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Get rid of your UFO's playing the WIP of Fortune game!


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Boy, quiet in here...

I figured out a few UFO's and can now put them with the instructions. If I keep plugging away at this I just might get it under control :clap


I better do something with it - can't find my bed right now :lol

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Tracy, you poor thing! I've been trying to do something constructive today, but it's a losing battle. I have to get back to my craft room and get the rest of my WIP's gathered up. But playing on the 'puter is so much more fun!!


I'm trying to do something with my blog and I am about clueless. I started one on blogspot. Guess I just write stuff in there and post pictures?

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:lol I have tried to be constructive today, but not much luck here either. I have done the 4 saltines for the christmas Cal to avoid the :tryme, I made 5 granny squares and started on a hoody for my stepsister's son. She actually texted me from South Africa to ask that I make him some sweaters and she will pay me. I am just happy someone in my family wants me to make something for them! :yes

Blogspot is easy and straightforward, just write (type) and put in pictures. Lots of fun. :D

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Ow.w.w I love it when someone in the family wants my stuff!

One year I actually made everyone gifts. That was before we decided to exchange names because the family is too big. I'd love to still get for everyone but it does get really expensive and too many can't afford it. Niece is in college, nephew has got a job that just pays his bills, etc...

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Tracey I want to do a shawler someday!!! But I might not get to it till closer to Nov. for my Mom's B-day.


I didn't get to spin today but my wheel is having trouble landing on my wedding ring quilt. I guess I should do some soon.

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I love the xmas tree, Donna. Congrats! :D


For myself, I did more on the halter last night. :blush It's so mindless, knitting in the rounds. I almost can see the xmas panel afghan whining at me, right behind me on the couch. I think I will (try to!) leave the halter here and bring panel afghan with me for an overnight stay in San Francisco. :devil

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I am just now seeing this cal but what a great idea. I have the majority of my WIPs in a list in an email that I send back and forth to myself as I add projects (I don't have word or excel at home).


I've got a few that I just recently started that I need to add. I have my list but I don't have any idea as to how far along I am with these projects. I have a few charity projects that need to be priority but I'll try to get organized this weekend so I can play along (if it's not too late to join).


DH has been after me to unpile all the WIP bags that are piled in the corner of our bedroom. I'll post again when I'm ready to start although I'm a bit embarrassed to post my very long list of WIPs. :blush

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Donna love that Christmas tree!! That is just too cute!


Pogo it's never too late to join, jump on in! Can't wait to see your list :lol


I don't know how much I'll get to spin today. Hopefully I'll get to a couple times.

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Donna - nice tree!


Pogo - don't be embarrassed...I think I am over 50 projects and I can't believe how old some of them are and What they are!!! I'm still sorting and figuring out.

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I spun to my pinwheel quilt so I'm getting one of the blocks put together. May go ahead and get the last one I have squares for put together too.

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Pogo, please don't be embarrased by a long list of WIPs. :)


What I did for this CAL - start in smaller groups, such as 5-10 WIPs (depends on size and completion) that has everything in their packages like hook, pattern, notes, all yarns need to get it finished. Then there is second group where there are some missing things for WIPs but can be replaced like new yarn, rewritten notes or hooks. Third will be undecided WIPs where it could be frogged or transformed into something else.


I work on first group, then second and third. That way, nothing will be felt so overwhelming at first. It will be helpful to write every WIPs on the list and cross them off one by one. I do the index cards, divide them in groups and spin the first group, etc.

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We're going to have a challenge this week!!!


Your mission, should you choose to accept it is this:


Take the ONE project that you either haven't flipped to *cough* Wendy shawler OR the one project that has the most work left on it.


Then, ONE day this week, you MUST sit down and devote a complete uninterrupted hour to it. Make sure you've got your solitude - no disruptions - make sure you start out with all your materials ready and gathered around you. Work a FULL hour on that one project. And only that project.


See? Very simple. :lol:yes

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Too bad, the halter will not be counted for the challenge. :lol I spend a lot of hours on it today. I watched Monty Python's Flying Circus marathon on BBC America then Hot Fuzz on HBO.


It is near done. All it need is about 25 rows or so which is upper body (above the armpit level) and neckline/border. It is so easy and simple. I think I am going to make other versions with different yarns. I am going to wear it for July 4th party in Los Angeles. :D


I am still in San Francisco, so I will post the project for the challenge later this week.

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Ok last night I did some squares and some sewing on my card trick saltine pillow and today I did another row on my ATW. Tomorrow will be the test filet and the footy pillow. I will have all day to crochet, cant wait. Ok its already tomorrow, best I go to bed.

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