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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Well, this will be interesting! My two sons are moved out and in college, so I made one room my craft room. I cleaned up my area today. I have a large dresser that has 6 large drawers and 3 small drawers:blush, plus a 2 drawer plastic storage container:ohdear, 3 large plastic totes:mouse, 1 large copy paper box:spin, pluse a yarn basket that sits by my chair full of YARN & THREAD:rofl. Not to mention that I have also started a pattern collection!


Just think of how "awesome" your score will be at the end of the year, because you already have all that yarn! :yay You won't have to by any yarn at all! :heehee

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I finished off a baby blanket and half a skein of yarn, so I got to roll a ball. Yea!


Does Plarn count for stashbusting? I"ve got two bags of bags I need to turn into plarn and then a gift bag.

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Didn't get a chance to post my score (+5), but I will post next weekend instead. Haven't been crocheting much. My father-in-law just died, and now there's a lot happening. But I think I will bring my crocheting along with me when we visit mother-in-law tonight again, kind of missed it last night. I can talk while I crochet, so that won't be a bad thing to do, right?? I think crochet is therapy, so for me it's a good thing. I don't think my family will think any other way.. I hope not. :) A friend of my boyfriend just gave birth to a babyboy, so he wanted me to crochet babybooties! :D I love it when he actually wants me to crochet something... :)

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So sorry to hear about your father-in-law, Aphelia.

My prayers are with you and your husband's family.


I agree with you that crochet is great therapy. It has gotten me through a lot of things in my life, and I bring it with me just about everywhere I go.


take good care, and God Bless:hug

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In agreement with this!!!!



So sorry to hear about your father-in-law, Aphelia.

My prayers are with you and your husband's family.


I agree with you that crochet is great therapy. It has gotten me through a lot of things in my life, and I bring it with me just about everywhere I go.


take good care, and God Bless:hug

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Finished a scarf for my youngest son and was able to roll 2 balls yesterday & today.

Updated my signature, definately making progress with the stashbusting efforts.

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I used up some stash yesterday...went to a football party in the late afternoon, and took my basket of crocheting with me. Finished 1 skein & 1 ball on my January scarf (+3) and did 4 charity squares, but didn't finish any balls, just made them smaller.


I take my crocheting with me most everywhere I go - in fact, yesterday, I ended up selling my January scarf to a friend that was there! And, she wants me to make her a baby blanket for her grandson that will be born in the next month, and then a shawl for herself!! So....sometimes taking your work with you can be a good thing! I've wanted to make a shawl for awhile now, but I don't wear them. Now I can make one for someone else. :yay

Oh, and another friend wants me to make him a smaller afghan to go on the back of his couch. He's a Jeff Gordon fan, so I told him I could do one in those colors - he was impressed.

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whew........... sorry for being absent. My laptop decided to take a nap.

My wonderful hubby took it to the computer doctors and I'm up and running again.


I have been stash busting pretty good though while I had no computer. Using up lots of balls of yarn that were gifted to my by my Aunt this last Thanksgiving.

Giving me new numbers for this week.

+10 WTD




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Oh poo, I forgot to post in time for this past week... oh well, not of much consequence as my score didn't change. I'm making a striped (i.e. lots of ends to weave in! :(:lol ) scarf and I'm working from pounders so all I've done is make existing balls smaller. Oh well, I'm getting there!


Do we count yarn that's left our house via give-away or selling, or just what we've actually used? I sold a bunch of yarn last week, but I don't want to 'cheat' and count it if we're not supposed to.

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aphelia - so sorry for your loss. I don't think your family will mind if you crochet. Many times I have crocheted while talking to someone and once in a while they will get offended like I'm not listening to them or something. I guess they think it takes more concentration than it really does? I think it helps if you look up at them a lot.


gbabesmom - that lion is adorable! Great job!


Wow, everyone is doing so well and the week has just started! I'm working on a poncho for my little niece, her birthday is this weekend. I probably won't finish the skein but maybe I'll get to roll a ball. Then when that is finished I get to get back to work on my Ridge Swing Cardigan and hopefully get another couple points from that. I have so many WIPs - I need to start a WIP list to keep them in mind!

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:think Just want to be sure I understand this..... :eek since january 1st, I have bought 20 skeins of yarn, so that makes a minus 40? I have used up 4 complete skeins, so that is plus 8? Then my score is YTD -40; WTD: +8.

Do I change the YTD if I don't buy any more? :think


Duh.......thanks for the help!

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:clap:clap:clapway to go, Crissie!!!


Don't you just LOVE when that happens?!


Oh, congratulations, Crissie!! But hey, won't that mean you have to buy some yarn for those commissions? :devil:lol Patty



Thank you!! Yes, but, I haven't been yarn shopping in quite some time...so it will be a nice treat!! And Michaels has such a nice sale going on again this week...so we'll see.

I started on the baby blanket today...just so I can show her the beginning of it and see if its what she has in mind...i have enough blue & white in my stash to complete it, so that is yarn shopping money for me!! :devil:yay:hook

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:think Just want to be sure I understand this..... :eek since january 1st, I have bought 20 skeins of yarn, so that makes a minus 40? I have used up 4 complete skeins, so that is plus 8? Then my score is YTD -40; WTD: +8.

Do I change the YTD if I don't buy any more? :think


Duh.......thanks for the help!

WTD is week to date = the total points used or bought in the current week from Saturday Midnight to Saturday Midnight


YTD is year to date = the total points used or bought in the total year from 1 January to Saturday Midnight of the current week.


So if you bought 20 skeins of yarn since the beginning of the year, and only used 4 this week then the totals would be WTD: +16, YTD: -32 (40 - 8)

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i used up another skein for the abc afghan (almost done!) and another in the snadman afghan. so far this week i am at +4. i plan to finish the border on the abc today, i hope. i have a girl scout meeting tonight but will work on it after.

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