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Things you see at walmart :-)

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My purse is just big enough to have one "pocket" reserved for a hook and some perle cotton. So I always have a project with me.

Kazily, I think that lady must be in my town too! :lol

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Don't think I've ever seen anyone teaching in Wal Mart, or anywhere else... but I have been tempted to "try out" yarn sometimes! But the last few times I've been in HL I met some nice ladies who also crochet and one asked my advice on yarn, the other gave ME advice on some.

About 10 years ago, I had to fly down to Tyler from west Texas because my mother had been put in the hospital and was not expected to live. Being a stroke patient and unable to talk, someone had to stay with her. I was stuck at the hospital almost the entire week, and BORED out of my mind, so my sister brought me a few skeins of yarn and a couple hooks to keep me occupied. I had rememberd to stick the book I was reading in my bag when I left but had not thought about crochet, until I was in the air. Too late then... Nowadays if I know I'm going to be waiting for a while, I will try to remember to bring along a small project to work on.

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I always take something with me. I don't carry a pocketbook, just a tote bag with my :crocheting, and my wallet. Who needs all that other junk anyway :lol. I've given/received advice in many yarn departments over the years. I've even taught some people few stitches too.

Ellie 13

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...You never know where you'll be and only need to get a skein of yarn :yarn for an emergency must crochet situation!! :crocheting...

I also have a bag of crochet projects in my car at all times, too. :yes

Am I sad or what?! :D



LOL.. I use that expression all the time! Good to know that I'm not the only one who can use the words 'crochet' and 'emergency' in the same sentance. :lol

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I have a couple of hooks in my purse, just for back ups. Has anyone ever been in a yarn department and seen a skein with crocheting on it for sale? I have. I was at our local Meijers and there was a skein with a chain and sc attached to it. It was like someone tried it out and didn't like it.:shrug


I've see it. And done it once or twice...lol Though I always remember to undo my work and shove the wrinkled end back inside the roll. ;)

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I have a set of Boye hooks and a set of Susan Bates hooks in my purse, along with at least one skein of Sugar 'N Cream or Peaches 'N Cream yarn. I have made many dishcloths/washcloths while sitting in the car waiting or at my Doctor's appointments. I learned the hard way to always be prepared for an 'emergency'. I had to have an exhaust system put on my car and I didn't have anything to crochet, and I decided right then and there not to be caught unprepared again :lol:lol

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I showed some woman, in the needle/hook aisle at Michael's, how to cast on for knitting. She hadn't knitted in ages--she remembered how to knit, but not how to actually cast on. It was a riot...

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Yeah, I've got a crochet hook in my purse at the moment... I keep it in my purse for easy access when I fly and I haven't taken it out. It takes up less space than the pens and pencils I have in there so why not? I never thought about trying out the yarn a bit before I buy it - that's a good idea. I always forget to make sure I can find the end and then I end up pulling out a bunch of yarn from the middle to find it. Trying it out might remind me to find the end.

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I never leave home without the tote bag. My family has also learned that I will not answer when I am crocheting and moving my lips. They know I am counting.:lol I agree it's harder with strangers but I usually just smile and nod and when I'm done counting I just tell them that's why I didn't answer.

I made a young girl a baby blanket over a couple of days that I met while waiting for my son at the gym. She was a receptionist very young and pregnant. She watched me crochet every day and wished she knew someone who could crochet a baby blanket, so I did. I loved the expression on her face when she was admiring it and telling me how lucky that person was who was getting it and I told her it was for her.

You just never know when you might need that hook & yarn.:yes

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I carry at least one project with me at a time & most of the time I have two. One project is usually yarn while the other is thread. Depending on the mood I'm in while I'm waiting determines which one I'll pull out. The other day I had to pull out several things from my purse & the coworker at my desk had to laugh when she saw me pull out not just one but two crochet needles - why carry just one? LOL!

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Ever since that time that I did not have any crochet with me and got stuck in a really loooong traffic jam,I keep a sock in progress(surprise,surprise) in my purse and the pattern that I like as well. It is in a cocoa can with a pencil holder held on with a hair band with two hooks in the holder.:lol Oh and a fold up ruler that is 12" long as well as some safety pins and stitch markers just in case!:)

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You guys are a riot! :lol Crocheting while grocery shopping :lol That's fantastic!


I carry 1 knitting project and 1 crochet project. I always try to bring one no brainier and one that is more complicated. I pick which one to work on depending on the circumstances. My family knows my bag goes wherever I go...hubby hates it if I forget it...I am a horrible control freak about driving :lol He starts asking "don't you have something to crochet?" when my front seat driving starts to get annoying.

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Lol...this thread is funny. You see I just got home from my husbands FLGS (friendly local gaming store, always wondered why LYS aren't FLYS until I went to one). While I was there a fellow gamer widow (female to a gamer who feels like a widow whenever they are playing games) came over. She asked if I knew how to crochet as well as knit (I was crocheting). I said, yes I do, in fact this is crochet. She proceeded to tell methat she always wanted to learn. So I said "sit down" and pulled out a ball of sugar and cream out of my bag (always prepared, carry a travel project with me always). I taught her how for an hour, and then gifted her the yarn and the hook and told her to show me when she was done and we are in the store again. I don't usually go very often, but I might make an effort to go sooner in case she needs a follow up lesson. I also don't usually have extra yarn but I was glad I did.


It was fun!

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Always a crochet hook or 2 in my purse. When I travel for my carry on is full of a project or two. Don't leave home without them. Minimum a ball of Sugar & Cream.

I have seen women in my local HL "seeing how the yarn works up" as they were picking it out. :eek I thought it was funny, and not a bad idea! I know I have ended up with some skeins I wish I had never bought.

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Yeah, I have taught several people at my local joann's and at walmart. I always have a little extra leftover ball of yarn with me and at least 1 hook. I never know when an idea for something new is going to hit me. For me it is just part of who I am to carry a little emergency kit with me. I have been in situations when it has helped me calm down when I am frustrated. Besides the fact that it is wonderful to teach someone new to crochet. I don't carry my knitting needles with me like I used too. I have a smaller purse now and it looks funny to have them sticking out the side of the purse.:rofl

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I always carry a project wherever i go because i hate to sit and wait! My fiance always rolls his eyes when i take my bag of crochet with me. But I am not going to be caught broke down with out sometihing to do again.



Next time he roll shis eyes say "we could always use this time to talk about our feelings/relationship" .... chances are he won't mind the crocheting anymore lol



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What a terrific thread!


I never travel without at least two crochet projects (small ones, since afghans don't travel well on a plane). After meeting a lady who was originally from another country, and I can't remember which one, who was asking me about the magic potholder I was making, I try to carry a spare hook and ball of cotton yarn to teach anyone who asks. I have one unfinished potholder that has nearly as many frequent flyer miles as I do.


The lady that I met over the potholder used to make bedspreads, but hadn't crocheted in a while. I was amazed that anyone could ever find the time to make not one, but two twin-sized bedspreads in thread.


She was going to head to a craft store as soon as she reached her destination so that she would have something to work on during the trip home.


Btw, gallon-sized zip lock bags make great project bags and security can see the contents easily. I usually take something that will fit in that size. (Lion's Easy Ripple Shawl in Microspun fits perfectly...the whole thing!)

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What a terrific thread!


I never travel without at least two crochet projects (small ones, since afghans don't travel well on a plane). After meeting a lady who was originally from another country, and I can't remember which one, who was asking me about the magic potholder I was making, I try to carry a spare hook and ball of cotton yarn to teach anyone who asks. I have one unfinished potholder that has nearly as many frequent flyer miles as I do.


The lady that I met over the potholder used to make bedspreads, but hadn't crocheted in a while. I was amazed that anyone could ever find the time to make not one, but two twin-sized bedspreads in thread.


She was going to head to a craft store as soon as she reached her destination so that she would have something to work on during the trip home.


Btw, gallon-sized zip lock bags make great project bags and security can see the contents easily. I usually take something that will fit in that size. (Lion's Easy Ripple Shawl in Microspun fits perfectly...the whole thing!)


Do you travel internationally? My husband enquired and was told that I couldn't bring a crochet hook on an international flight :angry I am rather upset about that... (we leave tomorrow, so if you know differently, please respond ASAP)



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You guys are a riot! :lol Crocheting while grocery shopping :lol That's fantastic!


I carry 1 knitting project and 1 crochet project. I always try to bring one no brainier and one that is more complicated. I pick which one to work on depending on the circumstances. My family knows my bag goes wherever I go...hubby hates it if I forget it...I am a horrible control freak about driving :lol He starts asking "don't you have something to crochet?" when my front seat driving starts to get annoying.


Oh too funny. Everytime we go out the door, my other half says where's your bag. He wants to make sure I'm crocheting and not back seat driving.:lol

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Next time he rolls his eyes say "we could always use this time to talk about our feelings/relationship" .... chances are he won't mind the crocheting anymore lol




:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

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marikamum, i used to work at the airport checking tickets of pasengers, and it really depends on what airport you are going on, and it even comes down to what TSA agent (or if you're from another country besides US which person checks the xray thing) If you have extra hooks you could spare to be taken away, I'd say try bringing them on. Most people at the airport I worked at wouldn't see crochet hooks as a threat....now knitting needles, that's another story lol.


And, to keep on topic, I NEVER leave home without a project! I was crocheting before I had to clock in a work the other day and one of my coworkers (a male) said "oh you crochet?" and I said yes, I'm surprised you know it's called crochet and not knitting and his reply was that he knows how to crochet!!:eek I was so excited, I think I might have embarassed him lol

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I am happy to know that it is not just me! My niece said something to me that I just laughed at. We were talking about my latest project (cradle purses) and I said let me show you what I am talking about, I have one in my bag. She said I know you always carry your bag everywhere. I guess I am predictable. I don't carry a purse anymore either, I carry a tote bag with a pouch inside for wallet, keys, phone, etc. I always have several skeins of yarn, a container of yarn, scissors, and patterns with me. :blush


You just never know when a crochet opportunity will happen, I don't usually crochet in the store, but I do in the car, at dr. appt, at band practice (my son and daugher) , the possibilities are endless. :lol

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I always have a knitting and a crochet project with me everywhere I go. I've taught people to crochet at different jobs I've had, and also right there in the grocery store I work part time at. I had one woman come through and say she wished she could find someone like me who could show her how to do the stitches needed...and provide the pattern for something she had made once. Being me, I've used that very pattern probably a hundred times...so showed her how to do it right there in the grocery store. I love my crafts. :)

Blessed Be

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I have taught several people to crochet :lol in a store, never Walmart, but Hobby Lobby and Michaels.

And about the hook in her purse...:hook

I hate to admit this :blush, but have to...

I not only carry a hook in my purse, but a tape measure (tiny of course), a folding pair of scissors, and a darning needle!!! :eek

You never know where you'll be and only need to get a skein of yarn :yarn for an emergency must crochet situation!! :crocheting

I also have a bag of crochet projects in my car at all times, too. :yes

Am I sad or what?! :D


Nope. I'm sad.


I carry six or seven balls of yarn in my purse, just in case I have a chance to make a few circles. (For morning star/flower centers.)

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I always have my tote bag with a project or 2 in it and I take it EVERYWHERE. Hubby has gotten used to it.


Mine has not only gotten used to it, when we're leaving the house he will say to me, "Got everything? Got your yarn and stuff?" :lol

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