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People are rude.

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My sister was a crocheter and she made a scarf for me and I used it today. She made this scarf awhile ago. I make alot of my own stuff as you gals here know. Well anyway my co worker so the scarf and says " why don't you give up making those useless things and you're not good at it anyways it has a hole" I could care less about a hole I wanted to stay warm! My best friend who is also a crocheter and beginner like me said.. next time say " it's supposed to be like that I'm an artist"

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Bravo! Good for you--wearing the scarf your sister made with love, even if it is less than "perfect." You'll be a good mom, and put the dandelions on the table in a vase, and tape up the coloring-book scribbles, and clap at school plays and piano recitals. You can go through life encouraging and affirming the people around you, or you can go through life belittling and discouraging everyone you meet. I'll give you one guess as to who is going to be happier when they are 60 or 70 years old?

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That co worker sounds jealous to me.

Besides, everyone's got to start somewhere, practice makes perfect!



I agree. It's hard not to get offended when people say rude things. But we all have to let things go like that. Just consider the source of the rudeness and let it go.



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Not everyone is jealous. I don't get why that's a pat answer. Sometimes people are just mean. Period. This co-worker was mean and rude.

If it was me, I would have asked her why does she care, what's it to her.

If you love it, that's all that matters. :hug


You're right. Some people only feel right about themselves if they're dragging someone else down. Pity. Life's too short/long... and too full of better things to do. What do I know though, I've been known to wear the clunky plastic bracelets or handbraided DMC floss anklets the kids have made just for me...:manyheart

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Jennifer, you are an artist! Since you haven't done too much crocheting (translation: sometimes the longer you do it the more rigid you become in your work) why not check out the freeform method. Now that's also art!:hook


PS...your sister is sweet...and so are you...

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Good thing Edison didn't have coworkers like that. We'd all be sitting in the dark. Sometimes I wonder if people were raised in a barnyard.

Beautifully said!

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Bravo! Good for you--wearing the scarf your sister made with love, even if it is less than "perfect." You'll be a good mom, and put the dandelions on the table in a vase, and tape up the coloring-book scribbles, and clap at school plays and piano recitals. You can go through life encouraging and affirming the people around you, or you can go through life belittling and discouraging everyone you meet. I'll give you one guess as to who is going to be happier when they are 60 or 70 years old?


AMEN! Well said! I LOVE dandelions and refridgerator art!

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Aside from the rudeness of the comment, I don't understand why everyone has to be a critic or why anyone thinks you have to be perfect at something from the beginning. You can't become good without practice and without going through bad to mediocre before you achieve excellence. I am very good at a couple of things (I'm probably an average crocheter) and still screw up with them sometimes.

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Seems a lot of people in the world have little to no manners. And, if all else fails, what happened to just keeping your mouth shut when you can't say something nice? Well, unless you're simply giving as you get, that is :heehee

:hug to you and your sis!

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I agree she sounds jealous to me. I would have told her that "Well thats what makes this unique and one of a kind, not like the commercialized look-a-likes that everyone in the world has!" I would have also asked her "Why, are you jealous? lol.

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A story from an acquaintance who knits - she got something similar, a comment from a "friend" about how her (self-)knitted pullover was lop-sided or something - she just said: "You're aboslutely right. Next time I'll just spend $10 on a mass-produced synthetic sweater, made in a sweat-shop in a third world country by people working for pittance. But at least it'll be perfect!" Haha. Oh to be able to come up with something as snappy as that on the spot (my witty rejoinders come when I'm in the shower 5 hours later or in bed that night :blush)


Anyway, just do what my sweet little friend Adriana always does: she looks the person in the eye and gives them a great, big, heart-warming smile, and then says: "I'm terribly sorry you're so bitter!" :lol

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I would have been hard pressed not to say "I'd like to see you do better." It's not worth putting yourself on their level, but sometimes it feels really good. Or I would have wondered who peed in her cornflakes that morning.


What a snarkwad (lol just made that one up). She obviously has never heard that nobody's perfect. Besides, if it's perfect, then it's not made from the heart (or at least that's what I keep telling myself).

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(my warped humor/perspective in play here, so take as will :) ). I'd probably look at her, try to get a very sad look on my face, then hug her while saying as "sincerely" as I can fake, "i am SO sorry that noone had ever cared enough about you to use their precious time to make you something that they think will bring you a smile of joy every time you use it or look at it."


Sandy (i warn that I have an odd sense of humor/perspective :D :D)

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(my warped humor/perspective in play here, so take as will :) ). I'd probably look at her, try to get a very sad look on my face, then hug her while saying as "sincerely" as I can fake, "i am SO sorry that noone had ever cared enough about you to use their precious time to make you something that they think will bring you a smile of joy every time you use it or look at it."


Sandy (i warn that I have an odd sense of humor/perspective :D :D)





Okay seriously that is the BEST reply I've heard! I'm going to have to remember that one.

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