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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I finished two projects today :clap but didn't use up enough of any one yarn to improve my score.:( But I had so much fun crocheting!:hook And I am going to make a second version of one of the projects, and finish up all my Lion Brand Fun Fur! That will give me 10 points!!!:yay

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I have not gotten much done this week either. I did manage to work through most of 2 differnt skeins and roll both into balls, I am going to count that good and add a couple of points for the week and year.

This has been a very slow crochet week for me so far.

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Wow! 100 members. Even if some of us don't post every week, it must take a lot of time to tally up the weekly results. Basjordan, I would be happy to help if possible. Perhaps alternate weeks or something. Maybe there are others that could help as well. After all, it's not as if you are getting paid for this! :laughroll

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Way cool! 100 members! :clap:clap ...and it looks like everyone is doing such a great job:cheer:cheer


thought I'd drop by... and :eek:eek update my score...


My mom came by yesterday for a visit, and brought me yarn that she said "I need" from her stash (that I had given to her 'cause I didn't need it :rofl)....


so my score for this week so far is -82!!!

I think I just Shot the Moon!!! Oh well, at least it didn't cost me any money:devil


:heehee:scrachin I wonder how long it will take to get back to 0?! :blink


I guess I should "get busy", eh?!:yes:wlol


I'll be checking in to :cheer everyone on...

Happy :crocheting:crocheting

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Wow! 100 members. Even if some of us don't post every week, it must take a lot of time to tally up the weekly results. Basjordan, I would be happy to help if possible. Perhaps alternate weeks or something. Maybe there are others that could help as well. After all, it's not as if you are getting paid for this! :laughroll


Thanks, Mollyanna. That's so sweet of you.:hug I really enjoy scorekeeping, and I have a system so it isn't as overwhelming as it could be, but when I travel, I'd like to have a backup. I'll post ahead of time, so someone who is available can fill in for me.

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Wow! 100 members. Even if some of us don't post every week, it must take a lot of time to tally up the weekly results. Basjordan, I would be happy to help if possible. Perhaps alternate weeks or something. Maybe there are others that could help as well. After all, it's not as if you are getting paid for this! :laughroll



yeah I have to agree there and I would also be happy to help if need be and wow it's really amazing that there's 100 members here

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Way cool! 100 members! :clap:clap ...and it looks like everyone is doing such a great job:cheer:cheer


thought I'd drop by... and :eek:eek update my score...


My mom came by yesterday for a visit, and brought me yarn that she said "I need" from her stash (that I had given to her 'cause I didn't need it :rofl)....


so my score for this week so far is -82!!!

I think I just Shot the Moon!!! Oh well, at least it didn't cost me any money:devil


:heehee:scrachin I wonder how long it will take to get back to 0?! :blink


I guess I should "get busy", eh?!:yes:wlol


I'll be checking in to :cheer everyone on...

Happy :crocheting:crocheting


Wow! I think you should get a prize for "that" score! :devil

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That is so cool that there are 100 of us!:cheer I like to read all the posts, also, even it is just to see how everybody is doing on the stashbusting or what they are working on. Well, I will be away from a computer for a couple of days. I'm going to Florida to visit my Dad and see my boys play ball. I have been thinking all week my score was going to be the same, but I forgot that I had joined the Annie's Hook & Needle Club:blush and that came on Monday! CARP! So, my totals are WTD -81, YTD -79:(. I'll be back Monday evening. Everybody have a great weekend!

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:rofl... a prize! yeah, a Rubbermaid trunk?! (my DH will probably want it big enuff to put Me in LOL... his "football room" is now full of :yarn:yarn:yarn!)


Rose - have a great trip... I wish I was going somewhere warm :wbrr


...and Crissie - you're welcome! :heehee:devil

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Ok, Got my order from Crafts Ect. That equaled 30 skeins. And before I got that order I went to walmart and got 10 skeins so that's 40 skeins this week which means 80 points BUT I used up 2 skeins of yarn and gifted 6 skeins so that's +16 points for me.


SOOOOO: -80 + 16= -64 for this week (SO FAR).


Most of the yarn I bought is for afghans or lapghans I plan on making. I've already got quite a bit done on one of them (the one for the sister who's moving tomorrow- tear).



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Have not been on much and there are many posts to catch up on and I don't think I am going to make it. Don't know what the crocheting will be the rest of the week cause I am very sick and don't even feel like picking up a hook. Now that is something to be shocked about!!!!

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Well, I had to frog the Chrysanthemum Tea Shawl last night but I started over and stayed up until I got back to where I was. I was NOT going to lose those points! And today I added another skein to it. So +2 yay! I went to Walmart today to get the skein I need to finish my cardigan but they didn't have what I needed and guess what... I just left! No yarn followed me home. I'm proud of myself.

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Well, I had to frog the Chrysanthemum Tea Shawl last night but I started over and stayed up until I got back to where I was. I was NOT going to lose those points! And today I added another skein to it. So +2 yay! I went to Walmart today to get the skein I need to finish my cardigan but they didn't have what I needed and guess what... I just left! No yarn followed me home. I'm proud of myself.


WTG!!! I am proud of you too.


See it does help when you have to come back here and add those points in. it just makes you stop and think is all :ghug

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