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Poll: magazines: Tear or Keep Whole

What do you do with Crochet magazines?  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you do with Crochet magazines?

    • I keep the entire magazine and file away.
    • I tear out the patterns I like and discard the rest.
    • I pass the whole magazine on to a friend.
    • None of the above! I have a better idea! Pls list below!

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I keep the whole magazine because my needs and interests change. Years ago, I wasn't interested in doilies and filet crochet. Now it's my favorite. I shudder when I think of all the wonderful patterns I may have thrown out because I thought I'd never make them.

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I do the same as birdlady for the same reason.


Way back when, there used to be more crochet patterns in other magazines like Women's Day etc., and I would cut out just the pattern. The other day I was looking through these old clippings, turned one over and there was a picture of a pattern I really liked (now), but I didn't save that one!! Arggh!

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I'm not organized enough to come up with a system where I might organize all my patterns though. :) However, if I ever do get organized, I would get books with lots of different patterns, and put different colored sticky notes on each page, organizing it like:

-Afghans: green sticky

-Doilies: blue sticky note

-dolls/stuffed animals: purple sticky note

-children's clothes: pink

-scarves/shawls: white

etc... Just an idea. Then when I'm looking for a pattern, I'd just look for the sticky. That way too, I wouldn't have to worry about ripping a pattern out, that has part of anther pattern on the other side or something, you know? That's a problem too...


Oh well. :)


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:2eek Tear a magazine?!? :faintWho could do such a thing!?!


:lol I don't really have anything against it, my personal quirks just wouldn't allow me to do it.


I really like the tabs idea presented by Victoria though.

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I cheated and looked at the other posts before voting and the posts influenced what I first had planned to choose, so I won't vote. I had planned on starting to cut out patterns but now see the value in keeping mags whole... now to find where to put them. :scrachin

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Whole and they are everywhere. Hopefully when I get the storage areas organized (no really I have to the painters are coming) I can give the magazines their own place in my new yarn closets! :)

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I keep the whole magazine because my needs and interests change. Years ago, I wasn't interested in doilies and filet crochet. Now it's my favorite. I shudder when I think of all the wonderful patterns I may have thrown out because I thought I'd never make them.


Exactly!!!!!! :yes

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I'm do just like Empress BB. Do cut out of Womans mags that may only have 1 patt. in them. I NEVER cut a crochet mag! I guess I posted in the wrong poll, checked #4:think. Jan.

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Thanks for all of the feedback. I like Victoria's idea as well. I'll get some postit flags at Walmart and start tabbing! I just didnt know how to start and organize!

Thank you everyone for the help,


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When I go through a magazine or once they start to pile up I take out all the pages that are back to back ads. There are tons of these pages and the magazine ends up much skinnier when done! If I think a pattern is completely ugly then i may or may not tear it out! Usually I leave all of the patterns though!

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I voted that I keep them, but I also give them away whole. As for variety magazines and "women's" magazines, if there's a crochet pattern in them that I'm interested in I'll cut it out and leave the rest in the lunch room at work.

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Often I will scan just the page(s) I need to use for the project and print that, so I can carry my pattern around with my project. Easier than carrying around the mag, and then it doesn't get damaged, too. :)


And oh yeah, I definitely save the whole mags. I subscribe to 2 just so I can have them filed away! I find that my tastes change over time, so stuff I wanted to make in the mag when I got it a year ago may be different now. Things i passed up then I may love today. ;)


Edited to add,

yeah I won't dog-ear my pages either. I put sticky notes on the page so I can find the projects I want to do easily!

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I might be the only one who tears mine up, then. :lol I can't keep them whole or I'd have to rent a storage space to live in, 'cause they'd take up the house!


I tear out patterns I think I might have some interest in and put them in folders that I keep in a big binder in my craft cabinet. If I run out of space in one binder, I get a new one and start over. Maybe I am throwing away some patterns that someday I might eventually think that I want to try....but I can't limit my living space or my sanity now over something I might want to do five or 10 years down the road. I only have 975 sq. feet of usable space here, folks, and I'm not moving crap to my crawlspace for any reason whatsoever. :lol

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After years of keeping magazines and finding out they will yellow and become brittle with age, I took all the old ones and photocopied the patterns I liked. The photocopies don't yellow. I trashed the magazines because they couldn't be opened without causing an allergy attack - mildew and dust, I presume.


For newer magazines, after I've looked them over long enough, I photocopy the patterns I like, then give them away.


For the last couple years, I haven't bought any magazines. That's when I discovered free patterns on the Net, plus I design my own.

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I can't keep them whole or I'd have to rent a storage space to live in, 'cause they'd take up the house!

That's why I don't subscribe. I buy only what I know I'll make and leave the rest to someone else to buy.


nor would I "dogear" a page in a book.

Neither do I. Drives me crazy when I see people do that. Or late it open facing down so the spine ends up breaking. :eek


I use it Post It Flags or mini post its to mark the things I like when I'm looking through a book or magazine, that goes for other magazines, too.

I do have a master list of what's inside each magazine but I don't want to go to the trouble of buying more post its and remembering what color is for what. lol

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I voted tear out patterns, but it really depends on the mag. Those with only 1 or 2 patterns: tear. Crochet mags.: never! Books: NEVER!!! I have pages from mags. going back to the 50's/60's from my great grandmother. If a friend wants a mag. I photo copy.

Ellie 13

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I keep the entire magazine. I have them in binders by the name of the magazine. Sometimes when I don't know what I want to crochet I just get out one of my binders and flip through and it's fun because you do forget what was there and I usually find something I want to try. I also agree with the others that what you like to crochet one year may change the next.

I also have binders for the ones that are free patterns or from the labels on the yarn skeins. These I keep in plastic sleeves in binders by projects; afghans, scrafs, kitchen accessories etc.

I just got 190 Workbasket magazines from the 50's to the 80's that I'm trying to figure out what to do with. They are old and delicate so I don't want to put them in binders.

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