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Am I out of line?

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So, I made a baby blanket for a co-worker as a gift. She told me what colors she wanted and I just made a simple ripple with them, since they were unsure of the baby's gender. I washed it and wrapped it with ribbon, added my tag and stuffed it in a gift bag on sunday night. i brought it in to work on monday and it has been sitting in the same spot on the side of her desk all week....unopened.

I understand it's busy, being end of the month. But can't she take five minutes and open it. We are not micro-managed in our office, so no harm right? Or am out of Line? Being too impatient?

Guess I just take too much pride in all that I crochet. It's important to me and I love giving items I made to people.

Please tell me to settle down.


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i perfectly understand how you feel but unfortunately you have no control over the actions of others.


I had to tell myself years ago that "my conscience was clear". I had done every good thing I could in this situation and their bad behaviour is not my responsibility.


I also had to be very sharp with myself about gifts. Once I have made it and given it, I don't care about the gift any more. If they like it or not, if they are gracious or not... I gave the gift with a pure heart. End of discussion for me.


:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Maybe she's waiting for the baby.


I'm right there with you. Except me being me would've asked her about it by now.


This very well could be the case...but I totally understand the impatient feeling and all...I too wanna know if they liked it and all...so per your own words...settle down...(yeah right...) Hang in there, she'll open it when she opens it...(but I really do understand how you feel.)

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I understand how you feel it doesn't seem very polite for her to not even look at it :think Maybe she just doesn't want you to watch her open it.To me a gift should be opened unless you tell them to wait then oohed & awwed over & Thank the giver ;)

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Wow!! If I had received a gift and it was sitting at my chair, I sure would have taken a peek by now!! I totally agree with darski, Empress Busy Bee, Rose Red and eurolyns!! Anytime I give a homemade gift and receipient is about to open it--I am so holding my breath just to see the expression on their face!! :yes

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It could also be just that she already knows what it is, and knows that it'll be safer if it stays in the bag.


But....she could at least have taken it home?


I don't think there's any harm in asking her "So, what did you think? Are the colors what you were hoping for?"

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It could also be just that she already knows what it is, and knows that it'll be safer if it stays in the bag.


But....she could at least have taken it home?


I don't think there's any harm in asking her "So, what did you think? Are the colors what you were hoping for?"


That's what I would probably do. It's not rude, and it's a valid question. Although, either way, don't let it get to you too much. It is frustrating if you worry about it too much.

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Wow... Hopefully she'll tell you tomorrow. I don't know, when there's a gift nearby, I've got to open it! I'm aweful at Christmas lol. :) When I was pregnant with my son, I opened everything right then, but then again, that's me.

I'm sure everything's ok, but... Is there any chance something happened to the baby? I mean, how far along was she? I'm trying to stay hopeful, but if she was early in the pregnancy, well, maybe something happened, and she just can't bring herself to open your gift? Oh well. I'm sending prayers that everything is ok, and she's just busy. :)



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It sounds like you made a beautiful blankie! I love ripples! I think that some people wait longer to open presents...maybe she is waiting until she has a nursery ready to put it in or maybe she is saving it to open at a baby shower so that everybody can share in her enjoyment of beautiful baby presents, especially such a nice handmade present. That is something that I would do, plus, some people (like me) enjoy the build up and excitement of waiting for the presents and sharing the joy with others. Just try not to take it personally, because I'm sure she'll love it!

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Val- Did you leave it at the side of her desk, or did you actually give it to her, and she placed it at the side of the desk? Reason I ask - maybe she doesn't even know that the gift bag is hers??? Hasn't even seen it there?


Didn't she even thank you for it when you gave it to her?


I would ask her if she liked the gift, the colors, etc - no, I don't think that you're being too sensitive, but as others here have said, once a gift is given...

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I agree with the general consensus. I would go ahead and just politely ask her if she liked the gift. I mean, if someone gives you something, the very least you can do is say thank you.


This being said, I too have had to accept that some people are rude, and so once a gift is given, you just have to let it go.


I feel your pain. Hopefully she will give you your much deserved thank you in the not-to-far-distant future.

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I would go and ask her if she saw the blanket and if she didn't really care for it I would take it back! Maybe she doesn't like crocheted gifts...who knows. But I sure wouldn't make anything for her ever again!!! I just gave a baby afghan to a lady and I stood right there while she opened it. Did you actually give it to her, in person?? I cannot believe the rudeness!!!! :think

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I would think that if you know her well enough to make a baby blanket for her, there's nothing wrong with asking her if she realizes the bag is for her. Would she like to open it now? That sort of thing.

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Maybe she thinks it might be rude to open it right away.

Who knows what other people think, go ahead and ask her. I think communication is the key to avoid misunderstandings.

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Do you think maybe she opened it and you didn't see her, either way if she did or didn't open it she should have said something to you. I made a blanket for a neighbor once and every time I saw her she never said anything so one day I said "Linda, did Richie give you the gift I made for you" and she replied oh yes but I'm waiting for my thank you cards and then she was going to thank me....huh? She saw me every day in the courtyard. I consider my work to be very nice so its not like I gave her a piece of junk. People can be very strange so just chalk it up to her being rude. Of course I can tell you stories of other people who couldn't thank me enough so I guess it counteracts the few stinkers LOL! I would mention it to her just for my own satisfaction but that's me.

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Is it possible she has opened and either left the bag and took the blanket home or put it back in the bag? Also, could she be slightly absent-minded? I know I am lately and very easily forget simple things sometimes, even when looking directly at what it is I was supposed to remember :lol


On a side note, I had to do a double take when I saw your signature, Val from Minnesota. I lived there until 4 years ago and my name is Val too! In fact, I was your neighbor to the south, Friendly Fridley!

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Yay MN, Hi former Neighbor :D

Thanks for all the responses all. I feel better after reading everyone's input.

When she opens, she opens it. *shrug* I did give it to her, she's the that set it on the side of the desk and has even mentioned she needed to open it, but oh wells.

I was just so excited to give it to her. The first blanket I made for her first child, she made me cry with her reaction. It was one of the best reactions I've ever seen. She is due beginning of March and now that I think about she's been having lots of tests, so maybe that's it. She doesn't want to get to excited, just in case.

Anyway, thanks all.


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Well lets just assume she likes it and leave it at that. I would think twice about making her anything else. Some people are just that way they do not realize how much time and work goes into making a afghan. :hug

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well there is always the sly way to get her to look at it ... catch her when she is ready to leave work and tell her you have noticed she forgot something and offer to help her in her condition by carrying it out to her car for her . that is one way to judge her response.

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