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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I made a hat with a variety of yarn (nice way to say a lot of scraps) including one skein and one ball (though the hat has a lot of flowers on it to use up the skein.) So I get +3 points. My WTD is +14. My YTD is -7.

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I used a balls worth of scraps on a plastic canvas project (+1). I used a ball and rolled down a skein :crocheting afghan squares together (+2). I'll start the border tonight, should use at least a skein. I hope to get it done Fri. night. I'm going to a concert in Boston Sat. The bus/train ride is always good for working on small projects. Maybe I'll start some squares for another afghan (I need a large one for Dec. 2010 :lol).

WTD: + 4 YTD: + 80

Ellie 13

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Help I'm :help in :yarn.


I have a serious problem. I went back to the dollar store last night to grab the 1 skein I needed to finish my shawl. Bought 5. At least I'm not spending a lot of money, right? I will not go to the final yarn clearance sale, all yarn 60-80% off Saturday at the LYS, I will not..I hope--but that is a really great price on the prairie silk, and it will make such lovely scarves and hats for Christmas gifts and fall craft shows. I have been working with my yarn, used up another 2 skeins Monday night, so the score is not as bad as it could be, however....This has been an ugly month for my stashbusting. Which is why I joined back up in this cal. That :devil is sitting on my shoulder reminding me what a good deal it is everyday. I'm going to give a couple skeins away this week, but still I'll be lucky if I don't shoot the moon 2 weeks in a row..

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appy_lover, will this make you feel better?


The UPS man (bless his heart) gave me a BIG box today with FORTY skeins of soft, fuzzy, gorgeous yarn in it. In my defense, they are TLC Amore and Red Heart Baby Clouds for just $.99 each. It was SUCH a good deal, and I have good uses for all the yarn.


So my WTD takes a nosedive to -66, and my YTD drops to -87.


Texas_Sugar, think you'll beat me to zero now???:lol

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Let me get in the mea culpa line as well.


I bought 6 skeins today... all pounders. The due recompense for this is that it takes forever to use up pounders. :sigh.


However, my dollies are going to be quite happy with what I bought so ... there yah go.


That -12 might take a bit of fixing. :think Problem is that Saturday is awfully close. :eek


Well the Charity event is coming up soon. I'm sure I can make some sort of dent in all that yarn then. :sigh



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So my WTD takes a nosedive to -66, and my YTD drops to -87.


Texas_Sugar, think you'll beat me to zero now???:lol


Oh man I hope so! Though you have been crocheting up a storm these last two weeks you may beat me back again. HeHe :)


I'm doing a afghan for a friend soon. Unless we change patterns I'm gonna have to pick up something like 13 skeins of yarn in the near future for it.


I burnt my middle finger today. I'm hoping with a band aide it doesn't interfere with my crocheting too much and I can get another skein or two done this week.

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I finally busted some stash after weeks and weeks of Zeros and Minuses:cheer


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +4 / YTD: -21


I finished off the RHSS yellow and no-name soft yellow making two-tone 6" squares originally intended for the Victory Junction Gang Camp afghan drive before it abruptly ended. I'll find another charity to send them to after I finish off the red purchased for that one, too.


I have to wait a moment though. I'm still unpacking from my trip and clearing the suitcases off my guest bed before dumping the stash back on it. I have one of those HUGE black plastic yard bags stuffed full (and a bit overflowing elsewhere in the house and on the couch). I guess that's nothing to those who have closets and bins full, but it sure is daunting to me.


Since I still had out the kitchen cotten that I got free from someone destashing (# 2997), I decided to try out a new square and make a washcloth for my sister. After a few false starts, I have gotten through round five. The only problem with new patterns is that they demand more concentration, so I can't watch tv at the same time.




2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +4/YTD: -21

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I was like all excited as I was at +12 earlier this week, that is till I received Mrs. Way's package. Now I am at -10 WTD how quickly things change darn it. Think I will stick to crocheted item swaps, that way I don't have to add anymore yarn to my stash count.

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Thanks Basjordan, that does make me feel better. This way I shouldn't shoot the moon 2 weeks in a row, theoretically anyway. Never doubt my weakness and ability to spend money on yarn. I have a day left.


The other day I got 5 hanks of llama/wool blend in a black bulky yarn that is super soft for about $5 each. It is like having a super soft pet to well --pet. How can I turn that down? I won't find a deal like that again, and I can make some excellent Chistmas presents with it. Can't you just see big, soft fluffy black mittens, or a super soft and warm scarf? How about a winter shawl that will keep someone really toasty when the snow is flying? And I've been wanting a felted purse in black that I can edge with the recycled sari silk a friend got me a few years ago for Christmas.


I will get out of the negative this year... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

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I rolled 2 skeins into balls today. I'm also real close to finishing off a ball soon :yay at least I managed to make a dent in the yarn my Mom got me. :D

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Well today I bought a skein of yarn so -2 there but I did roll up a skein of yarn into a ball so +1 there I will post my final score tomorrow since the ball is not used up yet


making a beautiful lapghan for my grandmother for her 90th birthday which is in September but I thought hey why not start now since I have 2 other projects for myself to finish a cardi and a beret and I'm sure there will be more though I did get told by my crochet group to finish the projects I start which I would be the cardi is hard to piece together so I need actual hands on help and the beret is also hard for me,too but I will get it will lots of on hands help

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+4 for me, used up a skein making a loom scarf, and gifted the rest of the skein with the knitted squares, so that is down 2 skeins for me.

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I think I've missed posting the past two weeks, but I was working on a pounder, so I had nothing to report. That pounder is gone now, though! (and I only had about two inches of yarn to spare at the end of that baby afghan, too! :lol ) So I finally have made some progress again!


WTD +2/YTD +39

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Been busy making little squares and hats to help deplete all this stash. Did pretty good this week in putting a little dent in my balls hanging around. :yay

Weekly score +8

This little game is really helping me to keep in check. Several times in the past couple weeks I have either been in or driven by Michaels and not one skein of yarn has followed me home.:clap Only because I don't want have to add it to my score. :hook

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I used up a skein of Baby Coordinates last night making a burial gown and bonnet. I get inspired by all the people here that make these little gowns for the angels.


Posting early because tomorrow is the graduation party for DD, and my niece, so I've got a lot to do.


WTD =+5 YTD=+10

I do well when I stay out of the stores!


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Jana, I know what you mean bout this stashbusting CAL being good incentive to keep the purse closed. I went to Joann's yesterday to pick up some yarn for my mother and didn't buy a thing for myself. She was incredulous. So was I. But I stuck to my guns. Good for me (and all of us)!


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Patty - Congrats on just picking up only what you needed for your mom. It does make you feel good to come home and know that your score won't go in the negative, doesn't it. I keep saying if I can only get rid of one drawer of stash (I keep most of my stash in a dresser), then I can buy some new for a special afghan project. Just have not been able to clean out a drawer yet. But lots of squares and hats have been made. All for charity. :)

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