fair.


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Well, I shipped off 23 skeins and 1 ball-- I'm pretty much done selling off some of my extra stash... now let's hope and pray that I can remain positive after this. I live near enough to Mary Maxims that one trip up there and I'm done for... plus my mother sends me care packages when she goes to Smileys... I am a yarn addict and I have enablers...


Anyhoo, so far this week I'm +89 (ytd +113) --this will never happen again!!!

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... I am a yarn addict and I have enablers...


Me too! :hook I got an email yesterday from Joanns advertising a 3-day sale, plus there was a coupon at their website offering free shipping...I am so weak!!!! :blush I don't "need" any yarn, but I sure do "want" to buy some. Especially while it's "on sale"!

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I'm not getting much crocheting done this week and probably won't next week either but at least I'm trying not to buy alot while looking in these stores. :lol Course I've already bought 19 skeins this week. :blush I did buy one more skein of white yesterday at JoAnn's since it was on sale and I most likely will need it.


wtd -40 so far :sigh

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I blew through three balls of cotton earlier this week making dishcloths out of the star stitch that I found recently. It's a very pretty and addictively easy stitch. I also worked up one Skullholder from my Happy Hooker book in black and hot pink. I've got another one with the colors reversed all ready to start. So that was a nice +6 for the week so far. My mom went and ruined it by buying two skeins of black for me so I can make Jolly Roger pillows for my little brothers. Hopefully I'll work off that -4 fairly quickly.


I have a feeling I'm about to have a wildly flucuating score. I know I'll be buying and using a lot of baby yarn coming up. One of my girlfriends just found out that she's pregnant. She also crochets, so I have a real incentive to make sure I make something extra nice for her. :hook

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I am still not getting much of anything done this week :(

...BUT... I haven't been shopping, either:D


so far, I am a big fat 0


Glad to see the great progress everyone is making, whether it be in the Plus for Bustin', or the Minus (really a plus for fun yet to come!) It's really cool to play here:c9

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I finished my throw this afternoon :clap:clap but managed to have leftover yarn which I had to roll into small balls ugh:bang It's okay though... still got +4 for the 4 partial skeins. I could have added a couple of rows to it, but didnt want to run out doing my fringe. Next time I think I'll cut my fringe ahead of time so I don't have leftover:rofl:rofl

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I finally used up a ball of leftover yarn, so hurrah for me +1, I made up a few Grannies daughters, and I have several more balls to go. Now, My housecleaning inspection is over I should be able to accomplish some crocheting:crocheting.

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Ok today bought 2 more skeins but I did use up the other two skeins so there's +2 for me so in my defense for buying the 2 skeins I needed them to make my fiance's throw and thank god Hobby Lobby had the right dye lot that I needed since the new batch they had had a different dye lot on it.

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I used up one whole skein at my group this morning. I'm still in the negatives but I'm having lots of fun trying to crochet out.



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I promise I won't muse this week. I used up a RHSS of Paddy Green that seemed like it would go forever (+2), but it didn't, and I came up 6" of dc short on the square I was making. A kind person in the 'ville came to my aid and is RAOKing me the 8-9' that I need to finish it. Might get it next week.


AND I joined the ranks of the "bad girls" :devil and won a bid on some yarn on ebay. It hasn't arrived yet, so for a brief shining period I am out of the minuses.


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +2/YTD: 0




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: + 2/YTD: 0


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So much for having a + for l day. My order of yarn arrived today with 7 skeins in it . So I'm behind for now. I will really have to do some :crocheting to get ahead of this game.

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Okay, mailed out the thread I'd had for sale so +13 more. But 4 more skeins of red Bamboo Wool followed me home, so -8. (but now I have enough to make a sweater) So I'm at


WTD +94 and YTD +118.

It probably won't change by tomorrow. I'd love to get through the skein I'm using, but it's 12 oz. I'd have to be a crocheting demon to get through it by tomorrow night.

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