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Lost my favorite hook

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:cry :cry :cry

I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. It was a Susan Bates "H" hook my grandma gave me over 25 years ago. I could have lost it somewhere while we were on vacation, which means I'll never see it again. I have a couple of other H hooks but none I like as much as that one. My newest H hook is the Susan Bates bamboo handled one and the paint is chipping on it and it has a rough spot on the head that tears at the yarn. They just don't make 'em like they used to. :( OK, gonna go talk to St. Anthony now. Maybe he can help me find it.

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Hope you find your H hook. I know what it is to have a favorite hook. None other is the same. My favorite hook is also an H hook that I have had since I started to crochet. I always grab it first. It just feels better in my hand..



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I'm so sorry! I hope you find your favourite hook. I know it's "just" a hook but something like that can be precious, nonetheless.


It reminded me of a short story by the Irish author, Marian Keyes. She lost her passport while she was living in London and, frantic and desparate, went to the Irish embassy to have it replaced quickly. The office she landed in was like a throwback to the 1960s, manned by one man behind a rickety counter. So she explained her situation and he said,

"Did you check down the back of your couch?"

"I did."

"Did you REALLY check? Did you wiggle your fingers and all?"

"I did."

"And did you check all your drawers? Down behind the backs of them and everything?"

"Yes, yes, I did."

"Did you not pray to Saint Anthony?"


"And no luck?"

"Not a bit of it."

"It must REALLY be lost then. Come back tomorrow to pick up the replacement."


Haha. If he can't help you, no one can.

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I would retrace my steps if you could. If you stayed in a hotel, perhaps you can call and see if they found anything.

Either that or check between your furniture incase it dropped there.

I hope you find it. Teapot

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i hope you find the hook. if not, please pm me. i have a few that are older, not that old nor sentimental but before the times when you knew green was a K and gold was an J, etc. i would be happy to send you an H.



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I've found lost hooks in the middle of my skeins before. The couch is famous for eating my hook. Not the knitting needles AS much, since, someone usually finds those by sitting on the cushion (SURPRISE!!). No human kebobs yet though.


Also, check the car if you had it out in the car. Another one of my "finding places" is between the console and the seat or the running board and the seat. Or even in the 'butt crack' of the seat.

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I'm taking all suggestions. The hotel hasn't been able to check yet, which is really my parent's summer house in Pt. Pleasant, NJ, lol. I could have left it in a chair there. I think that's the last place I used it but I was all over that town and no matter where I went, my crochet followed. I checked chairs and the car here, I checked WIP bags and skeins.


hockeymomcrochets, you made me cry! It's so nice of you to offer one of your hooks. You are the sweetest, kindest, greatest! :manyheart I may take you up on that offer. Waiting to see what St. Anthony says. :mdust My hook has sentimental value but your hook has the compassion of a fellow crocheter. :hug

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Did you check your purse and pockets in jackets and coats? I found a couple of my hooks in a purse pocket, that I had forgotten I put there until I was cleaning out my purse one day because it was getting too heavy.

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I'm taking all suggestions. The hotel hasn't been able to check yet, which is really my parent's summer house in Pt. Pleasant, NJ, lol. I could have left it in a chair there. I think that's the last place I used it but I was all over that town and no matter where I went, my crochet followed. I checked chairs and the car here, I checked WIP bags and skeins.


hockeymomcrochets, you made me cry! It's so nice of you to offer one of your hooks. You are the sweetest, kindest, greatest! :manyheart I may take you up on that offer. Waiting to see what St. Anthony says. :mdust My hook has sentimental value but your hook has the compassion of a fellow crocheter. :hug


I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it. I don't have sentimental to any of my hooks since i usually was teaching someone and gave them a hook or lost a hook. but i know what you mean about the hold fashioned Susan Bates! :hug:hug just PM if you need it.

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Hi. Me again. Don't forget to check any other cars you might have been in. Oh I do hope you find it soon. And check out all the furniture you sat in. Or if someone could check outside for you. It might have fallen on the ground.


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If St.Anthony is no help ask your house fairies for it back, out loud - they may have taken it for some fun - if they did have it it'll appear in a very strange place in a few days or somewhere that you've already checked 40 times - that's how mine work anyway - it's the only explanation I have for some sudden finds in my house ! :bounce

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Tony, Tony come around. Something is lost and needs to be found!

Ahhh.... mine is "Tony, Tony look around. Somethings lost and must be found." Works like a charm.


I admit I have used it, but not too often. I don't want St. Anthony to think I'm a pest and too lazy to look for myself.:lol:lol


Good luck finding the hook.

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I've found lost hooks in the middle of my skeins before.


Boy, do I know about that! :blush I had a WIP and I lost the hook, so I put the WIP away. Later, I was photographing my WIPs and stash for Ravelry. Lo and behold: the hook was stuck in the WIP's skein of yarn! :eek What an idiot I felt like! :lol


Anyhow, I hope you find your hook. I too have a favorite Susan Bates H hook. It's pale pink and one of my friends gave it to me before we moved. :crocheting I just recently found it after I misplaced it, so I know what you mean!



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  • 3 weeks later...




Thanks to St. Anthony and to all who said a prayer. I cried when I saw it. Still kinda teary. The guys who are putting in my new kitchen floor found it while ripping up the old one. They left it on my kitchen table for me. :) I know the exact moment they found it, just didn't know it then. One of them said "what the h*ll is this?" and the other one said "I dunno." Must have been my hook they were talking about. :hook I'll bet one of my cats had something to do with the hook's disappearance.

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Hooray for you! I lost my favorite Clover G last week while working on a comfortghan. Checked the floor, the couch, under the mail and magazines, etc. Finally found it in the stack of newspapers ready to go to the curb. Lucky for me!

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Oh I am so happy you found your lost hook. I have come so close to losing my husband's grandmother's set of hooks, it isn't funny.

They are gold plated I beleive, and you can tell the ones that she used the most.

Now I am very careful with them and take replacements when I go somewhere. Teapot:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

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