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ack! it grew!

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My name is Christine and I am a yarn addict.


I honestly didn't think I had a problem until just a day or two ago. I had bought another tote bucket (18 gallon) to hold yarn. Since they were on sale I bought three actually, you know, for the future. I needed to straighten up the room and to move the two yarn bins (both rather full) out of the spare bedroom so it could be made into an office. Also, I had some over spill into the room of a few purchases I just hadn't gotten around to putting away and a couple of projects. No big deal right? I filled the first bin to the brim. And the second one. And the third one with two different projects, some random skeins of yarn, and a couple of other notions. All of this... in the bedroom.


I looked at my fiancee and said something to the effect of "I didn't know I had that much!" I only bought yarn when it was on sale. I mean, how could I have possibly passed up those novelty yarns from the dollar tree. One one dollar a skein instead of 6! And all the little teddy bears or scarfs that could be made. And I only bought when I needed it for a project, even if that project is in the "near" future. Honestly, it was all just normal yarn buying. After all, I love yarn and it's not like it's something bad like heroin! See, totally safe.


I need to stop buying yarn. I NEED to. I don't crochet fast enough to use everything I have in the next couple of years. 5 full to the brim totes, plus a bag of thrift shop yarn, random skeins I haven't collects yet and a box of fancy ebay yarn. Not to mention the 2 skeins of Caron One Pound I got in the mail and the 6 skeins of Sugar'n Cream still coming to me.


The only solution to this is just to get a room especially for my yarn. It's the only one that I can see working out here. Bah with not buying more. I NEED yarn. :devil

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The only solution to this is just to get a room especially for my yarn. It's the only one that I can see working out here. Bah with not buying more. I NEED yarn. :devil

Weeeellllllllllllllllll...that's what I thought, too. When my son moved out of the house, I quickly claimed his room for my "fiber studio", as I had always wanted a room dedicated to my fibery pursuits. However, ya know how if you carry a bigger purse, you will accummulate more stuff in said purse? Having a room just for your hobby/ addiction is alot like that! :eek It seems the more room you have, the more you will fill it up! Still, I am in stashbusting mode at the moment, making the rectangles to donate to the wounded veterans. So, that's my two cents worth!

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Be careful about a room just for yarn. The skeins can get friendly when not supervised and soon you will need a new house just for yarn, then a new neighborhood...etc.


I have been good since joining the stashbuster CAL. It makes you think about each purchase...is it worth killing the score...sometimes yes...sometimes no!


Have fun with your stash, and of course it all has uses!

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Hmm too much yarn huh!!!! I would be happy to take some off your hands for ya. Do you got any plumberry or any nice varigated yarns???????

I have nine totes full??? But two are odds and ends and then there is a garbage can with scraps.

I don't have a problem do I??????


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Be careful about a room just for yarn. The skeins can get friendly when not supervised and soon you will need a new house just for yarn, then a new neighborhood...etc.


I have been good since joining the stashbuster CAL. It makes you think about each purchase...is it worth killing the score...sometimes yes...sometimes no!


Have fun with your stash, and of course it all has uses!



I agree. If you leave the yarn unsupervised, it does grow into more, I swear. I also joined the Stashbuster CAL and just every now and then I get some yarn, instead of all the time, like before.


Now, if you need a cure for stashbuilding, start buying pattern books. Then you have another problem to worry about.



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I didn't think I had nearly as much as I do, either, but apparently I do. :lol


DH decided he was going to organize all the stuff that was just floating around loose, so one day while I was at work, he set to working in the bedroom. He cleaned out the closet (BIG mistake!) and he collected all of the skeins that were tucked here, there and everywhere, and when all was said and done, I now have FIFTEEN 33 gallon trash bags and three LARGE (like a washing machine would come in!) boxes of yarn holding my stash! And I STILL NEED MORE YARN! The thing is, when I see the yarn lot sales on Ebay, I will see a handful of skeins that I can use for projects, and I'll buy the yarn lot just to get that handful of skeins. Then, when it comes time to start another project, I don't look through my existing stash, I buy more yarn for my new project! And so it goes! And my stash just grows and grows! :lol

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I'm sorry, Christine: You said you had a problem, then you went on to describe a wonderful situation with lots of gorgeous, useful, soft, fluffy, delightful yarn -- opportunities waiting to happen -- I don't understand where there's a problem???


My name is Beth, and I'm a yarn addict, too. :clap And I'm proud of it!!!

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LOL my stash has grown substantially of late, but im crocheting like mad..


i bought new furniture for my loungeroom.. and since i dont own very many dvds or cds there was sooooo much empty space in my tv unit and stereo unit.. so ive filled them with tubs of yarn and i add a photocopy of the project pattern in with the yarn.. so when i get frustrated with one WIP i just grab another tub out and get started on it..


p.s. i have a laundry cupboard filled to the ceiling with tubs of yarn and other craft projects :D

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  • 1 month later...

Comprehend completely, Christine! But...I'm planning to buy a new house soon, and have sound ambitions to take an overseas trip next year. Something's got to give, so I've had stern words to my three tubs, two baskets, four large bags and two bins of yarn (oops, forgot the three super size vacuum bags full that my sister is kindly storing at her place....!), and told them that, no matter what, they are part of my economy drive, and will be made into birthday and Christmas presents. So far, I've only had one lapse since April....and I came close to a full blown decline when our Spotlight (I was only in there to buy buttons, I swear!!!!) suddenly started stocking LIONBRAND! Might not be exciting to all those for whom it's an everyday product, but this poor little Australian started squeaking with glee, hyperventilated, then resisted....JUST. Now I know what all the different types look like!


Back to the string bags....they're good for everyone.... :)


Good luck, be strong, and encourage your loved ones to GIVE you the yarn....easy way around your dilemma...and then they can't tell you off, either!!!

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Solid Colors


Verigated colors!


Cotton and Thread!


Baby Yarns!


This is what happens when you have a room for yarn. You get up in the morning and it has multiplied. You can not leave yarn unsuprevised. This is my fiber room also known as the family room. Dh is very suportive of my addiction. So I guess I should join the club.... Hello my name is Dorothy and I am a yarn addict. (all pics are clickable):devil

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So you have a few tubs of yarn and are prepared now (maybe) when a new project comes up. And the problem would be ... ?

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i am vicki and am a yarnaholic, pattern aholic, and book aholic.i have in my "craft room"10x12 stuffed floor to ceiling, dining room oh about 30 boxes full,linen closet, 5 big boxes, myclothes closet 7 boxes of yarn and books, and oh i forgot i am vicki and i am a fabricaholic, my newest fetish. i now have enough yarn material,pattern books and reading books to last me 20 life times i will be selling some of it very soon so for those who are looking to increase your stash check my ad out in a few got to add it to it soon. hugs to toya all

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Oh no! I'm just getting into crochet and I think I caught myself turning into a yarn addict already!


My Bf dropped me off at a JoAnn's so I could get 1 ball of yarn. He went to Lowe's to pick something up. I come out of the store to wait for him and I notice I have 3 yarn instead of the 1! I'm addicted to all the pretty colors. I want them all!! :hook


When we got home I looked at my 4 skeens of yarn I have accumulated so far. I said to bf, I need a place to keep these! I started eyeing spots in the bedroom that would fit big bins for yarn! hee hee!! :lol


My bf has no idea how the yarn multiplies...

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Think about it, you could be addicted to something else than yarn. ;) Yarn does not hurt you in any way shape or form. The addiction is double in our house, DH knits! In our spare bedroom/office he has half a double closet, and I have the other side and it is stuffed full of yarn. Plus there are at least four totes in the bedroom closet, and I just ordered more yarn! :hook

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My stash consists of one lonely little storage tote. It is filled with balls of yarn, varying is size and color. None of them are enough to complete a project with. I have a dress I am at a standstill on until I can buy more yarn. (hopefully today). I have a pair of longies that I need to frog and do over, as I cannot remember where I left off and the pattern is in my head.


I'd love to have multiple storage totes of yarns to choose from. However, I think my husband would probably flip! We live in a trailer and the only storage space I have available is the shelf underneath the snake tank!!!Now, this will quite nicely hold 3 storage totes. I measured! I am telling everyone that I want yarn for Christmas!!! That's all. Just yarn. I have patterns and books that I have never gotten the materials to try. I'll buy myself new hooks and be happy for months this winter, just crocheting along.


It's gotten to the point where I will go to yarn stores just to touch the new fibers and fantasize about what I'd like to buy. Did you know that yarn was sexy?......LOL.


Hi. My name is Lona and I'm a yarn addict. I fail to see the problem here.

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Geesh - my husband should read this thread....then he would know my 6-7 bins, 4 boxes of yarn, 4 boxes of pattern books, 2 boxes of loose pattern, 2 containers for needles and hooks - all in the attic - not to mention the 5-6 project bags, 4 small bins of sock yarn, 2 shelves on book stand, 2 large baskets of yarn in the downstairs - IS NOT REALLY ALL THAT BAD!!


I haven't bought any yarn in a while.....trying to be good. I think this week I will join that stashbusting thing....I just started a round ripple using up scraps of white and varigated. But I always look.....just try to keep my hands out of my pocketbook. It helps that those fancy yarns don't really call to me.....I find them difficult to use.


It also helps that I have been on a toy making binge - new grandson and 3 grandnieces - so that can use up scraps.

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Yep, I am a yarn-aholic too! I thought I was the only one until I read the other thread that Dorothy had posted her pictures on. So thankful to know that I wasn't the only one! Dorothy needs to come over to my house and organize it like her's. hehe. Actually most of the yarn is in those 30 gal tubs, 1 wire organizer like Dorothys and various other totes, boxes and tote bags. There is crochet thread too!


But even with all of that, sometimes I still don't have the right color, so have to buy more for a project. :devil.

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It's gotten to the point where I will go to yarn stores just to touch the new fibers and fantasize about what I'd like to buy. Did you know that yarn was sexy?......LOL.


Hi. My name is Lona and I'm a yarn addict. I fail to see the problem here.



:lol AMEN, LONA!

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I just had to move, and while I am waiting for my new apt I am house sitting. The storage unit I rented has books, my dresser, clothes, and yarn. Bins and bags and boxes of yarn. Plus there are 2 boxes at the house I am staying at and all of my plastic storage bins are in my horse trailer. I am afraid to count. I am getting pretty serious about stash busting though. My goal is to make things out that yarn enough to fill the 6 bins of things to sell at craft shows/farmers market booths this fall. 2-3 are full now, and I've got about 6 hats and few small bags and purses in various other locations right now.

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